發佈日期:2013-05-25 03:38:53

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全新豐田 Ractis Plus 新增更強裝備 只售港幣 175,900 起

全新豐田 Ractis Plus 新增更強裝備 只售港幣 175,900 起

豐田 Ractis 揭背車外型輕巧時尚、車廂寬敞實用,加上節能慳油,自推出以來一直深受本港揭背車用家歡迎。皇冠汽車將於本週末假尖沙咀舉行「豐田海港城車展」,首度展出全新豐田 Ractis Plus,增設智能停車熄匙系統,令油耗低至 20.7km/L,繼續獲得環保稅務優惠,加上 VSC 行車穩定操控系統,締造更穩定及安全之駕駛體驗。豐田 Ractis Plus Young 由港幣 175,900 起,豐田 Ractis Plus Verso 則由港幣 198,800 起。優惠數量有限,歡迎駕臨參觀選購。

詳情請瀏覽皇冠汽車有限公司網站 (http://www.crown-motors.com/) 或與各豐田營業顧問查詢。

日期:   2013 年 5 月 25 至 26 日 (本週六、日)
時間:   上午 10 時至晚上 8 時
地點:   九龍尖沙咀海港城海運大廈展覽大堂
展出型號:豐田 Ractis Plus、Camry、Corolla、RAV4、Wish、Vellfire、Previa 及 Noah 等

全線豐田車系資料、官方相片,以及其他精彩活動相片已分享至 Toyota Hong Kong Facebook FANS 專頁 (www.facebook.com/ToyotaHK) ,請即登入並「讚好 (Like)」,成為豐田 FANS,並緊貼我們的最新資訊!

  • 九龍灣總店 2884 7999 
  • 灣仔 2886 6188
  • 沙田 2821 7160 
  • 元朗 2823 5400

Last modified: 2013-05-25 12:44:09

發表您對 < 全新豐田 Ractis Plus 新增更強裝備 只售港幣 175,900 起 > 的意見


#1 - anon99 :
2013-05-26 02:10:36

So they finally decided to import the top-tier 1.5S model, which is good

So, updated trim config for HKDM Ractis
Young = 1.5G (?)
Verso = 1.5S (definitely)

What you get from Verso (1.5S):
- Six speakers
- Idling stop + S-VSC/TRC + side/curtain airbag (set option for JDM)
- Rear solid disc brake (1.5S exclusive)
- Paddle shift (1.5S exclusive)
- Auto climate control A/C

#2 - anon99 :
2013-05-27 01:43:02

Well well... finally saw the actual vehicle, and need to make some clarifications...

Verso model is NOT based on 1.5S, it's at beat a souped-up 1.5G with paddle shift, nothing more; Young model is most likely 1.5X

Absolutely NO rear wheel disc brake on both HKDM models; also NO side/curtain airbag option

HK-installed leather seats are sub-standard and feel like a piece of junk; no point paying an extra ~$5k for that

Panoramic roof is of little to no use and should be left as option, not standard feature...
For that kind of cost (~JPY100k), why not bundle side/curtain airbags (~JPY42k)instead

Dealer-installed 2DIN audio is of so-so quality; also no parking monitor compatibility (rear camera option)

The way I see it, Crown would've had better luck importing and selling the 1.5S at a better price (ie.<$198,800 nicely equipped)

These two (Young/Verso)? Never mind......

review33 on mobile

The Sound Chamber -- 百搭高級音響有限公司
