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全新 Audi A6 香港官方網站經已登陸

Audi A6 網上互動平台

Audi 車迷期盼已久的全新第七代 Audi A6 將於月底面世!全新 Audi A6 以超卓優越的車體輕量化技術傾力打造,以輕量化及高剛性車身,發揮強勁動力效能,展現品牌的浩大聲勢。為讓廣大車迷率先品味 Audi A6 行政級房車的尊貴氣派, Audi A6 網上互動平台,經已登陸。

全新 Audi A6 香港官方網站,除了提供品牌最新動向、獨家 Audi A6 高像素影片及下載官方桌布之外,網站更以動態模式解說品牌最新科技,讓車迷感受 Audi 尖端科技。如想進一步體驗 Audi A6 超卓優越的駕駛感覺,更可即時於平台上預約試駕服務。全新 Audi A6 香港官方網站貼近用家需要,定能拉近 Audi 與車迷的互動性。

即上 Audi A6 香港官方網站感受全新行政級房車的懾人魅力:  www.audi.com.hk/a6

服務時間:星期一至六 上午9時至下午9時
星期日及公眾假期 上午10時至下午8時
電話:2380 2233

服務時間:星期一至六 上午9時至下午8時
星期日及公眾假期 上午10時至下午8時
電話:2528 1862

Last modified: 2011-05-17 01:01:01

發表您對 < 全新 Audi A6 香港官方網站經已登陸 > 的意見


#1 - 管理團隊 :
2011-05-17 01:03:17

全新 Audi A6 將於 5 月 27 日推出,28-29 係海港城海運大廈展覽大堂會有車展.

#2 - vt75 :
2011-05-17 04:08:25

#3 - vt75 :
2011-05-17 04:08:25

個樣成架 A4 咁毫無驚喜
#4 - ModernClassic :
2011-05-22 04:28:05

Crying car....tears in its eyes...haha
#5 - vt75 :
2011-05-22 14:09:55

Crying car....tears in its eyes...haha

Tears in your eyes when you sell...
#6 - ff4300 :
2011-05-22 18:06:53

Audi 既二手都唔算太差,當然仍比雙B差少少.
#7 - vt75 :
2011-05-23 05:19:36

話時話 Audi d 車值唔值咁貴? 宜家價錢拍得住孖 B...
#8 - fitbike :
2011-05-24 18:27:34


#9 - leochung888 :
2011-05-24 21:40:46

#10 - fkclo :
2011-05-29 12:39:18

"2010/07行貨全新落地S4,行咗3千km及7千左右, 兩次凸然錶版話水箱失水要拖返大昌整,瘀到爆, check過水胆原來用膠做,一硬化會壞,都唔知邊

It is a known issue with the first few batches of the S4 (starting in 2009 ??) with the cooling circuit design - some people have problems with the water pump, some with the thermostat...

There have been hundreds of problem cases and I think the prime reason is an off-spec water pump (which Audi sources from somewhere). Audi in Europe has responded very well to the complaints under warranty but I do not have high hopes with our Hong Kong dealer.

The use of light weight material has been part of Audi's ongoing "light weight construction" focus so I don't think the use of plastic parts is a problem. Personally I won't believe in everything the dealer tells me.

Just my 2 cents.

#11 - simcity :
2011-06-01 01:40:52

I've owned almost 30 bikes and cars, including 3 Audis. To be honest, there is inevitably some minor reliability issues relating to European vehicles and you need to accept that. Otherwise, stay away and drive a Japanese one. The truth is neither BMW nor Mercedes is any better than a modern Audi in this sense.

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