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[#55] LABKABLE Pro Shop - Neotech 香港專門店, Gotham 專業線材總匯, Oyaide, Hifi Tuning Fuse, WBT Amazon 系列你地乜野價錢? |
路易斯 正式會員 219.xxx.xxx.181 |
2010-06-25 14:00 | |
[#56] LABKABLE Pro Shop - Neotech 香港專門店, Gotham 專業線材總匯, Oyaide, Hifi Tuning Fuse, WBT 路易斯師兄, 請收PM Labkable Pro Shop |
labkable 廣告客戶 221.xxx.xxx.17 |
2010-06-25 23:28 |
[#57] LABKABLE Pro Shop - Neotech 香港專門店, Gotham 專業線材總匯, Oyaide, Hifi Tuning Fuse, WBT 借問 hifi tuning fuse 20mm 幾錢呢 |
藍晶晶 正式會員 202.xxx.xxx.242 |
2010-07-13 10:21 |
[#58] LABKABLE Pro Shop - Neotech 香港專門店, Gotham 專業線材總匯, Oyaide, Hifi Tuning Fuse, WBT 2010 香港高級視聽展 HALL 3 E05 Lowther Club China Neotech 音響線材特價發售, 歡迎參觀選購 LABKABLE PRO SHOP Tel: 6775 0736 |
labkable 廣告客戶 221.xxx.xxx.32 |
2010-08-04 06:54 |
[#59] LABKABLE Pro Shop - Neotech 香港專門店, Gotham 專業線材總匯, Oyaide, Hifi Tuning Fuse, WBT 2010年8月8日香港高級視聽展 全店貨品清貨大特賣, 只限明天, 歡迎查詢或選購 LABKABLE Pro Shop Neotech 香港專門店 瑞士Gotham專業線材總匯 日本Oyaide 2.6MST 單晶銅拖板線特賣 旺角西洋菜南街1N兆萬中心1806室 HK: (852) 6775-0736; 6621-0736 email: labkable@yahoo.com.hk website: http://labkable.com 營業時間: 星期一至六: 1:00 PM - 8:00 PM 星期日及公眾假期: 2:00 PM - 6:00 PM (歡迎預約其他時間參觀) |
labkable 廣告客戶 221.xxx.xxx.19 |
2010-08-07 23:21 |
[#60] LABKABLE Pro Shop - Neotech 香港專門店, Gotham 專業線材總匯, Oyaide, Hifi Tuning Fuse, WBT 晚上6至8點擠迫時段前往本公司的快捷方法 由於晚上6至8點時間兆萬中心正門電梯非常擠迫, 如在此段時間前來本公司的客人,可以使用PCCW舖旁邊(黃色箭咀示)入口有貨LIFT直上本公司, 節省正門排隊等候時間. http://labkable.com/news/10/%E6%99%9A%E4%B8%8A6%E8%87%B38%E9%BB%9E%E6%93%A0%E8%BF%AB%E6%99%82%E6%AE%B5%E5%89%8D%E5%BE%80%E6%9C%AC%E5%85%AC%E5%8F%B8%E7%9A%84%E5%BF%AB%E6%8D%B7%E6%96%B9%E6%B3%95.html LABKABLE Pro Shop Neotech 香港專門店 瑞士Gotham專業線材總匯 日本Oyaide 2.6MST 單晶銅拖板線特賣 旺角西洋菜南街1N兆萬中心1806室 HK: (852) 6775-0736; 6621-0736 email: labkable@yahoo.com.hk website: http://labkable.com 營業時間: 星期一至六: 1:00 PM - 8:00 PM 星期日及公眾假期: 休息(歡迎預約) |
labkable 廣告客戶 221.xxx.xxx.65 |
2010-08-24 07:50 |
[#61] LABKABLE Pro Shop - Neotech 香港專門店, Gotham 專業線材總匯, Oyaide, Hifi Tuning Fuse, WBT SHAKTI Electromagnetic Stabilizer The SHAKTI Electromagnetic Stabilizer (aka "the Stone") has three internal trap circuits (Microwave, RF and Electric Field) to absorb the broadest spectrum of EMI. Placement on automotive CPUs has measurably increased engine horsepower. Improvements: 1) It improves resolution for virtually all-major components in high definition audio/video systems; 2) Music reproduction is clearer, with more liquidity, dynamics and focus; 3) The improved inter-transient silence allows the listener to hear ambient cue information essential for accurate perception of stage depth, width and unwavering imaging; and 4) High quality video systems will benefit from SHAKTI devices near power supplies, projection guns and laser disc/DVD players. Reduced color noise and improved convergence alignment are some of the improvements that can occur. With proper handling SHAKTI will last indefinitely. No matter what changes you make in your audio system, be assured that SHAKTI noise reduction devices can be utilized on future components with no diminution in quality. They are a valuable, lifetime investment in good sound, assisting you in the pursuit of accuracy and beauty in music reproduction. Size: 6.5" L x 5.25" W x 1.5" H Patent # 5,814,761 Official Website: http://www.shakti-innovations.com/audiovideo.htm LABKABLE PRO SHOP Neotech 音響線材專門店 Telos 人氣線材零售店 瑞士Gotham專業線材總匯 日本Oyaide 2.6MST 單晶銅拖板線特賣 旺角西洋菜南街1N兆萬中心1806室 HK: (852) 6775-0736; 6621-0736 email: labkable@yahoo.com.hk website: http://labkable.com 營業時間: 星期一至六: 1:00 PM - 8:00 PM 星期日及公眾假期: 休息(歡迎預約) |
labkable 廣告客戶 221.xxx.xxx.107 |
2010-09-01 07:01 |
[#62] LABKABLE Pro Shop - Neotech 香港專門店, Gotham 專業線材總匯, Oyaide, Hifi Tuning Fuse, WBT Telos Audio Design 黑及金系列, 現已空運抵港 TELOS Black Reference系列電源線 - 純銅CNC精銷電源殼,確保電源不受RF, EMF影響 - 外層使用防靜電PVC材質,減少靜電對音質的影響 - 頭尾接上獨家設計的大型金屬環,有效控制諧振 - 出廠前已經過TELOS 特制的煲線機熱身12小時 - 聲音表現平衡, 通透, 全頻段有更高密度 TELOS Gold Reference系列電源線 - 高純度無氧銅導體 - 線芯經 TELOS 特殊超冷處理 - 純銅鍍24K CNC精銷電源殼,確保電源不受RF, EMF 影響 - 頭尾接上獨家設計的大型24K鍍金金屬環,有效控制諧振 - 出廠前已經過TELOS 特制的煲線機熱身12小時 - 出眾的高傳真, 精準的音質及通透的聲音 歡迎致電6775 0736查詢 LABKABLE PRO SHOP Neotech 音響線材專門店 Telos 人氣品牌接受預訂 瑞士Gotham專業線材總匯 日本Oyaide 2.6MST 單晶銅拖板線特賣 旺角西洋菜南街1N兆萬中心1806室 HK: (852) 6775-0736; 6621-0736 email: labkable@yahoo.com.hk website: http://labkable.com 營業時間: 星期一至六: 1:00 PM - 8:00 PM 星期日: 休息(歡迎預約) |
labkable 廣告客戶 221.xxx.xxx.211 |
2010-09-13 22:40 |
[#63] LABKABLE Pro Shop - Neotech 香港專門店, Gotham 專業線材總匯, Oyaide, Hifi Tuning Fuse, WBT U-link EX 本公司設計團隊經過不斷的測試及調音, 獨家自行研發出效果比同系U-link聲音表現更上層樓的USB線材 – U-Link EX 線材特點: 1) USB插頭均為美國入口, 24K鍍金接觸面, 增加導電的性能; 2) 為了盡量減少數字傳輸時的互相干擾, 供電部份與數據傳輸部份使用兩組獨立音響專用線材, 令數碼訊號傳遞更穩定; 3) 導線選用Neotech發燒級音響專用線材, 以高純度純銀鍍上無氧銅及特殊編織的方式生產, 數碼訊號流失率低, 傳遞更精準, 並支援2.0高速傳送; 4) 線材以高密度銀網作雙層屏閉, 大大減少外來的干擾, 背景特別寧靜 聽感分享: 背景寧靜, 音樂感及分析力優異, 人聲感情表露無遺, 樂器聲音晶瑩剔透, 細節及尾音清晰; 網頁連結 http://labkable.com/products/Labkable-Pro-Series-%252d-U%252dLink-EX-%28%E5%8F%AF%E5%85%8D%E8%B2%BB%E8%A9%A6%E7%94%A8%29.html U-link EX 特價發售 *為了讓客戶可以享受我們開發團隊辛苦研發的成果, 推廣期內可享有免費試用最新U-link EX優惠, 親身體驗全新傳送概念而設計的USB線材威力。詳情請向Labkable Pro Shop職員查詢 歡迎致電6775 0736查詢 LABKABLE PRO SHOP Neotech 音響線材專門店 Telos 發燒音響線材零售店 瑞士Gotham專業線材總匯 日本Oyaide 2.6MST 單晶銅拖板線特賣 旺角西洋菜南街1N兆萬中心1806室 HK: (852) 6775-0736; 6621-0736 email: labkable@yahoo.com.hk website: http://labkable.com 營業時間: 星期一至六: 1:00 PM - 8:00 PM 星期日: 休息(歡迎預約) |
labkable 廣告客戶 221.xxx.xxx.178 |
2010-09-27 06:56 |
[#64] LABKABLE Pro Shop - Neotech 香港專門店, Gotham 專業線材總匯, Oyaide, Hifi Tuning Fuse, WBT Hifi Tuning Supreme Fuse 100%德國純金銀保險絲 - 全港率先推出 特點: 保險絲 及 保護蓋均使用99%純銀+1%純金製作; 使用成本高昂的德國Mundorf金銀錫銲接, 分析力更高; 100%德國全人手銲接生產, 並於出廠前作多重品質檢查; 使用更高密度的黑陶瓷精製, 令管身更堅硬穩定, 大大減少電流共鳴的影響, 令結像更清晰; 完成品再經-196度深層冷凍, 令分子排列更整齊, 音樂細節更豐富; Specifications 99% Silver + 1% Gold Caps and Wire Soldered with silver/gold solder of Mundorf-Germany Ceramic Body, Resonance Optimated, cryo Handmade Fuses from Germany ! 網頁連結 http://labkable.com/products/Hifi-Tuning-Supreme-Fuse-%E7%B4%94%E9%87%91%E9%8A%80%E4%BF%9D%E9%9A%AA%E7%B5%B2.html 歡迎致電6775 0736查詢 LABKABLE PRO SHOP Neotech 音響線材專門店 Telos 發燒音響線材零售店 瑞士Gotham專業線材總匯 日本Oyaide 2.6MST 單晶銅拖板線特賣 旺角西洋菜南街1N兆萬中心1806室 HK: (852) 6775-0736; 6621-0736 email: labkable@yahoo.com.hk website: http://labkable.com 營業時間: 星期一至六: 1:00 PM - 8:00 PM 星期日: 休息(歡迎預約) |
labkable 廣告客戶 221.xxx.xxx.22 |
2010-10-17 23:14 |
[#65] LABKABLE Pro Shop - Neotech 香港專門店, Gotham 專業線材總匯, Oyaide, Hifi Tuning Fuse, WBT 請問這Hifi Tuning Supreme Fuse 100%德國純金銀保險絲售價多少? |
天富仔 正式會員 218.xxx.xxx.2 |
2010-10-19 10:55 |
[#66] LABKABLE Pro Shop - Neotech 香港專門店, Gotham 專業線材總匯, Oyaide, Hifi Tuning Fuse, WBT Hi, Pls check PM Thx LABKABLE PRO SHOP |
labkable 廣告客戶 221.xxx.xxx.68 |
2010-10-19 23:25 |
[#67] LABKABLE Pro Shop - Neotech 香港專門店, Gotham 專業線材總匯, Oyaide, Hifi Tuning Fuse, WBT 請問這Hifi Tuning Supreme Fuse 100%德國純金銀保險絲售價多少?以及有否1A及4A/20mm現貨發售﹖ 煩請回覆 謝謝! |
jn 正式會員 119.xxx.xxx.61 |
2010-10-20 21:48 |
[#68] LABKABLE Pro Shop - Neotech 香港專門店, Gotham 專業線材總匯, Oyaide, Hifi Tuning Fuse, WBT NEOTECH 最新 NEP1058 NEP1058 是NEOTECH 2010年年尾推出的一條用上2.6mm 單支 7N UPOCC 單晶銅製作的重量級電源線。 線身結構方面, 廠方以過往為其他廠代工生產同類2.6MM 單支電源線的經驗及改良, 全新NEP-1058 用上廠方專利的 2.6mm 單支7N UPOCC 單晶銅, 絕緣用上了高密度的TEFLON, 大大減少了電容值, 有利電流的無失真地傳送。 TEFLON 外用上獨家的CL3 備震物料, 用以吸收諧震。外層廠方更少有地使用一層高純度黃銅片, 提供了 100%的屏敝, 有效阻隔了EMF, RF, 電滋波等干擾進入導體. 對於耗電量大的器材如入牆線, 隔離牛, 拖板, 合併, AV AMP, POWER AMP 等器材使用尤其適合。 NEP-1058 2.6mm單支重量級電源線特長: - 導體使用更高純度10 AWG / 2.6MM / 5.8 sq.mm 7N UPOCC 單晶銅; - 絕緣用上了高密度的TEFLON, 大大減少了電容值, 有利電流的無失真地傳送; - 屏敝採用高純度黃銅作100% 覆蓋, 有效阻擋EMF,RF,..等電磁波干擾進入導體; - 採用更柔軟物料,改善了傳統單支線線身過硬問題; - 線身經全新改良設計, 改善了傳統單支線一般過 “衡” 的聲音之餘, 音樂味豐富。 http://labkable.com/products/Neotech-NEP%252d1058-10-AWG-UPOCC-%E9%9B%BB%E6%BA%90%E7%B7%9A.html 歡迎致電6775 0736查詢 LABKABLE PRO SHOP Neotech 音響線材專門店 Telos 發燒音響線材零售店 瑞士Gotham專業線材總匯 日本Oyaide 2.6MST 單晶銅拖板線特賣 旺角西洋菜南街1N兆萬中心1806室 HK: (852) 6775-0736; 6621-0736 email: labkable@yahoo.com.hk website: http://labkable.com 營業時間: 星期一至六: 1:00 PM - 8:00 PM 星期日: 休息(歡迎預約) |
labkable 廣告客戶 221.xxx.xxx.3 |
2010-12-03 19:46 |
[#69] LABKABLE Pro Shop - Neotech 香港專門店, Gotham 專業線材總匯, Oyaide, Hifi Tuning Fuse, WBT Labkable 聖誕折上折大優惠 大量貨品折上折發售, 優惠期至2010年12月31日, 數量有限, 售完即止。 公司網頁 http://labkable.com 歡迎致電6775 0736查詢 LABKABLE PRO SHOP Neotech 音響線材專門店 Telos 發燒音響線材零售店 瑞士Gotham專業線材總匯 日本Oyaide 2.6MST 單晶銅拖板線特賣 旺角西洋菜南街1N兆萬中心1806室 HK: (852) 6775-0736; 6621-0736 email: labkable@yahoo.com.hk website: http://labkable.com 營業時間: 星期一至六: 1:00 PM - 8:00 PM 星期日: 休息(歡迎預約) |
labkable 廣告客戶 221.xxx.xxx.76 |
2010-12-07 21:06 |
[#70] LABKABLE Pro Shop - Neotech 香港專門店, Gotham 專業線材總匯, Oyaide, Hifi Tuning Fuse, WBT "Simple but Miracle Sound" CAS的音樂播放模式日漸普及, 對於經常出入圖書館, 出外公幹的人仕, 一部支援24bit / 96kHz及擁有高質數2.0 USB解碼器可以大派用場。HUD-mx1是一部韓國入口, 由Audinst 公司設計及生產的高質數USB解碼器, 面積只有手掌般大小, 迷你輕巧, 用家能隨時隨地都可以欣賞到高質數的音樂播放。 特點: - 使用Wolfson WM8740 (117dB)發燒級解碼晶片, 只有極少數高級音響器材使用; - Tenor 7022L USB 解碼晶片, 支援24 bit / 96kHz 及 USB 2.0高速傳輸; - 精確的TXCO 晶震, 大大減少jitter帶來的失真; - 用戶可按個人喜好更換OPAMP作不同的調音; - USB直接取電 或 使用附帶的環牛提高播放水平; - 能輕易推動16 ~ 600 ohm 的耳機, 動態凌厲; - 提供光纖數碼及高質數RCA音頻訊號輸出可獨立接駁音響系統 - 重量只有240g 迷你輕巧, 攜帶方便; - 歐美暢銷產品, 好評如潮; - 100% 韓國製造, 品質滿意保證 *** 歡迎親臨本公司試聽, 推廣價發售 *** Headfi聽感分享 “The mx1 accepts up to 24-bit 96kHz audio, so you are able to play much of the music without any conversion loss…The Audinst HUD-mx1 immediately impressed me with its transparent presentation. The mx1/Trips combo is amazingly transparent and neutral. The deep tight lows grabbed my attention right away on some of the classical tracks, which aren’t usually used as demo material for bass. But the mx1 had such articulation and control that I couldn’t help but notice. Highs are excellent too; the mx1 largely avoided the sibilance on the vocals of the Jimmy Eat World album, without sounding at all rolled off or dull. Micro details are utterly convincing. Soundstaging is nice and spacious, with good depth and cohesiveness. It becomes possible to pick out the different layers without feeling mushy or garbled. Many lesser DACs fall short in this area, but the Audinst does a great job.” http://www.head-fi.org/forum/thread/484235/review-audinst-hud-mx1-usb-dac-amp “The highs are better extended with Audinst, giving the sensation of more air and ambiance in the recording. It may also seem to be more detail in the music. While this is not really the case, Audinst does present it's extra perceived detail in a more obvious fashion than FUN does.” http://www.head-fi.org/forum/thread/484163/review-audinst-hud-mx1-dac-amp-a-promising-newcomer-compared-to-audio-gd-fun-amb-gamma2 更多資料 http://labkable.com/products/Audinst-HUD%252dmx1-USB-DAC.html 歡迎致電6775 0736查詢 LABKABLE PRO SHOP Neotech, Telos, Gotham, Oyaide, Acrolink, Mundorf, Hifi Tuning, Audinst, WBT, Furutech, ETI, IeGO 旺角西洋菜南街1N兆萬中心1806室 HK: (852) 6775-0736; 6621-0736 email: labkable@yahoo.com.hk website: http://labkable.com 營業時間: 星期一至六: 1:00 PM - 8:00 PM 星期日: 休息(歡迎預約) 公眾假期:2:00 PM - 6:00 PM |
labkable 廣告客戶 221.xxx.xxx.172 |
2011-01-03 08:36 |
[#71] LABKABLE Pro Shop - Neotech 香港專門店, Gotham 專業線材總匯, Oyaide, Hifi Tuning Fuse, WBT 特價發售, 歡迎致電6775 0736查詢 Design philosophy is that there should be no compromise in the build quality or benefits to sonic performance, and that the products should reflect the Italian “style” of design: use of excellent materials; clean lines; well-considered utilisation of space; and attention to detail. Specification: - The tubular frames used in the tables, stands and bases are produced from steel and finished in anti-resonant paint. - We reinforce this frame by inserting a crimped steel bar at the end of every tube. - All spurious mechanical energies are discharged into the ground through height-adjustable spikes - produced from stainless steel. - The spikes are removable to allow the frame to be filled with sand, lead shot or other similar types of damping materials. This provides further “solidity” to the sound. - The final assembly of each table is done by hand utilising a braze welding technique. - To minimise resonances, every shelf is supported on - and isolated from - the frame by three duraluminium cones. - All shelves (except those of the Series Three tables) are produced from high-density MDF and have the considerable thickness of 19 mm / 0.75 inch (or 30 mm / 1.2 inch on the models 6.3 and 6.4). The benefits of MDF include a much higher damping factor and superior rigidity over time. - The shape of our cones has been specially designed to achieve the maximum amount of sonic benefits. We also offer the cones as a separate option for those who want to improve their existing method of product support. - The overall height of each table, and the distance between each shelf, has been carefully calculated to achieve an optimum balance of acoustics and aesthetics. But in the final analysis, performance always takes precedence. LABKABLE PRO SHOP Neotech, Telos, Gotham, Oyaide, Hifi Tuning Mundorf, Acrolink, Audinst, solidsteel WBT, Furutech, ETI, IeGO 旺角西洋菜南街1N兆萬中心1806室 HK: (852) 6775-0736; 6621-0736 email: labkable@yahoo.com.hk website: http://labkable.com 營業時間: 星期一至六: 1:00 PM - 8:00 PM 星期日: 休息(歡迎預約) 公眾假期:2:00 PM - 6:00 PM |
labkable 廣告客戶 221.xxx.xxx.65 |
2011-01-08 08:31 |
[#72] LABKABLE Pro Shop - Neotech 香港專門店, Gotham 專業線材總匯, Oyaide, Hifi Tuning Fuse, WBT Labkable Pro Series - Sennheiser HD800 Rectangular OCC Headphone Cable Sennheiser HD800為現役旗艦耳機,Labkable為Sennheiser用家特製耳機線, 適合HD800,HD650及HD600等可換線的耳機使用。 特長: 1) 線材為Neotech 專利生產的7N方芯單晶銅 (Rectangular OCC) 音響專用導線, 優點是把線材的"集膚效應"減到最低, 雜訊少,大大加強訊息量; 2) 導體以鐵弗龍 (Teflon) 管作緊密的屏閉, 大大減少導體與管壁間的磨擦, 中高頻表現份外順滑, 而且Teflon具有阻擋外來干擾的能力, 令背景特別寧靜; 3) 插頭選用進口HD800,HD650等專用插頭 及 優質Furutech 6.3 耳機插, 質量有保證; 4) 全線接合點使用昂貴德國 MUNDORF 金銀鍚線焊接, 大大提高訊號傳送; (可免費因應客人特別調音要求選用不同鍚線焊接) 5) 以美國Techflex Super Nylon極高密度尼龍網包裹線材,提供高性能的避震,保護耳機線之餘,減少外來干擾,線身質地柔軟,手感極佳 聽感分享 分析力極高,音樂的細節活靈活現;音場寛闊, 樂器定位及前後層次清晰, 人聲自然細緻且密度高, 高頻絲絲入扣, 動態凌厲 更多資料請留意本公司網頁 http://labkable.com/products/Sennheiser-HD800-Rectangular-OCC-Headphone-Cable.html 可訂做各種長度, 歡迎致電6775 0736查詢 LABKABLE PRO SHOP Neotech, Telos, Gotham, Oyaide, Hifi Tuning Mundorf, Acrolink, Audinst, solidsteel WBT, Furutech, ETI, IeGO 旺角西洋菜南街1N兆萬中心1806室 HK: (852) 6775-0736; 6621-0736 email: labkable@yahoo.com.hk website: http://labkable.com 營業時間: 星期一至六: 1:00 PM - 8:00 PM 星期日: 休息(歡迎預約) 公眾假期:2:00 PM - 6:00 PM |
labkable 廣告客戶 221.xxx.xxx.171 |
2011-01-15 08:08 |
[#73] LABKABLE Pro Shop - Neotech 香港專門店, Gotham 專業線材總匯, Oyaide, Hifi Tuning Fuse, WBT Hi, please PM the price for 1A 20mm Hifi Tuning Supreme Fuse. Thanks. |
raylau633 正式會員 58.xxx.xxx.29 |
2011-01-21 00:18 |
[#74] LABKABLE Pro Shop - Neotech 香港專門店, Gotham 專業線材總匯, Oyaide, Hifi Tuning Fuse, WBT Simple is the Best ! Labkable 推出德國 HI-FI TUNING AUDIO GRADE MCB FUSE ~~簡單就是靚聲的根源~~ 隨着獨立電源線的朋友愈來愈多, 大家亦深明白獨立線對音響器材的重要性, 但有很多朋友卻忽略了MCB FUSE 的重要性。一般MCB 用跳掣由於設計非專為音響使用, 故內部結構複雜, 接觸位置少, 干擾大。最新德國製 HI-FI TUNING MCB AUDIO GARDE 專用FUSE, 採用革命性保險絲設計, 提供最直接的傳送, 電流暢通無阻, 令音樂栩栩如生。 特長: - 使用純銀保險絲, 令音樂的細節大大提高; - 電流以最簡單,最直接的通道傳送, 干擾,失真比傳統跳掣式FUSE大幅度減少 - 新一代HiFi Tuning 原廠Ultimate3 Cryo深層冷凍技術, 質量最高最穩定; - 100% 原裝德國製造, 信心的保證 更多資料請留意本公司網頁 http://labkable.com/products/HiFi-Tuning-Ultimate3-Cryo-MCB-Fuse.html 歡迎致電6775 0736查詢 LABKABLE PRO SHOP Neotech, Telos, Gotham, Oyaide, Hifi Tuning Mundorf, Acrolink, Audinst, solidsteel WBT, Furutech, ETI, IeGO 旺角西洋菜南街1N兆萬中心1806室 HK: (852) 6775-0736; 6621-0736 email: labkable@yahoo.com.hk website: http://labkable.com 營業時間: 星期一至六: 1:00 PM - 8:00 PM 星期日: 休息(歡迎預約) 公眾假期:2:00 PM - 6:00 PM 最後修改時間: 2011-01-23 22:33:06 |
labkable 廣告客戶 221.xxx.xxx.15 |
2011-01-23 22:28 |