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[#1] 出售: SME Model 60 Turntable~NEW (交易完成) 價錢 HK$: 355000 NOT SOLD! The Model 60 is the most technically advanced SME turntable ever made, evolved from 75 years of engineering excellence, innovation and perfection, delivering precise and pure audio reproduction. Extremely high build quality, close tolerance precision engineered componentry, striking design and a range of none painted uniquely engineered finishes. Introduced 60 years after SME entered the elite high end audio world, the Model 60 is far superior than the highly credible Model 30 which has been the reference precision turntable for over 3 decades. The new flagship is an entirely new turntable design with clever engineering and technological advancement. NEW-5 Years Warranty We Offer Worldwide Shipping! Thanks for choosing TL ELECTRONICS LIMITED https://www.tl-electronics.com 最後修改時間: 2024-09-08 21:23:11 |
slawomir3s54 新會員 188.xxx.xxx.141 |
2024-09-08 21:22 | |
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