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[#1] 出售: TICE Power Conductor 2 cable power cable    
價錢 HK$: 600
TICE Power Conductor 2 cable power cable 6ft,
Made in USA. Excellent used condition.

Switch "A" engaged will enhance the upper bass region. Switch "B" will enhance the treble region. Both "off" will give a smoother tube like sound while both "on" gives a combination of enhanced said bass and treble. Note, These are approximate sonic signatures and can be heard with high resolution systems especially when the AC line is clean.
用開關“A”將增強高低音區域。 開關“B”將增強高音區域。 兩個“關閉”都將提供更平滑的管狀聲音,而“打開”則提供增強的低音和高音的組合。 請注意,這些是近似的聲波特徵,可以通過高分辨率系統聽到,尤其是在交流線路乾淨時。



個人訊息 會員
2024-09-20 20:58
[#2] 出售: TICE Power Conductor 2 cable power cable    
個人訊息 會員
2024-09-29 19:47
[#3] 出售: TICE Power Conductor 2 cable power cable    
個人訊息 會員
2024-10-03 21:31
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