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[#1] 出售: Google Pixel Phone 8 Pro and Tablet (交易完成)    
價錢 HK$: see individual items
Hi I am selling one Google Pixel Phone 8 Pro black color (512Gb), one Google Pixel Tablet (256 Gb) and a pair of Pixel Buds Pro (black color). Purchased in Hong Kong they come with box and invoices. Can be purchased together or separately:

Google Pixel 8 Pro: HKD 5000
Google Pixel Tablet: HKD 2200
Google Pixel Buds Pro: HKD 500

PM if you are interested. Thanks!

個人訊息 會員
2024-07-06 10:53
[#2] 出售: Google Pixel Phone 8 Pro and Tablet (交易完成)    
個人訊息 會員
2024-07-18 09:39
[#3] 出售: Google Pixel Phone 8 Pro and Tablet (交易完成)    
PM with your best price for a quick trade!
個人訊息 會員
2024-07-21 17:44
[#4] 出售: Google Pixel Phone 8 Pro and Tablet (交易完成)    
個人訊息 會員
2024-08-07 12:49
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