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[#5] Panasonic SC-PMX70BEBK vs TEAC TC-800N    
個人訊息 會員
2015-10-29 20:17
[#4] Panasonic SC-PMX70BEBK vs TEAC TC-800N    
I have the Teac around 3 months now. It is basically a mini hifi system and you can't compare it to high-end audio system in terms of "power" I use it with my Proac Tablett speakers and the sound is satisfactory for me. It is really convenient for daily use. It has radio DAB+/FM, CD, MP3, bluetooth receiver, USB and Tubes, I am happy with the money paid.
個人訊息 正式會員
2015-10-29 19:59
[#3] Panasonic SC-PMX70BEBK vs TEAC TC-800N    
請問你部機用咗幾耐? 會唔會有時唔夠力推?
個人訊息 會員
2015-10-29 12:29
[#2] Panasonic SC-PMX70BEBK vs TEAC TC-800N    
I am having a TEAC TC-800N which comes with bluetooth and has 2 tubes in the preamplifier part. With the price, I found the sound is quite good. The bluetooth receiver can hook up my laptap easily which allows me to enjoy a lot of music from the internet. I am happy with my TEAC TC-800N.

個人訊息 正式會員
2015-10-28 22:15
[#1] Panasonic SC-PMX70BEBK vs TEAC TC-800N    
Panasonic SC-PMX70BEBK vs TEAC TC-800N

請問各位師兄對呢兩部機有咩評價, 我考慮緊買其中一部但唔知邊部好, 價位又差唔多.
另外Teac嗰部好似係山水(Sansui)既OEM, 唔知好唔好??

請指教, 謝謝!
個人訊息 會員
2015-10-23 22:27
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