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[#962] “開卷式錄音機”同好會    

u may have watched it, i has one guitar and set up etc.. tuned it.all because for playing the intro of KASHMIR haaha..suppose we all love jimmy page too haha, different kind of love vs bowie

最後修改時間: 2020-09-20 13:44:51
個人訊息 正式會員
2020-09-20 13:41
[#963] “開卷式錄音機”同好會    
I just knew it you would like Led Zepp.

They called themselves the New Yardbirds to begin it and did backing band for P.J.Proby. Then Keith Moon gave them the name Led Zeppelin.

最後修改時間: 2020-09-20 15:08:04
個人訊息 正式會員
2020-09-20 15:06
[#964] “開卷式錄音機”同好會    
Like they said the rest is history and here born an legendary band with their first recording.

Led Zepp First.

I have this original turquoise pressing with the correct position of the orders of credits and rumour has it that they issued about 500 of this before they issued other rare turquoise pressings(5000 maybe?).

I heard people are willing to pay £2000 for it!!!

No way Jose! I paid £2 in a car boots sale many moons ago.

最後修改時間: 2020-09-20 15:19:31
個人訊息 正式會員
2020-09-20 15:17
[#965] “開卷式錄音機”同好會    
To me, the Holy Grail of Led Zepp collections has to be this set of their BBC Sessions issued by Classic Records.

These are the White Label Factory Test Pressings and it has 20 sets and most are destroyed and few went to private hands.

It's priceless to me.

最後修改時間: 2020-09-20 15:25:07
個人訊息 正式會員
2020-09-20 15:23
[#966] “開卷式錄音機”同好會    
Led Zepp has only released "Good Times Bad Times" as their only ever single reluctantly as they believed their whole album should be seen as one concept.

With this kind of mentality they didn't have VIP's appearing in their studio albums as they believe it's their band members joint effort to create.

But with one exception!!

People called the forth album as "The Four Symbols" as they believe each symbol represents the 4 members in the band.


There are five symbols!

My beloved Sandy Denny was invited by Robert Plant to duet with him to sing "The Battle of Evermore". Led Zepp and Sandy had mutual respect and love of their work for a long time. They seem to have come from a different music world but Led Zepp's origin was from Blues and Folk background and no difference from Sandy.

You could find the symbol for Sandy if you look carefully.

Sandy Denny remained as the only ever guest performer for Led Zepp studio recording to these days.

最後修改時間: 2020-09-20 15:42:29
個人訊息 正式會員
2020-09-20 15:38
[#967] “開卷式錄音機”同好會    
I bought this Spanish first pressing when I was living in Spain in the late 80's.

It's unusual that it is top loading.

One of the rarities to make up my collection.

個人訊息 正式會員
2020-09-20 15:40
[#968] “開卷式錄音機”同好會    
many of us has some golden age for record , buying record...dream of having new record haha, or many of us ever stop to buy or hunt

at the age , or period of life of my " Golden Record hungry era".., i could not afford to buy any new record or even used at 2nd shop... lucky it was FM radio haha and it is , at hong kong, each saturday 903 radio at 8 to 10pm.. the CHi chung choices.., always having some alternative choices of funny music haha nice

but there was just so many at charity shop for 10p, 20p...70p..haha

grew up and afford to get more, and then too busy for shopping

i would said..i am lucky, for reasons people give me a call " hey i have a box of them.., come over and get it haha , thx for you for fixing my shelf ...etc.." , then i have more and more...

i do want to buy some 45rpm, and there are local classified at hong kong, people usually lets things go for cheap and some of them having music i enjoy, u know...never know some of them may be good pressing

#966......... oh..i love those story

many of them are actually alien ..,their creativity and the power to influences other through those music ...... haha

btw..i am also lucky, my brother pay for my spotify account haha , then i create a playlist with right length of tiem..46 mins... 55 mins...on each side etc.. haha for each of the tape i have made haaha

i saw younger people cry for Amy Winehouse , each generation have their hero in that sense

最後修改時間: 2020-09-20 16:11:17
個人訊息 正式會員
2020-09-20 16:02
[#969] “開卷式錄音機”同好會    

Dreams and stories are the things keep us going.

Don't ever give up dreaming.

Some videos I made in 2012.

最後修改時間: 2020-09-20 18:03:24
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2020-09-20 17:55
[#970] “開卷式錄音機”同好會    

joy to watch

個人訊息 正式會員
2020-09-23 01:09
[#971] “開卷式錄音機”同好會    
in case..u are around this town...and some sort of collector, seem funny but not for usd 500

個人訊息 正式會員
2020-09-25 14:32
[#972] “開卷式錄音機”同好會    



個人訊息 正式會員
2020-09-27 05:14
[#973] “開卷式錄音機”同好會    
#971 "新"版


個人訊息 正式會員
2020-09-27 05:16
[#974] “開卷式錄音機”同好會    
看來 #971 的 Facebook 中的描述有誤,此機及帶不是R2R,此帶是用 endless loop 運作的 cartridge,播完第一次會自動走到下一個 track 再播同一餅帶但不同曲目,, 原理同8 track 機差唔多

最後修改時間: 2020-09-27 05:31:59
個人訊息 正式會員
2020-09-27 05:30
[#975] “開卷式錄音機”同好會    
HaHa and O Hing , that was very interesting machine from both of you.

My father-in-law told me when he was in Vietnam and as a DJ playing music through the night they would use modified big wheels 1 or 2 meters in diameter with tapes. This would allow the music to play through the night without changing the music.
個人訊息 正式會員
2020-09-27 05:46
[#976] “開卷式錄音機”同好會    

or like this?

個人訊息 正式會員
2020-09-27 06:21
[#977] “開卷式錄音機”同好會    
Fun item haha

May like the old day..some crazy.musician linked a few r2r together to create echo effect

最後修改時間: 2020-09-27 09:43:55
個人訊息 正式會員
2020-09-27 09:42
[#978] “開卷式錄音機”同好會    
Ordinaryman兄:哩度好多人似你同我咩?今日的香港真係唔係好多人知道8Tracks的存在及歷史架!哩種8 Tracks帶同機,係建立於60年代的美國-位飛機工程師。那個時代,汽車根本沒有汽車音響這回事,有些汽車只裝上1部AM收音機,不能講音質享受,想聽自己野,又不能安裝open reel機在車上,因為體積,供電及駕駛安全都有問題,所以才發明8Tracks,適蓬當時美國剛剛研製成功FM Stereo廣播, 8tracks+FM Stereo的組合車機正好實現汽車Hi Fi的初型

講回香港,60年代的香港,那時日本車好少,絕大部份係英美車,基於當時港英政府對汽車抽稅的政策,那時代,絕大部份私家車根本沒有音響設備,少部份就配置AM收音機,當然只有1個小喇叭仔安裝在車頭位置,音質當然談不上了。在當時只有極極少部份的私家車,就像家父的玩法,自己安裝這種8Tracks+ FM Steteo汽車音響在車上,後面坐位對上的平台左右安裝日本Mecca牌Hi Fi全音域喇叭,構成Stereo格局。所以,我由小朋友開始,出街遊車河已經係享受聽自己野的HI FI Stereo, 我仲記得,在交通燈口位,左右2旁d車完全無音樂無聲音,只有我家的車在唱緊8 Tracks Stereo錄音帶,因為那時代的汽車大多無冷氣設備,車窗大開,人地d車有無Hi Fi Sound係完全知道,亦因此,我對8Tracks印象深刻,1973年美國淘汰8Tracks, 因為汽車卡式機技術已成熟了,因此,當時家父亦順應朝流改換上Mecca的汽車卡式機,說來好笑,哩部mecca卡式反而不耐用,之後壞掉,反而那部8tracks到今日仍然全機正常,現在連哩帶一併保留收藏,間唔中在家開着來玩玩!

個人訊息 會員
2020-09-27 09:57
[#979] “開卷式錄音機”同好會    
oh..8 track machine

last month my recycle buddy got that Sears Music system from an home......which has an 8 track

many of those machine he got it from an home with a lot of history, some happy some sad... as we can imagine...those machine always belong to someone not too young............. even their family do not want to let;s go those things...but.. that's life.. sad..

recently he get a vintage JBL power amp and unique revox int. amp, helping him to find out the value,

then amazing he told me he sold that Sears RE-1210 within a week for quite a good price too ( haha we always enjoy to guess how much people willing to pay for those Vintage things which me or him does not want to keep personally )

最後修改時間: 2020-09-27 10:26:06
個人訊息 正式會員
2020-09-27 10:18
[#980] “開卷式錄音機”同好會    
記得 Akaigxc 兄重有部連 CR-80D 的 Akai receiver,靚仔有型,我曾經在網上研究並開始收集 Akai CR-81D, Sony TC 228 同 Pioneer H-R 100, 前兩部都好平就買到,但部 Pioneer 有次賣家要千多銀,唔想投資咁多就放棄了,後來在 garage sale 買左部 Roberts 808 (北美版 Akai CR 80D),賣家以為是什嘜就幾十蚊港紙賣比我,無論是 Beatles 定 Pink Floyd, 都係幾蚊港紙一餅帶,以前是天堂,宜家什麽都抄貴了
個人訊息 正式會員
2020-09-27 12:36
[#981] “開卷式錄音機”同好會    
Akai, Roberts, Sony 8-track players

個人訊息 正式會員
2020-09-27 12:38
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