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[#1182] “開卷式錄音機”同好會    

The Teac A-3300SX has come home after being repaired.

It was better than I expected as I thought I bought a lemon which could be a write-off.

Luckily my trustworthy repair guy has done a good job again!! Many thanks, Richard, I love you.

Basically the Teac had been stored in a garden shed for more than 20 yaers. I am surprised it didn't get rusty!! The stainless steel top plate does get some oxidation but luckily it could be cleaned to an acceptable level.

Richard told me both wheels were pressed very hard and in fact it was so hard it jamed both the motors and brakes!!!

Once again, it needs to replace quite a few caps, lumps and bumps all over the places.

The heads were also relapped and adjustment was made. The bias was also adjusted.

I am glad it is now back in working.

I am not sure if it is back to original 100% as I never know what was 100% but after comparing the CD sound and the recorded sound I am happy with it.

What doo you guys think?

BTW, it still needs some cleaning. I also put some new varish to the two wooden side panels!!

It deserves some TLC and love!!

個人訊息 正式會員
2021-04-04 00:22
[#1183] “開卷式錄音機”同好會    
Wow.. For the cost.. U paid for the services.. Also included relap?

Amazing.. Haha
個人訊息 正式會員
2021-04-04 11:48
[#1184] “開卷式錄音機”同好會    
Haha.. Nice stand... Haha

個人訊息 正式會員
2021-04-10 13:57
[#1185] “開卷式錄音機”同好會    
SINE 的旗艦級電源插座SW-2XT US果然名不虛傳,根據廠方及網上的描述,用後背景更加寧靜,低頻更深沉有力云云…這些對現代音響的表現,但我發覺,哩個插座同樣對開卷機起效用,特別係底噪方面,起立杆見影之音效,而開卷帶那種特有的甜美音色,在Sine的協助下,更為突出!!!!!

個人訊息 會員
2021-04-14 09:23
[#1186] “開卷式錄音機”同好會    



最後修改時間: 2021-04-14 09:50:40
個人訊息 正式會員
2021-04-14 09:50
[#1187] “開卷式錄音機”同好會    
This is what I get today

One 3300sx (just explored.. Haha one of the capacitor.. Nasty white smoke.. And smell bad but not too bad... ... Haha)

One 3300sx 2 track...


Seem decent machine...

However.... No remoteeeeeee


最後修改時間: 2021-04-24 17:19:24
個人訊息 正式會員
2021-04-24 17:17
[#1188] “開卷式錄音機”同好會    
Oh dear!!

Hope not too serious.........they will occupy much time but much fun for you then.

個人訊息 正式會員
2021-04-24 17:36
[#1189] “開卷式錄音機”同好會    
Explore.. Cap.. From. Thsoe old tape machinea.... A few times from the last 12 months

Haha roll of fabric... From this cap...much easier to clean thsoe thsoe wax.. Type.. Haha

I have think I can fix this one.. As those components on the board is not too dense.layout is not difficult to handle... And. Should not damage the PCB.. As my workmanship is indeed poor sometime

個人訊息 正式會員
2021-04-24 17:50
[#1190] “開卷式錄音機”同好會    
this ...link..

many of their Service manual.... quality of their scan and the collection is quite goood


個人訊息 正式會員
2021-04-26 12:36
[#1191] “開卷式錄音機”同好會    
More cap... 放煙花

Haha wah Fai... 竟然冇得買 axial cap... But only radial haha

個人訊息 正式會員
2021-04-27 15:15
[#1192] “開卷式錄音機”同好會    
個人訊息 會員
2021-04-27 16:25
[#1193] “開卷式錄音機”同好會    
Haha I only know wah Fai at ssp.. Haha

And the. I got some radial for the relay board... Haha.. 啱啱嗰兩隻腳 long enough 唔使鑽窿.. Otherwise.. I get axial..

And today a few more cap.. 放煙花

So I shall order those axial from taobao... Haha as that power board.. C1,. C4 SEEM tight for radial.. And do not want to drill holes to the PCB.. Lazy.. Haha
... May be some diole and the transistor are bad too.. Better cehck them.. Too.. Otherwise.. New cap on.. And 放煙花 again haha


就係因為有啲 lazy 嘗試了解點樣令佢可以正常運作起動才算.... 完全沒有一盤計劃.. Haha

字裏行間 睇得出你對 reel to reel 嘅感情 係十分之 濃烈... And 你講嗰啲嘢係啱嘅

好難得有這兩部機器比我訓練自己 troubleshooting skill haha at not much cost.. Haha so lucky

That teac 3300 seem good material abd good workmanship too...

Overall layout is really easy for service too

最後修改時間: 2021-04-27 16:48:55
個人訊息 正式會員
2021-04-27 16:34
[#1194] “開卷式錄音機”同好會    
各位師兄,有樣嘢想請教下,我有一部Revox B-77, ,只可以用3¼或者7½ IPS,但係冇得選擇CCIR或者NAB 制式。然而其他專業級開卷錄音機,都可以選擇CCIR或者NAB,專業機有些會有3¼去到最快30 IPS。咁如果我將外邊街買回來或者專業機用咗CCIR制式嘅2-Track錄音帶,放落B-77裏面播放的話,如何是好呢?又假如我用B-77錄音,放落專業機度播放,咁又應該用CCIR還是NAB?還是這些可以A/B side用的民用機,和專業機是不能兼容的呢?不過我亦試過將專業機錄嘅帶放落去,佢又可以播放的,不過可能制式不同了,中高低音平衡方面有啲問題。

最後修改時間: 2021-04-27 23:58:35
個人訊息 會員
2021-04-27 23:57
[#1195] “開卷式錄音機”同好會    
u can say...it is OLDER Tape Formulation or recipe etc , and NEWer tape formulation

since the physic etc..related "OLDER tape formulation..related to material..and manufacturing process, those formulation are easier to get saturated at high frequency........... , so to make sure there is some sort of linear frequency response.., etc.. when recording ...they have SOME EQ to make things better................ ----- NAR was born

time flyyyyyyyyyyyyyy, newer material....... new manufacturing process etc........ tape is less easier to get saturated ...hence another EQ setting was created..........

Primarily - it is about what matching EQ for the tape formulation

not exactly about which sound better

I suppose all new tape maker will said
" Our tape work great with all eq setting." . Etc.. Haha

i guess some can get some sound out from playing a 2 tracks tape onto a 4 track machine , either it may be reserved , or just one channel is played through both channel from a 4 track machine.. ( i never try that )

NOT all Professional machine is 2 tracks, so there is Pro MAchien can do A/B side

not all pro Machine have BOTH NAB and CCIR together

there is another EQ setting for 30 ips too

SIince B77 most likely is NAB by default .... so playback at Pro NAB machine...is expected

Unless it is a special order B77 with CCIR

There may be some Pro Machine have some Compensation adjustment allow people to Adjust EQ setting when playing NAR on to a machine with Native CCIR Playback SETTING..... must be some machine able to do so...

for home user... i suppose...we can always have our own EQ unit for whatever the purpose or reasons too

最後修改時間: 2021-04-28 02:01:16
個人訊息 正式會員
2021-04-28 01:46
[#1196] “開卷式錄音機”同好會    

haha...having some R2R fun today

recording was made by an AKAI GX-265D , through a logitech Sound card , with unknown quality old tape..

haha it is obviously too HOT.........record level was too high for this tape..haha.....the old tape distortion sound nice..to my ear..haha nevertheless.i enjoy it

個人訊息 正式會員
2021-05-05 15:19
[#1197] “開卷式錄音機”同好會    

GOOD song.........

個人訊息 正式會員
2021-05-05 15:46
[#1198] “開卷式錄音機”同好會    

Just feel right.... Mid nite with reel....

個人訊息 正式會員
2021-05-07 01:00
[#1199] “開卷式錄音機”同好會    
Need to take the B77 II to check with the VU meters.

They stopped working :(
個人訊息 正式會員
2021-05-07 07:44
[#1200] “開卷式錄音機”同好會    
My b77

Sometime at end of tape... The speed is getting quite slow... Seem time for recap

U be OK.. As u have a very good friend to service it. Haha

個人訊息 正式會員
2021-05-07 10:12
[#1201] “開卷式錄音機”同好會    
今日收到Revox A77及Teac A2300S, 2部都有問題,先修復Teac先,因為太過新凈,內部完全沒有灰塵,沒有氧化,好似新的一樣未用過,機係117v 60hz版本, Teac真係好縮骨,不同Akai可以內部更改設定,因為香港行50hz, Teac要換主軸馬達飛輪為50hz版本,速度才正常,唯有暫時把皮帶卡在60hz飛輪邊緣以加快速度。初步聽後,中低音份量比Akai重,整體份量夠力,口味同akai真係大大不同

個人訊息 會員
2021-05-16 20:09
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