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[#1] Lumin app 找不到Tidal 的 My Favorite Albums    
偶然在我iPad 的Lumin app 找不到我在Tidal bookmark 的CD, 亦即是找不到My Favorite Albums 個 folder或 icon , 唔係冇咗裏面啲CD, 而係成個My Favourite Albums folder 見唔到,試過退出Lumin app 重新開返個app搵唔到,什至熄咗iPad 重新登入 都見唔到個My Favorite Albums, 但我手機上的Lumin app 係見到呢個Tidal My Favourite Albums 的,呢種情況通常第二日至冇事,請問係乜原因? 另外偶到呢種情況是否需要登出Tidal 再重新登入(未試過)?thx
個人訊息 會員
2020-11-14 17:44
[#2] Lumin app 找不到Tidal 的 My Favorite Albums    
Please double tap iPad home button, swipe away (kill) Lumin app and relaunch it.

If you have 2.4GHz and 5GHz WiFi, try connecting to each of them individually. Then kill Lumin app and relaunch it again.

Also try setting router DNS to .

最後修改時間: 2020-11-14 18:28:40
個人訊息 正式會員
2020-11-14 18:27
[#3] Lumin app 找不到Tidal 的 My Favorite Albums    
Already tried several times double tap iPad home button, swipe away Lumin app and relaunch it but still unable to find My Favourite Albums (My Music). My WiFi is not 2.4GHz and 5GHz.

It back to work tonight, just saw My Music folder again. This problem will happen from time to time (about once every 10-12 times).
個人訊息 會員
2020-11-15 20:48
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