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影音天地主旨 ﹝請按主旨作出回應﹞ | 寄件者 | 傳送日期
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[#1] 請問Accuphase C-222要幾錢? 請問各位CHing accuphase power amp P-400加埋pre-amp C-222要幾錢?謝謝! |
Ray20081129![]() 218.xxx.xxx.16 |
2012-11-14 04:57 | |
[#2] 請問Accuphase C-222要幾錢? used accuphase C222 pre amp good condition around 6000hkd |
batmanamesIA![]() 61.xxx.xxx.111 |
2012-11-14 14:30 |
[#3] 請問Accuphase C-222要幾錢? Thank you batman Ching! |
Ray20081129![]() 218.xxx.xxx.86 |
2012-11-15 06:35 |
[#4] 請問Accuphase C-222要幾錢? accuphse c240the best match with flagship accuphase p400, not c222 |
batmanamesIA![]() 124.xxx.xxx.238 |
2012-11-15 10:49 |
[#5] 請問Accuphase C-222要幾錢? Thank you batman Ching! As I am a new user. I saw that combination in sham shui po occasionally, the speaker is tannoy berkeley. It sounds ok, the whole set cost within 30k, is it wealth? |
Ray20081129![]() 116.xxx.xxx.160 |
2012-11-17 08:06 |
[#6] 請問Accuphase C-222要幾錢? c222 + p400 (30years old)mint conition 14000hkd 16000hkd for mint condition tannoy berkerly |
batmanamesIA![]() 124.xxx.xxx.247 |
2012-11-17 13:26 |
[#7] 請問Accuphase C-222要幾錢? You are very helpful, batman Ching. As my budget within 30k, my room is about 150 to 200呎. Do u have any suggestion? |
Ray20081129![]() 124.xxx.xxx.192 |
2012-11-18 15:18 |
[#8] 請問Accuphase C-222要幾錢? 30k budget better buy a brand new dac (like mytek 192 12000hkd ) + power amp 8000hkd + bookshelf speaker system in 200 square feet |
batmanamesIA![]() 135.xxx.xxx.47 |
2013-10-04 03:07 |
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