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[#1] 4萬Budget, 買一部過的cd player好, 定係分開dac/transport? 請advise埋model, thanks! |
xyz_ps 正式會員 124.xxx.xxx.54 |
2008-07-08 20:40 | |
[#2] 4萬Budget, 買一部過的cd player好, 定係分開dac/transport? 4皮都唔夠買好d既Esoteric CDP,仲點分體? |
rickkkk 正式會員 61.xxx.xxx.155 |
2008-07-08 21:17 |
[#3] 4萬Budget, 買一部過的cd player好, 定係分開dac/transport? 現在d錢真係好吾夠洗... |
stephenchow2k 正式會員 219.xxx.xxx.247 |
2008-07-08 21:38 |
[#4] 4萬Budget, 買一部過的cd player好, 定係分開dac/transport? 現在d錢真係好吾夠洗... x 2! |
PrinceWong 正式會員 219.xxx.xxx.187 |
2008-07-08 21:51 |
[#5] 4萬Budget, 買一部過的cd player好, 定係分開dac/transport? 現在d錢真係好吾夠洗... x 3! |
xlarge 正式會員 123.xxx.xxx.59 |
2008-07-08 21:52 |
[#6] 4萬Budget, 買一部過的cd player好, 定係分開dac/transport? 如果要我儲錢的話,四萬蚊都吾係少數目,但四雞野又真係好多中級機都買吾到.. |
stephenchow2k 正式會員 219.xxx.xxx.247 |
2008-07-08 22:00 |
[#7] 4萬Budget, 買一部過的cd player好, 定係分開dac/transport? agree!! |
xlarge 正式會員 123.xxx.xxx.59 |
2008-07-08 22:01 |
[#8] 4萬Budget, 買一部過的cd player好, 定係分開dac/transpor 其實二手都無問題....有冇咩建議呢? 雖然4皮真係唔係咩錢... |
xyz_ps 正式會員 124.xxx.xxx.212 |
2008-07-08 22:47 |
[#9] 4萬Budget, 買一部過的cd player好, 定係分開dac/transpor 2nd hand Esoteric P70 + Apogee Rosetta 200. ^_^ |
kelvinyy 正式會員 116.xxx.xxx.92 |
2008-07-08 23:28 |
[#10] 4萬Budget, 買一部過的cd player好, 定係分開dac/transpor 我自己現在會鍾意這部,如有二手,吾知要幾多錢 |
stephenchow2k 正式會員 219.xxx.xxx.247 |
2008-07-08 23:31 |
[#11] 4萬Budget, 買一部過的cd player好, 定係分開dac/transpor Used Metronome (I forgot which model) Muscial but with coloration. |
miraclemaker 正式會員 221.xxx.xxx.200 |
2008-07-10 16:58 |
[#12] 4萬Budget, 買一部過的cd player好, 定係分開dac/transpor stephenchow2k MBL second hand prices less than 四萬蚊,but you are have to said (但四雞野又真係好多中級機都買吾到.. ). |
eric 正式會員 219.xxx.xxx.221 |
2008-07-11 00:19 |
[#13] 4萬Budget, 買一部過的cd player好, 定係分開dac/transpor wow! MBL 1531 2nd hand price is over 40K now......... Since the update price is around 60K at new (the new ver. that is come with a metal remote) I just go to AB compare MBL 1531 & Wadia 581se........ Finally, i go for Wadia 581se. For around 40K of 2nd hand price CDP, Metronome CD4, MBL 1531, Mark 390S, Wadia 861/581 is also a good choice. I suggest to listen more & see what taste/sound you like. For me, i quite love the Wadia. |
uncleseven 正式會員 218.xxx.xxx.164 |
2008-07-11 01:28 |
[#14] 4萬Budget, 買一部過的cd player好, 定係分開dac/transpor Esoteric x03二手大概30K,好機. |
keith68 正式會員 203.xxx.xxx.29 |
2008-07-11 02:07 |
[#15] 4萬Budget, 買一部過的cd player好, 定係分開dac/transpor MBL 1531 2nd hand price is over 40K now......... it is no problem at all for big bother stephenchow2k |
eric 正式會員 219.xxx.xxx.38 |
2008-07-11 04:42 |
[#16] 4萬Budget, 買一部過的cd player好, 定係分開dac/transpor eric 大哥,我自己想買新機,二手我驚驚 |
stephenchow2k 正式會員 219.xxx.xxx.247 |
2008-07-11 07:29 |
[#17] 4萬Budget, 買一部過的cd player好, 定係分開dac/transpor Agreed with Stephen Hing and for a big amount i think it is better to have a certificate from the distributor that the gear is no problem and without modification.(may be cost about a thousand or more which can be absorbed in the cost) before transaction. No certificate no transaction.(for a product of over 30K or more) Any CHing have such a requirement or experience before. |
aq 正式會員 124.xxx.xxx.242 |
2008-07-11 07:50 |
[#18] 4萬Budget, 買一部過的cd player好, 定係分開dac/transpor i rarely buy 2nd stuff but it is difficult or almost impossible to have certificate on manufacturer on its 2nd hand product i think no one would modify expensive stuff i saw in the past post that someone bought 2nd hand set of P01/D01 at $180K |
tonywong 正式會員 203.xxx.xxx.25 |
2008-07-11 08:24 |
[#19] 4萬Budget, 買一部過的cd player好, 定係分開dac/transpor Eso ........ X03.......... Must add a clock......... otherwise, i feel that it is a little but hard & dry sound for me. |
uncleseven 正式會員 218.xxx.xxx.82 |
2008-07-11 11:12 |
[#20] 4萬Budget, 買一部過的cd player好, 定係分開dac/transpor esoteric X01 limited price cost around 50K at 2nd hand market, good stuff. |
sidewalker5 正式會員 210.xxx.xxx.204 |
2008-07-11 11:18 |