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[#66] 玩DIY師兄們,用邊隻錫線好 唔洗既話, 過唔到IPC test, 洗左先marginal pass: |
mcc_2001 正式會員 165.xxx.xxx.150 |
2015-11-04 13:44 | |
[#67] 玩DIY師兄們,用邊隻錫線好 你地真專業, 研究到咁深入, 少少 DIY, 洗唔洗呀, 恕得罪 |
254mm 正式會員 219.xxx.xxx.186 |
2015-11-04 13:51 |
[#68] 玩DIY師兄們,用邊隻錫線好 If you are serious with you job, you should clean it. If you don't mind one day the solder joints are corroded, of course you can just let it be. If you are lazy, better use No-Clean solder wire. "你地真專業, 研究到咁深入" Yes, my profession is supplying soldering material. 最後修改時間: 2015-11-04 14:03:53 |
elo 正式會員 101.xxx.xxx.99 |
2015-11-04 13:58 |
[#69] 玩DIY師兄們,用邊隻錫線好 Yes, my professional is "瀉鑊"...too! |
mcc_2001 正式會員 165.xxx.xxx.150 |
2015-11-04 14:04 |
[#70] 玩DIY師兄們,用邊隻錫線好 mcc_2001 Hing If they are not in electronics industry, they will not understnad the purpose of SIR test, Electro-Migration test... |
elo 正式會員 101.xxx.xxx.99 |
2015-11-04 14:06 |
[#71] 玩DIY師兄們,用邊隻錫線好 Agreed, but DIY'ers should have a right choice with some basic knowledge too. |
mcc_2001 正式會員 165.xxx.xxx.150 |
2015-11-04 14:15 |
[#72] 玩DIY師兄們,用邊隻錫線好 瀉镬is much than 洗镬 |
254mm 正式會員 203.xxx.xxx.65 |
2015-11-04 14:18 |
[#73] 玩DIY師兄們,用邊隻錫線好 #27 請問咩工業咁勁? 軍工嗎 我前兩年做過紅M電鑽 歐洲廠既測量儀器講明要無鉛架wo 含咩佢唔會點理(日本仔除外,講明含銀) 可以我果d儀器做俾canxx nikxx用太民用 無你講既特殊要求 Consumer products doesn't mind using Lead-free solder as you probably will buy a new one before it, such as Digital Camera, breakdown itself. As you mentioned, Military also Avaiation, Automotive, Medical products... are reluctant to change to use Lead-free solder due to these is no solid record for its realiability. |
elo 正式會員 101.xxx.xxx.99 |
2015-11-04 14:18 |
[#74] 玩DIY師兄們,用邊隻錫線好 >含咩佢唔會點理(日本仔除外,講明含銀)< You know why Japanese companys request to use Silver content solder ? It may because it is a Japanese company (Senju) invented Silver content Lead-free solder, every manufacturer needs to pay royalty fee to them when making this kind of solder alloy. Japanese helping Japanese is understandable. Anyway the patent is expired and no more royalty need to pay. |
elo 正式會員 101.xxx.xxx.99 |
2015-11-04 14:26 |
[#75] 玩DIY師兄們,用邊隻錫線好 咁!WBT是否又貴又唔好聲 |
davelm 正式會員 118.xxx.xxx.5 |
2015-11-04 14:27 |
[#76] 玩DIY師兄們,用邊隻錫線好 #75 試問又有誰做過科學性測試呢?還有,你認為這麼多不同的品牌,都有自家的焊錫科硏專利/特別工藝調配嗎?都有自家的焊錫工廠嗎?還不是靠OEM工廠生產,自家品牌的一張貼紙,還有廣告.... |
羅密歐 會員 202.xxx.xxx.68 |
2015-11-04 14:39 |
[#77] 玩DIY師兄們,用邊隻錫線好 哈,a good question, solder professionals focus on durability and safety, can't expect* may be too harsh* them to care on sound performance. 針冇两頭利! |
254mm 正式會員 203.xxx.xxx.65 |
2015-11-04 14:42 |
[#78] 玩DIY師兄們,用邊隻錫線好 #77 Agree. |
elo 正式會員 101.xxx.xxx.99 |
2015-11-04 14:43 |
[#79] 玩DIY師兄們,用邊隻錫線好 人總是有"理性"同"感性"兩個行為的, 當身處工作需要, 理性既"瀉鑊"模式會自動啓動, 當想音質要更上一層樓既話, 加少少野, 賣個天價, 感性的聽覺會話俾自己聽好值得, 自然會樂在其中的!! 最後修改時間: 2015-11-04 16:22:03 |
mcc_2001 正式會員 165.xxx.xxx.150 |
2015-11-04 16:13 |
[#80] 玩DIY師兄們,用邊隻錫線好 I did proivded different Ag content solder wire to a DIYer to make Interconnect cable. He prefered Silver contect 4% > 3% > 2%. Of course it is only his preference. Another DIY perfers Lead wire, the more Lead the better according to his experience. So there is no absolute "Good sound" solder. My 2 cents. |
elo 正式會員 101.xxx.xxx.99 |
2015-11-04 16:24 |
[#81] 玩DIY師兄們,用邊隻錫線好 其實大部份廠(軍工及汽車除外) 都係買牌子貨 唔會好似你地咁check 我以前公司係日本上巿既廠都無咁做 只係用光普儀測有無鉻呀果一d rhos唔可以有既物料 Consumer既野好少好似你地咁 無鉛產品多,你叫佢地用有鉛仲難 |
schmike 正式會員 66.xxx.xxx.212 |
2015-11-04 16:28 |
[#82] 玩DIY師兄們,用邊隻錫線好 If using a branded solder, the solder manufacturer already did all the necessary tests under J-STD-001 or 004. That's why the user will not do the tests themselves. Also the user will not invest on the testing equipment which will not improve their productivity. I think there is no responsible manufacturer, no matter it is US, Germany or Japan, will use a solder which does not pass the tests under J-STD, DIN of JIS standard. 最後修改時間: 2015-11-04 17:00:11 |
elo 正式會員 101.xxx.xxx.99 |
2015-11-04 16:56 |
[#83] 玩DIY師兄們,用邊隻錫線好 #80 請教elo師兄,銲錫含2% 3% 4%銀,都是含鉛的錫線嗎?它們的熔點分別是多少?加幾%銀進去,具體目的是甚麼呢?謝謝! 最後修改時間: 2015-11-04 19:05:03 |
羅密歐 會員 202.xxx.xxx.126 |
2015-11-04 19:03 |
[#84] 玩DIY師兄們,用邊隻錫線好 #82 所以正常做生產或開發既電子工程師唔會知呢d 做材料及做認証既人先識 亦都好少人會去咁深入了解 應用層面同物料層面不同 好多謝兩位師兄講解咁多 |
schmike 正式會員 66.xxx.xxx.212 |
2015-11-04 19:21 |
[#85] 玩DIY師兄們,用邊隻錫線好 Not exactly...我地係end user, 係要"瀉鑊"個party,一定要知,我地好多supplier都知,佢地判俾二判三判都知,大家都知點玩,政府都知,齊齊有個落台階,大家好做。 大家可能行業不同,所以有不同既理解吧。 最後修改時間: 2015-11-04 19:52:01 |
mcc_2001 正式會員 42.xxx.xxx.216 |
2015-11-04 19:34 |