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[#1261] 膽迷同好會 三種不同碟環 Tungsram EL84 |
adrianc 正式會員 82.xxx.xxx.187 |
2022-04-04 01:30 | |
[#1262] 膽迷同好會 Valvo ECC81 D getter,頭頂烏黑一片 |
adrianc 正式會員 82.xxx.xxx.187 |
2022-04-11 00:36 |
[#1263] 膽迷同好會 Tesla E88CC |
adrianc 正式會員 82.xxx.xxx.187 |
2022-04-19 04:42 |
[#1264] 膽迷同好會 Mullard M8137 Square getter |
adrianc 正式會員 82.xxx.xxx.187 |
2022-04-25 19:10 |
[#1265] 膽迷同好會 ^^ |
adrianc 正式會員 82.xxx.xxx.187 |
2022-05-02 21:56 |
[#1266] 膽迷同好會 ^^ |
adrianc 正式會員 82.xxx.xxx.187 |
2022-05-02 21:57 |
[#1267] 膽迷同好會 Mullard EL34 XF1 斜雙疊環 |
adrianc 正式會員 82.xxx.xxx.187 |
2022-05-02 21:59 |
[#1268] 膽迷同好會 ^-^ |
adrianc 正式會員 82.xxx.xxx.187 |
2022-05-08 23:35 |
[#1269] 膽迷同好會 又買多幾支 Mullard ECC83 1600 Date code長屏方環 ,而家有19支 |
adrianc 正式會員 82.xxx.xxx.187 |
2022-05-15 20:23 |
[#1270] 膽迷同好會 Mullard ECC83 長屏方環 1955 - 1957 |
adrianc 正式會員 82.xxx.xxx.187 |
2022-05-24 19:19 |
[#1271] 膽迷同好會 請問各位師兄telefunken Ecc 803s 如何分辨真假 ? |
林菲 正式會員 14.xxx.xxx.117 |
2022-06-17 11:34 |
[#1272] 膽迷同好會 留意到有一對出讓喎! ———————————- 價錢 HK$: 20000 TELEFUNKEN ECC803S 罕有最早期細花字金腳全新連原裝盒配對一對。絕非後期大花字可比。MATCHED PAIR。NOS NIB。底。多年收藏從未用過兼粉嘜清楚。只上試胆機測試作為配對兼且工作正常。兩支結構一致。完全適合完美主義玩家。有意購買請PM留電話交收。不議價。冇留電話及PM議價一概不回。非有意購買勿擾。謝謝。 ——————————————— 據小弟有限知識 早期803s code no.係Uxxxxxx打直印;粉字大花mark 而且紙盒屬短裝白底nos每盒有出世紙。 |
林菲 正式會員 14.xxx.xxx.117 |
2022-06-17 13:32 |
[#1273] 膽迷同好會 我都有留意到,哩對803的一行數目字係打橫印,據某音響寫手稱,這些係由其他膽廠供應的品種,但我見賣方標示,此803係有菱底工模印記,即表示,此為真正tfk生產的 我之前在ebay bid咗一對早期的TFK 6U8,垂直印上Ukt09, 菱底蝕得好深,肯定係好早期版本,用在FM Stereo Decoder, 效果超正斗 |
Akaigxc 正式會員 45.xxx.xxx.39 |
2022-06-17 14:33 |
[#1274] 膽迷同好會 From google ———————- How to distinguish fake diamonds from real diamonds. I quickly made this sketch as it tells more than words. Also in the next picture, I show you the glass cracks. They did a really nice job, actually melting the surface, and also achieving the original dimensions. The surface does not look lasered at all, and it has indeed identical surface like original diamonds too. Only thing is.... the real diamond is in positive. HOWEVER, laser can only remove something, or melt it, but not add material. So really, the fake diamond is extremely well done, BUT.... there are three things I noted: It is in negative. This is However, not easy to see with the bar eye! I did not notice myself at first. You do need a (very good) jeweler's lens, and you might see it. You can try to scratch over it with the blade of a sharp knife. Like that you can feel the knife go inside. Whereas with an original diamond you can feel it's an edge. There is dirt inside. It needs the right light, and the right angle, and I saw some gray dirt. The laser has developed a whole field of extremely fine hairs cracks. The boxes of these tubes were to fat, too shiny CONCLUSION: Really search for proof, a real diamond is in positive, and this is very very confusing! Negative, faked diamonds appear positive under some angle, and this is very very hard to see. More reliable than the eye, is a fine, sharp cutter knife. With that you can easily feel if the diamond is INSIDE the glass, meaning it is fake, or ON the glass, so it is real. WARNING I can't just write company names here, but I have seen them already with some of the larger UK and German tube dealers. The Glass Cracks. These pictures were made under special light conditions. The cracks were NOT visible without that. At first I didn't notice these cracks, but I knew they had to be there. It is impossible to re-melt old glass without getting cracks. Already 5...10 years after production, old glass is not ideal anymore. I found the cracks by two things. 1) Lighting inside the glass bottom from the side. 2) Use the Photoshop sharpening mask, and set it such it catches most of all such details. And then suddenly, you see the damage this laser engravement has been doing. It looks like a moon landscape full of cracks and things. Also around the letters 21 (20) are large circular cracks. Even so it looks like a number 20, but it is 21. That is how big the circular cracks are!! Then again, under normal light you can't see them. I am absolutely sure, during the laser process it must have cracked a certain percentage of his tubes. Those that survived, may have the same hair cracks as the sample tube I have here. After some storage time, this will develop a gassy tube. Such a crack can take years and years, to develop further, but it will. Every day some small number of gas molecules creep in, and slowly poison the cathode. At first such a tube will suffer from bad parameters, and after a while it will suddenly have a white getter from one day to the other. If you click on the above glass crack picture, it is the same, but without my comments |
林菲 正式會員 14.xxx.xxx.117 |
2022-06-17 14:55 |
[#1275] 膽迷同好會 如此看來,是否表示,基於當年TFK向其他膽廠買現成膽返來加工,印上大/細花嘜,但冇菱底,到咗今日科技先進年代,某些膽供應商,為咗要將哩d貨甩手,所以用laser後期加工方法,在膽底光刻上菱底以便魚目混珠???那麼,唯一確定眞身方法,就只有看除氣環是否係肥圈,因為TFK膽係用肥圈,只此一家,别無分店,菱底可以用現代laser加工,肥圈就無得做假吧了。所以,我ebay bid TFK膽返來,通常必定要確定支膽,既有菱底,更有肥圈,我才會買,2樣特徵同時擁有就必定是真品 不諱言,我再細心看清楚那個803 post, 我見到係有菱底,但似乎沒有肥圈,唔知是否係影相角度問題所致,或者可以參考我上傳tfk 6u8張相,看清楚肥圈係什麼樣子來做對比,又或者叫賣家影張清楚的除氣環大特寫,以確定是否肥圈,我就這樣看,似乎唔係肥圈羅 最後修改時間: 2022-06-17 17:45:30 |
Akaigxc 正式會員 45.xxx.xxx.115 |
2022-06-17 17:26 |
[#1276] 膽迷同好會 From Google ———————- FAKED Date Codes for Telefunken tubes. Seen by myself so far. This list of of course very incomplete. 3804 03051 7105 30140 30148 52057 71148 72056 72058 91140 85-07 U1006203 d. Seen on fake ECC802S 'GABL' if printed on ECC803S HPTE. I found this on Ebay, but by "coincidence" these are the Initials of a person who is known to fake tubes. |
林菲 正式會員 58.xxx.xxx.246 |
2022-06-17 19:12 |
[#1277] 膽迷同好會 林菲兄唔知仲記唔記得,七十至八十年代,德仔ecc803最後一水叫金腳帶。 |
Jblfriends 正式會員 123.xxx.xxx.55 |
2022-06-17 22:03 |
[#1278] 膽迷同好會 Jb 早晨 當年花生膽仔求富貴相 有不少鍍金色腳,例如西門子6dj8等等 現代膽仔博銷路,如JJ或Tesla 大部分都係加工「點石成金」 小弟用於CJ 老祖宗前級其中一對JJecc803s既金腳已經用砂紙磨走咗; 德仔803金腳唔係冇錢買,問題係一對nos據稱可用兩萬小時既寶貝可能等唔到小弟能夠用到尾! |
林菲 正式會員 182.xxx.xxx.11 |
2022-06-18 08:14 |
[#1279] 膽迷同好會 如果單看個post的相,我點看都看唔出個對803S除氣環是不是肥圈,如果不是肥圈,就已經證明不是Telefunken生產,係由其他廠供應的品種,係這個情況下,莫講話有冇2萬小時工作壽命,就算有,都變得無意義!買得803s,如果不是買tfk原廠生產的,那倒不如買普通83好過! |
Akaigxc 正式會員 49.xxx.xxx.13 |
2022-06-18 11:00 |
[#1280] 膽迷同好會 以我有限所知,從未見過Telefunken ECC803S有肥圈,有冇師兄幫手放張有肥圈既相上來睇下. |
adrianc 正式會員 82.xxx.xxx.187 |
2022-06-18 18:32 |