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[#1] 求救! Audio Research SP11 Mk2 Phono 能用 MC 頭嗎? 小弟近來想upgrade唱頭, 從MM-->MC, 但不知道個Phono能否應付. |
大雄老師![]() 218.xxx.xxx.216 |
2014-11-05 00:34 | |
[#2] 求救! Audio Research SP11 Mk2 Phono 能用 MC 頭嗎? 以前用光悅頭推都係到喉唔到肺,到係揾啲high output穩陣啲 |
kslsfz![]() 173.xxx.xxx.162 |
2014-11-05 07:04 |
[#3] 求救! Audio Research SP11 Mk2 Phono 能用 MC 頭嗎? 點解唔買個phono?? |
doublesam![]() 218.xxx.xxx.228 |
2014-11-05 10:18 |
[#4] 求救! Audio Research SP11 Mk2 Phono 能用 MC 頭嗎? SP11 的 phono 很靚聲,等閒 phonoamp 不是對手。 不夠 gain 的話, 加個升壓牛。 最後修改時間: 2014-11-05 10:21:26 |
doctorjohn![]() 59.xxx.xxx.83 |
2014-11-05 10:19 |
[#5] 求救! Audio Research SP11 Mk2 Phono 能用 MC 頭嗎? 還記得ARC-SP10用Monster"音魂"需要使用附加的照片DIY Head AMP (80年代此MC Head AMP非常受歡迎)!但SP11出世後,似乎已解決MC phone input sensitivity問題! SP11-MKII phone stage超靜! ![]() 最後修改時間: 2014-11-05 10:57:52 |
jblfriends![]() 218.xxx.xxx.81 |
2014-11-05 10:57 |
[#6] 求救! Audio Research SP11 Mk2 Phono 能用 MC 頭嗎? ""SP11 的 phono 很靚聲,等閒 phonoamp 不是對手。 不夠 gain 的話, 加個升壓牛"" SP11我聽過,又真係幾好聲,不過就未聽過佢裡面的內置phono,才疏,sorry |
doublesam![]() 218.xxx.xxx.228 |
2014-11-05 11:11 |
[#7] 求救! Audio Research SP11 Mk2 Phono 能用 MC 頭嗎? The phono amp of SP11 definitely a good match with MC Cartridge. Better to find the O/P of the MC cartridge is higher than 0.3mV, but if your Power amp or Speaker is high efficiency then you can try lower output MC. Then play around with the Level & Gain control to get the best result. |
et2![]() 58.xxx.xxx.77 |
2014-11-05 12:04 |
[#8] 求救! Audio Research SP11 Mk2 Phono 能用 MC 頭嗎? Many Thanks!!!!!! This is a very useful information for me to select a good MC babies... |
大雄老師![]() 58.xxx.xxx.80 |
2014-11-05 13:39 |
[#9] 求救! Audio Research SP11 Mk2 Phono 能用 MC 頭嗎? 0.3 is likely not quite enough. A good example is Denon DL-103. I have used it with SP-11. As et2 hing says, I could use it with my 104db Klipsch La Scala. But if I switch to ATC20 and had to turn up the volume, it is not adequate. I'd say at least 0.5 or higher. Ortofon and Benz Micro has quite a few choices. One thing to watch out. More than one SP-11 units give out "pop" sounds when loaded with MC at typically 100 ohms (but no pop at 47k). |
doctorjohn![]() 59.xxx.xxx.83 |
2014-11-05 14:49 |
[#10] 求救! Audio Research SP11 Mk2 Phono 能用 MC 頭嗎? Thank you DoctorJohn!! I am using MM now and loaded with 47K and can hear some hum and noise, but when I switch to other value, noise gone but of course, gain is not enough for 100ohm position... So that can I conclude the impedance knob is for gain selection? |
大雄老師![]() 218.xxx.xxx.223 |
2014-11-05 16:24 |
[#11] 求救! Audio Research SP11 Mk2 Phono 能用 MC 頭嗎? The impedance knob is only for cartridge loading, NOT for gain, but for the same cartridge it does change the gain and sound. Your MM cartridge is definitely 47K. Using 100 ohm would lower the gain, therefore less noise. The hum and noise likely came from your turntable, or perhaps the tubes are aging. What turntable are you using? have you attached the ground cable? If you have, try to float it and see if the hum goes away. Ground loops are crazy things. |
doctorjohn![]() 59.xxx.xxx.83 |
2014-11-05 16:46 |
[#12] 求救! Audio Research SP11 Mk2 Phono 能用 MC 頭嗎? 我用shelter mc901 0.5mv gain & level 2-3點位 最後修改時間: 2014-11-11 13:23:41 |
ck2007![]() 116.xxx.xxx.61 |
2014-11-11 13:23 |
[#13] 求救! Audio Research SP11 Mk2 Phono 能用 MC 頭嗎? 希望可以分享意現.常試將Level轉到最盡而Gain就續格續格上.你會感受到聲音出來又定又靜. |
linhing![]() 116.xxx.xxx.130 |
2014-11-13 13:14 |
[#14] 求救! Audio Research SP11 Mk2 Phono 能用 MC 頭嗎? 層經有間專修音響公司老闆講,sp11mk2最好帶phono前級之一,機內沒有一條屏蔽線。 |
ck2007![]() 116.xxx.xxx.61 |
2014-11-13 14:57 |
[#15] 求救! Audio Research SP11 Mk2 Phono 能用 MC 頭嗎? 留名,為新歡做定準備。 |
ckwan2014![]() 174.xxx.xxx.217 |
2024-07-03 12:58 |
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