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[#1] 玩影音, 拖板是否必須要有濾波?    
我屋企啲影音經常壞, 有影音人士話同屋企電源有關, 建議我買好濾波嘅拖板.
個人訊息 正式會員
2022-10-01 07:07
[#2] 玩影音, 拖板是否必須要有濾波?    
個人訊息 會員
2022-10-01 07:29
[#3] 玩影音, 拖板是否必須要有濾波?    
Lala master

作為一個 家居 普通hifi發燒友, 我們有什麼 比較簡單嘅方法知道我們條地線係符合規格呢?

Thx thx

個人訊息 正式會員
2022-10-01 11:15
[#4] 玩影音, 拖板是否必須要有濾波?    

個人訊息 正式會員
2022-10-01 12:08
[#5] 玩影音, 拖板是否必須要有濾波?    
Haha Boss,

如果要認真檢查就要搵持牌電工去幫你進行 earth loop impedance measurement. 也許可以先自己觀察一下行雷閃電會否令自己心愛的器材損壞,有的話也可致電電力公司顧客服務部,話發覺供電有PQ issue, 咁適當的人會聯絡你,免費同你測量,因為安全問題,佢地會好緊張!
個人訊息 會員
2022-10-01 12:11
[#6] 玩影音, 拖板是否必須要有濾波?    
Lala master thx

斷估 earth loop impedance 應該有個最大safe 值, at our home 應該 越低越好 vs the max value. Haha

最近 our 鄉村有一啲水管嘅問題, 水務局 好好好, 令到我們村民都很安心, 他們的服務很體貼

可唔可以咁講正常一個家居, 如果久不久在行雷的日子, if 都會閃一閃... 如果重複出現這個現象, 是否已代表PQ 應該有點問題?

你的建議很好, 兩間電力公司服務都應該不錯, 為什麼不嘗試用一用...

測試出來的數據.., 都應該有4個可能性

1)omg.. 不合格
2) 嘩真係好彩表現出色
3) 正常
4) 幾乎不合格 不太好

If 1 & 4. 不及格 or almost 不合格.... 作出 基礎上嘅改善 is needed.. 似乎都不容易 is it..? 為了安全, 發燒... 有什麼方法可以做呢?

Thx thx


最後修改時間: 2022-10-01 12:45:17
個人訊息 正式會員
2022-10-01 12:40
[#7] 玩影音, 拖板是否必須要有濾波?    
經兩電免費測試的報告係go-nogo形式,真正數據不會給你, 也許測試時會有口頭數據,佢地重視 complaint and apprication letter, 因同 appraisal 掛鈎,天氣惡劣時閃一閃視乎有關供電是來自 overhead line還是 underground cable, 後者比較少發生。
個人訊息 會員
2022-10-01 13:05
[#8] 玩影音, 拖板是否必須要有濾波?    
always not difficult to get 口頭數據 i guess

oh... is a common HK building apartment ( underground cable), if it has such issue.... then it is fair to guess..that home ..their PQ is quite poor ?

seem the only way for someone who care "hifi " ( assume their home earth never have an surge issue ) they should spend 1k to 2K for a qualified test........... always better to have data................. cheaper than 1/3 of ONE FUSE for someone who caresssssssssssssssssssssss


最後修改時間: 2022-10-01 13:17:58
個人訊息 正式會員
2022-10-01 13:09
[#9] 玩影音, 拖板是否必須要有濾波?    
Some 村屋 in rural area are supplied by OHL, their PQ issues are most likely caused by weather and earth loop. Appratment/building are normally supplied by UG cable/riser, less PQ issue but mains supply noise generated from all other users can be found on that series connected earthing cable.
個人訊息 會員
2022-10-01 13:22
[#10] 玩影音, 拖板是否必須要有濾波?    
Is it any 土炮方法 去了解每一個家中嘅 main supply noise which u mentioned?

會唔會淘寶有一些不準確. But 用嚟做一些simple 冇多或少的 main supply noise meter?

好多發燒友成日都覺得有鬼.... 好可能只係心裏有鬼其實 冇鬼 etc

要捉鬼都要知道隻ghost 有幾惡㗎


and then...some can say..... oh..u have type X ghost... ,your XXXX fuse must be ONE at direction A, and no. 2 fuse must be R coated at one end, and Silver at the Exit end, avoid silver fuse wire...and must be at Reserve direction...then the Ghost shall be trapped in between 2 fuse....but not entering into the system......etc because of XXXX fuse having special Mineral and it act as a super Ground BOX for X type of ghost

if i am a story teller, i may not write a book or create a youtube video hoping for 100k view.. , why not to create a ONE fuse...which break one fuse into 2...and called it "ghost trapper " .. sell one fuse better than sell 100K view ...haha...at the end... for me..it is same... " story" telling..which make people happier , all i need is making a fancy looking basket

FUSE direction is quite a Science Friction.... , a good story will help........... story does also affect perception too

如果有啲方法令我哋了解多一點點... 心理質量絕對會 related to perception on sound quality.. put story aside, it is always nice to have some measurable some data if care

最後修改時間: 2022-10-01 13:58:35
個人訊息 正式會員
2022-10-01 13:43
[#11] 玩影音, 拖板是否必須要有濾波?    
曾經用過一個比較土炮的方法,如下圖這款在TB買到的平表,佢有藍芽用平板就可以錄低市電個 noise trending, 也算準確,要求不高可以一用,下面個trending係一部咖啡機在自動控制溫度時所產生的脈衝噪音,是可以用來捉鬼的,事實上玩音響有時不能太理性,人總是感性多一點的,信自己的耳朵吧!

個人訊息 會員
2022-10-01 16:40
[#12] 玩影音, 拖板是否必須要有濾波?    
A romantic guy.. Will get better sound..

This is what I believe. . This is why.. I never really have very good sound...

It is an emotional hobby, romanticism is needed...

Romantic amp cost more too...

Romance never cheap... Haha


Thx thx thx. Lala master.. I shall seriously look into what u suggest..

最後修改時間: 2022-10-01 16:47:45
個人訊息 正式會員
2022-10-01 16:47
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