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影音天地主旨 ﹝請按主旨作出回應﹞ 下頁 尾頁 | 寄件者 | 傳送日期 |
[#28] 若諗緊玩Bi-amp, 不要再諗喇, 去啦! dear WH hing... yes I think right. you are not using Sonata ?? let me chekc check sin. from website, it says 2 output, from look, one is output and one is tape out. much thanks i learn alot from you. KB |
coreyhart 正式會員 202.xxx.xxx.191 |
2010-02-25 15:55 | |
[#29] 若諗緊玩Bi-amp, 不要再諗喇, 去啦! what speakers use use ar ?? |
coreyhart 正式會員 202.xxx.xxx.191 |
2010-02-25 15:55 |
[#30] 若諗緊玩Bi-amp, 不要再諗喇, 去啦! Hi WH, Did you try electronic crossover in between the powers and pre? If not yet, I strongly recommen you to use it, think it will bring your whole system up to another sonic level and fun. |
ayyk 正式會員 219.xxx.xxx.12 |
2010-02-25 23:01 |
[#31] 若諗緊玩Bi-amp, 不要再諗喇, 去啦! 有冇ching用合併机+power amp玩bi-amp? |
leo... 正式會員 182.xxx.xxx.53 |
2014-10-17 17:20 |
[#32] 若諗緊玩Bi-amp, 不要再諗喇, 去啦! 玩得Bi-amp⋯⋯就真係要玩埋電昏先至得! 果種景界⋯⋯比起轉Bi-amp推有更多驚喜⋯⋯ 電昏推既動態,喇叭內既昏音係無可能比到你的! |
ctscts888 正式會員 14.xxx.xxx.116 |
2014-10-17 18:20 |
[#33] 若諗緊玩Bi-amp, 不要再諗喇, 去啦! If you don't need the extra power, better keep things simple. If you need the extra power, as well sell the current amp and get a higher power amp with the proceeds and the amount originally wanted to spend on that extra amp. Unless one uses active crossover, I don't see a good reason to bi-amp. |
BenYC 正式會員 112.xxx.xxx.147 |
2014-10-18 01:50 |
[#35] 若諗緊玩Bi-amp, 不要再諗喇, 去啦! 只要後級既GAIN一樣, 無需一定要同款 |
Andy3210 正式會員 14.xxx.xxx.193 |
2022-03-17 16:19 |
[#36] 若諗緊玩Bi-amp, 不要再諗喇, 去啦! bi amp 做成相移或連貫性差,好多高级喇叭冇bi amp 用powered subwoofer可以,有phase 調 最後修改時間: 2022-03-17 16:51:36 |
niceday009 正式會員 155.xxx.xxx.50 |
2022-03-17 16:50 |
[#37] 若諗緊玩Bi-amp, 不要再諗喇, 去啦! 我都認為 amp 無需同款,相同 gain 比較容易處理,唔同 gain 需加返 compensation。 analog amp 用嚟 bi-amp 絶對係唔造成相移主因,我自己覺得聽感嘅所謂連貫性永遠都係設定問題,amp 之間嘅時差同 driver 與 driver 之間嘅距離時差簡宜係小巫見大巫,反而我覺得都有唔少高級喇叭直接用電分唔需要用唔上唔落嘅 bi-amp 用唔盡器材表現,active monitor spk 唔少都係內置電分設計上唔會有銜接上嘅問題。 除咗 driver 本身喺共震頻率範圍會有較大嘅 phase shift 外,active sub. 嘅 phase 設除咗基本 0/180 deg 外,係因為位置擺位嘅時差及 active sub 內部都一定會有 LPF filter,LPF filter 會產生嘅 phase shift,改變截頻點設定時 phase shift 都會一齊變,影響與主聲道訊號銜接,喺頻帶重疊嘅部份,主聲道本身冇相對應節數嘅 HPF filter 嘅設計,因此都需要靠調校嚟盡可能去夾返與 main channels。 最後修改時間: 2022-03-17 17:32:24 |
長長影子 正式會員 165.xxx.xxx.80 |
2022-03-17 17:16 |
[#38] 若諗緊玩Bi-amp, 不要再諗喇, 去啦! 想請教師兄,我現時有一部串流前級,兩部唔同牌子膽機,如果想玩bi-amp 有幾個問題,希望指點一下。 1/ 前級只有一對RCA 分兩個後級就是用Y分插就可以嗎?會唔會因為前級唔夠W, 而燒機,要點計先知夠唔夠力呢? 2/ 喇叭上面寫120w Nominal 8 ohms, Minimum 3.7 ohms. 而兩部後級輸出加埋只能8 ohms 嗎? 因為有一部係4,8 ohms, 另一部部是 4,8,16 ohms. 請問要點插先正確呢? |
mapinhk 會員 58.xxx.xxx.191 |
2022-12-01 16:30 |
[#39] 若諗緊玩Bi-amp, 不要再諗喇, 去啦! 兩部後級都是膽機 |
mapinhk 會員 58.xxx.xxx.191 |
2022-12-01 16:42 |
[#40] 若諗緊玩Bi-amp, 不要再諗喇, 去啦! Bi Amp - Mono Block. very good sound |
rf2899 正式會員 119.xxx.xxx.141 |
2022-12-04 23:32 |