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[#1] Oppo 93 & 95 have NuForce versions soon!    
個人訊息 正式會員
2011-02-13 12:54
[#2] Oppo 93 & 95 have NuForce versions soon!    
This is old news la.

Quite misleading actually. It says for 95 they would upgrade the DAC to Sabre32 but 95 is already using Sabre95. Unless they receive a unit, show exactly in photos what parts they would improve, only dummies would place advanced orders.

Oppo may realize that their supporters are usually audiophiles (surprisingly as this is a China brand) so they can do a far better jobs to please them than any "mod" people.
個人訊息 正式會員
2011-02-13 13:22
[#3] Oppo 93 & 95 have NuForce versions soon!    
I just bought a NuForce Edition 93 tonight!
個人訊息 正式會員
2011-02-14 01:49
[#4] Oppo 93 & 95 have NuForce versions soon!    
catsam hing,

You are fast!
May you tell us more about its performance?
個人訊息 正式會員
2011-02-14 06:19
[#5] Oppo 93 & 95 have NuForce versions soon!    
Haha, i have no idea yet, as i just put it on the rack and test it with a few demo disc at home, i cant tell u much on performance.

but it's really very user friednly as it got WiFi to update the machine and everything is so smooth.

and when compare with my Denon 2500BTCi, it feels like it's more punchy and 3D.

anyway, will see if it's worth the price.

個人訊息 正式會員
2011-02-14 07:15
[#6] Oppo 93 & 95 have NuForce versions soon!    
Where to buy the nuforce ver. 93? How much? Thanks
個人訊息 正式會員
2011-03-21 23:04
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