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[#1] 黑膠播放一問 請問點解黑膠最尾嗰兩首歌特別差聲音? |
leeyyu![]() 58.xxx.xxx.198 |
2023-03-25 02:08 | |
[#2] 黑膠播放一問 非正切臂都有這問題,更換唱臂或以唱片中間軌作為唱臂調較參考,可以減少平均失真。 |
samuelt![]() 116.xxx.xxx.100 |
2023-03-25 11:55 |
[#3] 黑膠播放一問 以個人實際經驗回答你 有以下可能性. (1) 用類似Techniques這類的direct-drive唱盤, 摩打磁場是十分強勁, 磁場會在中間漏出嚟(漏磁). 我由小學用到大學畢業用的Techniques都有這個現象. There is nothing you can do 可以去改變. 我轉了玩 rega belt-drive 之後就冇咗這個問題. 自己親身體驗過分別之後, 以後都不會再用direct-drive唱盤. Techiques... Direct-Drive... 浪得虛名… :) (2) Anti-skating set up 得不好. 內tracks弧度比起外tracks大, 所以如果anti-skating set up得差, 後果在內tracks會特別明顯. (3) 內tracks比起外tracks的音質差少少是必然的. 這是因為直徑短咗, linear speed 會低咗. 耳朵是聽得出音質會有少少下降, 但也不至於有天與地之間的巨大分別 (以 rega belt-drive來說). Well, 你接唔接受都好,這個就是100年前的發明的缺點. (這也是其中一個主因我2023年開始決定了不會再買黑膠碟.) 希望幫到你啦. |
VinylBear![]() 155.xxx.xxx.69 |
2023-04-01 00:03 |
[#4] 黑膠播放一問 With no offense..... I have a different opinion regarding your concern...... 1. If you have an opportunity playing with the Technics SP-10Mk3, SP-10Mk2 or the SP-10R, all of these Technics top model does not have the you mentioned, it is my personal experience as the SP-10Mk2 and Mk3 owner........ and those problem does not happen for those Denon, Victor or Micro Seiki Direct Drive I have owned before. 2. It may not be the Anti-skating issue, the msimatch of toneam and cartridge may contribute to the tracking problem. For some phono cartridge such as Van Den Hul or cartridge required to have VTF of 2.5gram or over are not sensitive to Anti-Skating |
blackspin![]() 14.xxx.xxx.76 |
2023-04-01 04:42 |
[#5] 黑膠播放一問 Of course none taken. This is a platform to share ideas and experience. |
VinylBear![]() 182.xxx.xxx.253 |
2023-04-01 12:42 |
[#6] 黑膠播放一問 黑膠唔一定有inner groove distortion,這個亦係玩黑膠好玩有趣嘅地方 |
黃思璁![]() 49.xxx.xxx.244 |
2023-07-04 19:57 |
[#7] 黑膠播放一問 黑膠最尾嗰兩首歌d聲特別差, 因為速度最慢 as #3/3 told " linear speed 會低咗" |
cornercube![]() 14.xxx.xxx.88 |
2023-07-04 20:17 |
[#8] 黑膠播放一問 Linear speed不是唯一影響聲音因素,喺呢方面循跡誤差、諧震等嘅影響會往往比單單「速度」更大。當然如果製作沒考慮周詳,inner groove輸出可能會細過外圈(outer groove)。 |
黃思璁![]() 49.xxx.xxx.244 |
2023-07-04 20:43 |
[#9] 黑膠播放一問 越近內圈失真越大 ![]() |
hercules![]() 42.xxx.xxx.75 |
2023-07-04 21:40 |
[#10] 黑膠播放一問 黑膠 開頭速度有 约 1秒20吋 末段 只得 约 1秒8吋 |
cornercube![]() 14.xxx.xxx.88 |
2023-07-04 22:07 |
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