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影音天地主旨 ﹝請按主旨作出回應﹞ 下頁 尾頁 | 寄件者 | 傳送日期 |
[#2] "EQ" Fans Club ^@^ 玩EQ博大精深並非將所有桿調至V字那麼簡單...... |
孟波 正式會員 218.xxx.xxx.173 |
2007-10-19 15:45 | |
[#3] "EQ" Fans Club ^@^ 孟波 hing, How " 玩EQ博大精深 " ??? I remember over 20 years ago, my Sony walkman also had 5 band EQ on it ...... May I learn more about EQ from you ? Nowadays , why less people paly EQ ?? is it too artificial ? not so natural ? |
cuhk 正式會員 219.xxx.xxx.44 |
2007-10-19 17:41 |
[#4] "EQ" Fans Club ^@^ really noone play EQ ??? |
cuhk 正式會員 219.xxx.xxx.44 |
2007-10-19 21:42 |
[#5] "EQ" Fans Club ^@^ G-18 |
accuphasef25 正式會員 221.xxx.xxx.131 |
2007-10-20 19:06 |
[#6] "EQ" Fans Club ^@^ WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA !!! I NEVER SEE SO MANY BANDS )))))))))))))) Is it yours toy or ??? How much of it ? Which year did it produce ? Is it made it japan ?? |
cuhk 正式會員 219.xxx.xxx.44 |
2007-10-20 19:14 |
[#7] "EQ" Fans Club ^@^ cuhk Please Check PM! |
accuphasef25 正式會員 221.xxx.xxx.46 |
2007-10-20 22:24 |
[#8] "EQ" Fans Club ^@^ I am using the EQ to sort out the bass boom problem. I use Bi amp for my ET LT8. A 6B4 tube amp for the mid/tweeter panle ( > 180Hz ), A EQ + NAD amp for the bass ( <180Hz ). The bass in my retangular shape room is terrible,but much smoother after EQ adjustment, using the HUGO CD sampler as a reference. Now I can't leave without the EQ. You van buy cheap EQ in the pro-PA shop. Mine is brand dBx, 31 bands x 2, less than HKD 2000. Welcome to the equalizer world. |
yip2133 正式會員 203.xxx.xxx.241 |
2007-10-21 12:17 |
[#9] "EQ" Fans Club ^@^ Anyone know how to buy Sonata OP1 from Japan? By the way, the G18 looks great too! |
yukclee 正式會員 58.xxx.xxx.185 |
2007-10-21 15:32 |
[#10] "EQ" Fans Club ^@^ accuphasef25 Thanks for your PM. Be honest, I am NOt a EQ fever fans. I am a Tube amp fans. ^^ |
cuhk 正式會員 219.xxx.xxx.44 |
2007-10-21 21:49 |
[#11] "EQ" Fans Club ^@^ EQ was my old memories in my childhood.... just want to know : does anyone still play EQ nowadays ? which brand is the best ? |
cuhk 正式會員 219.xxx.xxx.44 |
2007-10-21 21:50 |
[#12] "EQ" Fans Club ^@^ My favour equalizers are parametric design. I own Studer, SAE, Roland and Urei. Passive design: WHITE. Normal multi band : JVC. |
孟波 正式會員 218.xxx.xxx.173 |
2007-10-21 22:29 |
[#13] "EQ" Fans Club ^@^ EQ |
accuphasef25 正式會員 221.xxx.xxx.198 |
2007-12-13 20:26 |
[#14] "EQ" Fans Club ^@^ Cello palette and TacT - good stuff! |
ykchan 正式會員 221.xxx.xxx.121 |
2007-12-13 22:36 |
[#15] "EQ" Fans Club ^@^ I use Behringer DEQ2496. very cheap cheap |
luckybeanbean 正式會員 210.xxx.xxx.139 |
2007-12-14 14:11 |
[#16] "EQ" Fans Club ^@^ 隻 Behringer DEQ2496 易用嗎? 好始好復雜噤。 加在岉惕^覺聲底有變,我意思係未作調整時。 |
leochan 正式會員 210.xxx.xxx.112 |
2007-12-15 12:47 |
[#17] "EQ" Fans Club ^@^ <<>> |
luckybeanbean 正式會員 210.xxx.xxx.130 |
2007-12-15 13:16 |
[#18] "EQ" Fans Club ^@^ http://www.review33.com/avforum/forum_message.php?topic=31070606171827 |
luckybeanbean 正式會員 210.xxx.xxx.130 |
2007-12-15 13:17 |
[#19] "EQ" Fans Club ^@^ 有冇人知那裡有買eq? |
Kelvin1964 正式會員 218.xxx.xxx.222 |
2008-04-27 12:36 |
[#20] "EQ" Fans Club ^@^ 係廿多年前,亦即係 "先鋒大戰山水" 既年代,我已經玩Pioneer 既7段x2均衡器,現在當然仲有用EQ喇! 玩專業EQ,質素真好,又平又靚,聲音中性。 |
iloveu 正式會員 218.xxx.xxx.101 |
2008-04-27 14:32 |
[#21] "EQ" Fans Club ^@^ ^ ^ |
iloveu 正式會員 218.xxx.xxx.101 |
2008-04-27 14:33 |