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[#1] Accuphase AAVA volume     
Hi Accuphase Users,

Recently, I found an issue in my Accuphase C3850 preamp. When I rotate the AAVA knob (volume knob) up and down quickly, I listen some very minor noise, something like electrostatic noise sweeping as volume knob rotating up and down quickly, such noise comes from speaker tweeters that is detected as my ears close to tweeters. Both L/R speakers are same level of such noise. It is quite obvious when the music level is low. Of course, when I stop playing the CD player, no noise has been detected (dead quiet) when I turn the AAVA volume knob up and down quickly and even to very high level. Is it normal ? Or my preamp. has problem ?

Thanks all advices from all C-Hing.

個人訊息 正式會員
2016-09-18 13:30
[#2] Accuphase AAVA volume     
I tested again by using another CD player connect to Accuphase 3850 by XRL Balanced mode, no such electrostatic sweeping noise from speaker being detected even though I turn the volume up and down quickly.

Maybe the previous problem is due to connection by RCA, I don't know. Need further study.

個人訊息 正式會員
2016-09-18 18:33
[#3] Accuphase AAVA volume     
Does the noise increase if you tune up the volume?
個人訊息 正式會員
2016-09-18 20:34
[#4] Accuphase AAVA volume     
When volume tune to -90db to -35 db range, almost inaudible. When volume level from -30db to -20 db, the noise "zzzz" which is very smooth noise (like electrostatic sweeping) become audible. The strange thing is that "zzzz" noise only audible when the volume knob is turning. When the volume knob is not turning, no matter how loud the sound, no noise at all. This phenomenon happen when I play a SACD disc by Esoteric SACD player connect to preamp. with a RCA cable. The "zzzz" only audible when the music section is very silent (for example in silent section of a classical music), otherwise such 'ZZZ" is covered up by music.

When I connect a Merdian CD player (G08) by XLR to this preamp, and play CD disc, no matter how loud and volume knob turning, no "zzzz" noise at all.

Very strange.
個人訊息 正式會員
2016-09-18 21:58
[#5] Accuphase AAVA volume     
One more strange issue is : The quicker you turn the volume knob (up or down), the more easy to catch that "zzz" noise. When ear move away from speakers over 3 ft, you cannot hear that noise.

個人訊息 正式會員
2016-09-18 22:09
[#6] Accuphase AAVA volume     
Instruction said it is normal.
個人訊息 正式會員
2016-10-21 22:26
[#7] Accuphase AAVA volume     
In what instruction that you refer to ? Instruction manual of Accuphase preamp. or Esoteric SACD player ? Thanks your advice in advance.
個人訊息 正式會員
2016-10-22 23:31
[#8] Accuphase AAVA volume     
Read this....

1/2, I know that much has been written about this, and also that Accuphase does not recommend this. However, I did experiment quite a bit in this regard and IMO the digital volume controls in the Accuphase players yields very good results. I am certainly not the only one that has reached this conclusion.

IMO there are two main points:

First, many say that the AAVA is much quitter than the digital volume control in the player. I say, that all depends about which noise one talks about! The AAVA volume control has an inherent noise which is audible when one uses very sensitive speakers, e.g. my UNO speakers which have a sensitivity of 105 dBs. This has been mentioned also in a professional review (probably by Pacula) where Accuphase electronics have been used with Avantgarde speakers. Accuphase is fully aware of this but keeps quiet and strives to minimise the issue. This noise becomes quitter and quitter the higher you go the Accuphase ladder. I can confirm that C-2410 was noisier than C-2810 which in turn was noisier than C-3800. While overall this inherent noise is not a big deal, viz. when music is playing one can not easily hear it, the important point here is the fact that the digital volume control in the Accuphase players do not exhibit this issue.

Second, there is the issue of power amp. Feeding the player directly in the power amp does not always yield good results. With the wrong amp it can sound like a clock-radio, but with the right amp it can sound very very good. I have obtained poor results with A-45, but very good results with A-65. To find out what the result would be one simply needs to try, and to be open minded of course. In my case, inserting the C-3800 between the DP-720 and A-65 yields a fuller sound with better bass and better decay of the instruments. I certainly do not plan to get rid of the C-3800! However, the reality is that feeding the DP-720 directly into the A-65 yields a very good sound that makes if hard to justify the price of a C-2420 pre-amp.

My take home message is to be aware of the half-truths told by the marketing departments. Their job is to convince people to buy pre-amps.
個人訊息 會員
2016-10-23 16:27
[#9] Accuphase AAVA volume     
Thanks your comment.

The interesting thing is: The zzz noise only audible when you are tuning the volume knob quickly in silent music backgroud. And only audible when it is playing SACD disc. All cables are Accuphase 7N cables. Speaker is Red Rose R3 (Aluminium Foil tweeter).

C3850 is a very good preamp. it is very sensitive and find audible change when change any accessories (like cables, power cord, power filter, etc.). This is a good point but also a bad point.

個人訊息 正式會員
2016-10-23 17:08
[#10] Accuphase AAVA volume     
Accuphase is well aware of this problem....read quote

" Accuphase is fully aware of this but keeps quiet and strives to minimise the issue. This noise becomes quitter and quitter the higher you go the Accuphase ladder. "
個人訊息 會員
2016-10-23 18:26
[#11] Accuphase AAVA volume     
請問C38x0 pre amp user.
這麽大左右AAVA volume.
好像沒analogue circuit.
個人訊息 正式會員
2016-10-28 18:31
[#12] Accuphase AAVA volume     
100% analog IC(operational amplifier ) circuit, it means fully analog
個人訊息 正式會員
2016-10-29 01:39
[#13] Accuphase AAVA volume     
Hello There

I have the same noise problem with my C2410 and A45 combo. Actually I discovered this problem by chance. I set the gain of the preamp to 24 db and set the gain to max for the power amp. The zzz sound only noticeable when turning the volume button up and down. Even when it's too low or too high the noise is same and only when you turning the volume button. Do you have any solution or response from Accuphase?

個人訊息 會員
2016-10-31 10:43
[#14] Accuphase AAVA volume     
Hello caglarborklu,

Yes, your problem is exactly same as me.

個人訊息 正式會員
2016-10-31 18:28
[#15] Accuphase AAVA volume     
個人訊息 會員
2016-10-31 19:42
[#16] Accuphase AAVA volume     
I am suing the preamp gain settings to the minimum and increase the power amp gain. with this setting i cant hear any noise at the moment. i bought my preamp from hifido. Actually ask them about this problem and they keep asking me to change XLR cable, use RCA cable..make this make that.. which i try more than they suggest..But they still didn't accept that there is problem with AAVA volume control. i am quite happy with my preamp actually. My concern is this problem will be worse in future or will cause another problem.. Hope will not. I am a foreigner living in Shenzhen and couldn't communicate with Accuphase dealers here. if anyone get a official answer from them please let me know..

Thank you :)
個人訊息 會員
2016-10-31 23:56
[#17] Accuphase AAVA volume     
Is it the noise problem happen only when rotating the volume knob?
個人訊息 正式會員
2016-11-01 01:26
[#18] Accuphase AAVA volume     
AAVA 線路内含很多cmos analog switch and operational amplifier, 可能是設計問题,未能適應快速扭動volume knob
個人訊息 正式會員
2016-11-01 01:42
[#19] Accuphase AAVA volume     
Hi BatmanamesIA

Yes only happens when you move the volume button. If it's stable no noise. Even the gains are max. When you slowly or fast, move it to high or low, the noise come up.

個人訊息 會員
2016-11-01 02:32
[#20] Accuphase AAVA volume     
Thanks caglarborklu, highly believe this is design issue and cannot be fixed becasue this is a variable gain pre-amplifier and using complicated anlog comos switch (using microprocessor control the switch on and off).
個人訊息 正式會員
2016-11-01 04:15
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