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[#24745] Leak Club for Leakies or Leak user Gingers. Thanks. |
rsbn589 正式會員 115.xxx.xxx.38 |
2009-09-06 11:03 | |
[#24746] On 05-09-2009 visit man's HiFi Show room It was first time I visit Man's place. :) |
ah-fung 正式會員 61.xxx.xxx.54 |
2009-09-06 12:48 |
[#24747] On 05-09-2009 visit man's HiFi Show room Marantz 1 + 2 plushing Golden Label Rogers plus subwoofer playing Michael Jack Thiller. I was shoke by their performance. :0 |
ah-fung 正式會員 61.xxx.xxx.54 |
2009-09-06 13:09 |
[#24748] On 05-09-2009 visit man's HiFi Show room This is a HiFi show without a CD player, case owner only listen to LP. :) |
ah-fung 正式會員 61.xxx.xxx.54 |
2009-09-06 13:41 |
[#24749] On 05-09-2009 visit man's HiFi Show room John 下次有局 可以call埋我又av又3/5仔+超底...very nice! hinhin |
hinhin 正式會員 218.xxx.xxx.94 |
2009-09-06 14:15 |
[#24750] Leak Club for Leakies or Leak user 條路好長 , 走成日都未走完呀 ^_^ . ------------------------------- Pongo You can drive your racing car :-) John |
Gingers 正式會員 221.xxx.xxx.253 |
2009-09-06 20:41 |
[#24751] On 05-09-2009 visit man's HiFi Show room 下次有局 可以call埋我又av又3/5仔+超底...very nice! ---------------------------------------- HinHin 收到!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
Gingers 正式會員 221.xxx.xxx.253 |
2009-09-06 20:45 |
[#24752] On 05-09-2009 visit man's HiFi Show room Ah Fung Thanks a lot for sharing the photos. My Olympus did not do the job well last time. John |
Gingers 正式會員 221.xxx.xxx.253 |
2009-09-06 20:47 |
[#24753] Leak Club for Leakies or Leak user My hair starts to """leak""" and hope they can help :-) |
Gingers 正式會員 221.xxx.xxx.253 |
2009-09-06 21:10 |
[#24754] Leak Club for Leakies or Leak user 在網絡音樂的世界里 --------------------------- The world is getting smaller. As I told you before, I stayed more than one month in New York before. If I visit NY again, I will definitely visit you and the other brothers in NY :-) |
Gingers 正式會員 221.xxx.xxx.253 |
2009-09-06 21:23 |
[#24755] Leak Club for Leakies or Leak user Dear John I'm gonna well keep this pair until you come to NYC. I'll stick with you from the morning to the night,please keep me inform before visit:-) JP |
jp80mc 正式會員 69.xxx.xxx.142 |
2009-09-06 23:44 |
[#24756] Leak Club for Leakies or Leak user Good morning I took some photos at Hong Kong Park. http://www.review33.com/avforum/forum_message.php?topic=44060503133755 |
Gingers 正式會員 221.xxx.xxx.105 |
2009-09-08 06:34 |
[#24757] Leak Club for Leakies or Leak user hi guys, what types of power cables do you all use for kt66 monoblocks? |
aliu 正式會員 218.xxx.xxx.157 |
2009-09-08 22:26 |
[#24758] Leak Club for Leakies or Leak user what types of power cables do you all use for kt66 monoblocks? -------------------------- I used many :-) For 12.1 it is Gotham :-) |
Gingers 正式會員 218.xxx.xxx.4 |
2009-09-10 17:23 |
[#24759] Leak Club for Leakies or Leak user gotham 有出電源線? |
aliu 正式會員 203.xxx.xxx.215 |
2009-09-10 17:30 |
[#24760] Leak Club for Leakies or Leak user gotham 有出電源線? ------------------------Sorry I mean the speaker cable. For power, I use Denko brown :-) The colour match 12.1. http://www.av-forums.net/plus/archiver/?tid-12103.html http://www.hkepc.com/forum/viewthread.php?tid=1222426 |
Gingers 正式會員 221.xxx.xxx.103 |
2009-09-10 22:06 |
[#24761] Leak Club for Leakies or Leak user John, 你和jp80兄的合照很帥啊! |
童虎 正式會員 119.xxx.xxx.228 |
2009-09-10 22:15 |
[#24762] Leak Club for Leakies or Leak user 你和jp80兄的合照很帥啊! -------------------------- Thank you. |
Gingers 正式會員 221.xxx.xxx.103 |
2009-09-10 22:45 |
[#24763] Leak Club for Leakies or Leak user Leak TL25+ 同leak 12.1聲底係唔係差好遠呢Leak TL25+ 如果用來推3/5a唔知甲唔甲呢 |
168wa 正式會員 116.xxx.xxx.144 |
2009-09-10 23:10 |
[#24764] Leak Club for Leakies or Leak user Leak TL25+ 同leak 12.1聲底係唔係差好遠呢Leak TL25+ 如果用來推3/5a唔知甲唔甲呢 ---------------------------- 甲甲甲 If you like EL34, it is one of the best EL34 amplifiers for LS3/5A :-) |
Gingers 正式會員 218.xxx.xxx.4 |
2009-09-11 08:52 |