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[#26348] Leak Club for Leakies or Leak user I make appologize. I had miss overlooked the page 873. I had try the octal plugs with shunt resistors , noise still there. I will try on disconnect the earth wire from power to amp later. hope can solve the noise problem. |
heu![]() 118.xxx.xxx.28 |
2012-04-05 22:23 | |
[#26349] Leak Club for Leakies or Leak user Try to replace the 0.25 TCC caps with Russian PIO. It wouldn't cost you arm and leg. |
rsbn589![]() 115.xxx.xxx.157 |
2012-04-05 22:27 |
[#26350] Leak Club for Leakies or Leak user Try to replace the 0.25 TCC caps with Russian PIO. It wouldn't cost you arm and leg. --------------------------------------- KY, Heu, Bad coupling caps would case red hot plates of EL84's. Any such sign? Russian PIO is not my cup of tea in sonics anyway. :) If noise is consistent like 50/60Hz hum, it is normally due to smoothing caps instead. If it is sporatic noise heard at times or sometimes, it is somewhere else or something else. Do the right diagnosis and give the right treatment. Cheers! 最後修改時間: 2012-04-05 22:45:25 |
rcwy![]() 221.xxx.xxx.238 |
2012-04-05 22:44 |
[#26351] Leak Club for Leakies or Leak user "I had try the octal plugs with shunt resistors , noise still there." Heu, What values are the shunt resistors? |
rcwy![]() 221.xxx.xxx.238 |
2012-04-05 22:55 |
[#26352] Leak Club for Leakies or Leak user "still have nosie. Its from tweeter speaker." It sounds like "white noise"... likely from very old carbon resistors in the power amp AND in the preamp. If it is indeed white noise which comes from the pre-amp, too high input sensitivity of the power amp could magnify the noise from the pre-amp making the noise intolerable and is the culprit. So, the value of the shunt resistors may be significant in your case. 最後修改時間: 2012-04-05 23:03:51 |
rcwy![]() 221.xxx.xxx.238 |
2012-04-05 23:00 |
[#26353] Leak Club for Leakies or Leak user Heu, Regarding whether you need to change the caps, measure voltage at the grids of EL84's. What are the value in Volt(s) against ground (chasis)? Normally, grid against ground should measure ZERO volt. If it is +1 or above, the vintage TCC coupling caps are leaky. Replace them with modern PIO's, like those from Jensen, etc. that will not cost an arm and a leg too. ^^ ![]() 最後修改時間: 2012-04-05 23:20:48 |
rcwy![]() 221.xxx.xxx.238 |
2012-04-05 23:13 |
[#26354] Leak Club for Leakies or Leak user Had try the russian cap, its not my cup of tea. I more like the tcc 0.25. its poison my ear. |
heu![]() 118.xxx.xxx.28 |
2012-04-05 23:25 |
[#26355] Leak Club for Leakies or Leak user the shunt resistors value is about 120K and 47K if i not make misstake. the plug ready return back can't measure. |
heu![]() 118.xxx.xxx.28 |
2012-04-05 23:29 |
[#26356] Leak Club for Leakies or Leak user leg and arm ready cut lo, total restoration component part and learning cost can purchase another 1 unit leak tl 12 plus. |
heu![]() 118.xxx.xxx.28 |
2012-04-05 23:34 |
[#26357] Leak Club for Leakies or Leak user can I know what is the point or pin for the grids i can measure it. i have the 12 plus circuit diagram. can found it from the diagram? |
heu![]() 118.xxx.xxx.28 |
2012-04-05 23:36 |
[#26358] Leak Club for Leakies or Leak user i had removed the earth wire from power socket to amp, its a bit nosie reduce, aleast hear and feel more comfortable. will have more testing first to confirm it |
heu![]() 118.xxx.xxx.28 |
2012-04-05 23:42 |
[#26359] Leak Club for Leakies or Leak user Its the grids of EL84s pin 7, 9 to output transformer pin 4,6, and 5, 8 ? I guess it. Very thanks to KY and Rcwy give a support. |
heu![]() 118.xxx.xxx.28 |
2012-04-05 23:47 |
[#26360] Leak Club for Leakies or Leak user the shunt resistors value is about 120K and 47K --------------------- That combination is OK. |
rcwy![]() 221.xxx.xxx.238 |
2012-04-06 00:05 |
[#26361] Leak Club for Leakies or Leak user For EL84, grid is Pin 2; Cathod is Pin 3; and Plate is Pin 7. ![]() |
rcwy![]() 221.xxx.xxx.238 |
2012-04-06 00:08 |
[#26362] Leak Club for Leakies or Leak user i had removed the earth wire from power socket to amp, its a bit nosie reduce, aleast hear and feel more comfortable. --------------------------- Did you say noise was audible from the tweeters of your speakers only? This observation is strange, if the noise is indeed hum that you reduced by removing earth wire. Make sure what nature is the noise? |
rcwy![]() 221.xxx.xxx.238 |
2012-04-06 00:15 |
[#26363] Leak Club for Leakies or Leak user how I explain, ok I just make a simple explain before removed earth wire, the sound is chu.uzuzuzuzu....not loud but when u stand in front speaker between 10 INCH, u will hear it, 声好利耳. , after removed earth wire the sound is Zzzzzzz......, its more comfortable and acceptable. Can be my house [电]接地线不干净? |
heu![]() 118.xxx.xxx.28 |
2012-04-06 00:46 |
[#26364] Leak Club for Leakies or Leak user 0.68V this cap still good? ![]() |
heu![]() 118.xxx.xxx.28 |
2012-04-06 12:51 |
[#26365] Leak Club for Leakies or Leak user 2.54vdc , this cap is leaky? ![]() |
heu![]() 118.xxx.xxx.28 |
2012-04-06 12:54 |
[#26366] Leak Club for Leakies or Leak user 各位師兄,小笫最近購入了一對LEAK 1O,1後級,但機內的TCC電容以全部報廢,10粒0.1uf需要更換,請問什麼牌子可以代用,如果買TCC,那處可以找到呢?謝謝! |
ptlam![]() 220.xxx.xxx.110 |
2012-04-07 00:41 |
[#26367] Leak Club for Leakies or Leak user HUNTS ![]() |
philiplee![]() 2.xxx.xxx.136 |
2012-04-07 05:39 |