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[#26365] Leak Club for Leakies or Leak user    
2.54vdc , this cap is leaky?

個人訊息 正式會員
2012-04-06 12:54
[#26366] Leak Club for Leakies or Leak user    
各位師兄,小笫最近購入了一對LEAK 1O,1後級,但機內的TCC電容以全部報廢,10粒0.1uf需要更換,請問什麼牌子可以代用,如果買TCC,那處可以找到呢?謝謝!
個人訊息 正式會員
2012-04-07 00:41
[#26367] Leak Club for Leakies or Leak user    

個人訊息 正式會員
2012-04-07 05:39
[#26368] Leak Club for Leakies or Leak user    

個人訊息 正式會員
2012-04-07 05:41
[#26369] Leak Club for Leakies or Leak user    

個人訊息 正式會員
2012-04-07 05:42
[#26370] Leak Club for Leakies or Leak user    
I was told by sifu voltage better to be <1vdc.

最後修改時間: 2012-04-07 12:20:07
個人訊息 正式會員
2012-04-07 12:18
[#26371] Leak Club for Leakies or Leak user    
Changed to super metalpack! ^_^

個人訊息 正式會員
2012-04-07 12:19
[#26372] Leak Club for Leakies or Leak user    
I had tried Jensen 0.25uF PIO but it leaked over the time. I ended up with Russian PIO which is very good in terms of reliability (no leak) and the sonic performance is not bad but not on par with TCC. Metalpack TCC will sure leak and I have given up. Could someone advise the best alternative 0.25uF Cap besides SuperMetalPack TCC?
個人訊息 正式會員
2012-04-07 14:25
[#26373] Leak Club for Leakies or Leak user    
May I know what is the proper way of knowing if the capacitor used is leaky or not?

個人訊息 正式會員
2012-04-07 18:01
[#26374] Leak Club for Leakies or Leak user    
也是一句 古董 HUNTS 可以代之 .

相中 Phase Splitter 的 TCC 0.1uf 一定要換 .

個人訊息 正式會員
2012-04-07 19:33
[#26375] Leak Club for Leakies or Leak user    

個人訊息 正式會員
2012-04-07 19:35
[#26376] Leak Club for Leakies or Leak user    

個人訊息 正式會員
2012-04-07 19:36
[#26377] Leak Club for Leakies or Leak user    
May I know what is the proper way of knowing if the capacitor used is leaky or not?


I think we focus on coupling capacitors, not the smoothing ones. To say whether a method is proper (or impropoer), we have to understand what function a coupling capacitor fulfils.

COUPLING, i.e. signals (varying potentials by nature) is passed from one end of the capacitor to the other end, without letting DC passes through!

Think about where a coupling capacitor is used?

One end of the capacitor is wired to the plate of a phase-split driver tube (voltage as high at +350V! as in most LEAK power amps) and the other end is wired to the grid of a power tube such as KT66 (at static: grid pentential ZERO!). When signal, i.e. varying potentials, is present, grid lets go or restrains electronics passing from cathod to anode (plate), thus amplying the tiny signal! The grid functions as a control valve. Thus, in English, a tube is called a valve.

A normal working coupling capacitor should not conduct DC like a resistor or a conductor does, and so, when no signal is at the grid of a power tube, the grid should remain zero in potential against the ground.

So, ZERO VDC measured at pwer tube's grid is ideal as no DC is leaked across the coupling capacitor; measured less than +1 VDC is perhaps acceptable as there is hardly ideal; measured more than +1 VDC means the level of leakage is perhaps too much that may overstress the power tube.

These can be compared by measuring the plate current that is unnecessarily increased due to a leaky coupling capacitor. It leads to premature death of the power tubes if ignored in a long run.

最後修改時間: 2012-04-07 20:43:41
個人訊息 正式會員
2012-04-07 20:34
[#26378] Leak Club for Leakies or Leak user    


May I know what is the proper way of knowing if the capacitor used is leaky or not?


My reply: (with slight amendments)

I think we focus on coupling capacitors, not the smoothing ones. To say whether a method is proper (or improper), we have to understand what function a coupling capacitor fulfils.

COUPLING, i.e. signals (varying potentials by nature) is passed from one end of the capacitor to the other end, WITHOUT letting DC passes through the capacitor.

Think about where a coupling capacitor is wired/used?

One end of the capacitor is wired to the plate of a phase-split or driver tube (voltage as high at +350V! as in many LEAK power amps), and the other end is wired to the grid of a power tube such as KT66 (at static, grid pentential = ZERO VDC). When signal, i.e. varying potentials, is present, the grid of the power tube lets go or restrains electrons leaving the red-hot cathode, passing through the vacuum, to the power tube's anode (plate), thus amplying the tiny signals. Thus, the grid functions as a control valve, and therefor, a tube is called a "valve" in English.

A normal working coupling capacitor should not conduct DC like a resistor or a piece of wire does, and so, when no signal is at the grid of a power tube, the grid of a power tube should remain zero in potential against the ground.

So, ZERO VDC measured at the power tube's grid is ideal as no DC is leaked across the coupling capacitor; grid measured no more than +1 VDC is acceptable as there is hardly an ideal; grid measured more than +1 VDC means the capacitor leakage may cause worries as it may overstress the power tube.

The ill effect of a leaky coupling capacitor on a power tube may be seen by comparing the measured plate current that is unnecessarily increased due to a leaky coupling capacitor. It leads to pre-mature death of power tubes if leakage is allowed for a long period of time.

In short, at no signal:

G = 0 VDC : very good coupling capcitor
G = less than 1 VDC : slight leakage
G = 1 VDC or more than 1 VDC : leakage is obvious

個人訊息 正式會員
2012-04-08 18:12
[#26379] Leak Club for Leakies or Leak user    

Ended at over 2,000 GBP!!
With this amount, I could buy two pais of 12.1 a few years ago!!


個人訊息 正式會員
2012-04-12 09:43
[#26380] Leak Club for Leakies or Leak user    

The price is almost double of those in HK. So, for good looking collectable items, it is much more desirable to sell in eBay than in HK.

Gingers: You know where your LS3/5A should go to.
個人訊息 正式會員
2012-04-12 12:48
[#26381] Leak Club for Leakies or Leak user    

Rare Audiomaster 11A ended at 2,850 GBP!!


個人訊息 正式會員
2012-04-14 16:08
[#26382] Leak Club for Leakies or Leak user    

Just find this old photo in one of my oldest photo albums!!

個人訊息 正式會員
2012-04-15 16:48
[#26383] Leak Club for Leakies or Leak user    

This one is probably amongst the 2nd oldest photos among R33 Leak users.

個人訊息 正式會員
2012-04-16 01:37
[#26384] Leak Club for Leakies or Leak user    

Closed frame versiom ended at 8,417 US dollars!!

個人訊息 正式會員
2012-04-21 20:15
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