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[#5936] Leak Club for Leakies or Leak user Theoretically that's a good way to match speakers perfectly but better not tell the impatient owner otherwise he'll kidnap me to his flat and do the adjustment for him once a while. --------------------------------------------- Yeung It is obvious to see you had been kidnapped by Franky : ) WHAT is the progress? Open a thread to share? Add OIL please. John ![]() |
Gingers![]() 221.xxx.xxx.67 |
2005-05-30 14:14 | |
[#5937] Leak Club for Leakies or Leak user Gingers, Worse than kidnap! He carried the two amps (door to door) to my flat and asked me to swap the components one by one for his evaluation (while he watches dvd movie!) Luckily I have to attend Richard's party otherwise he'll 'dud' at my flat for the whole day! The pair of amps are in very poor condition. The 'low hand' ex-owner replaced all the wires with those VDH SCS silver plated wires and that's why the sound is not as chesty as your TL12.1 Even worse the voltages are all wrongly set with 240V line input and the HT to the wrong tapping at 380V instead of 450V. All filament voltages are below 6V because of the wrong line tapping. Cathode bias resistor is also wrong at 680 instead of 600. With the lowered plate voltage the KT66 is basically working with abnomally low bias. The units are now with me and it will take me a while to fix all the problems. Despite all the above problems, I firmly believe this amp is one of the top British vintage PP amps on par with Leak 12.1 Fortunately the most precious items in the amp the output & power Tx, choke and the incredible 750V rating 8uF cap (made in 1955) are still working perfectly. I now have all TCC Metalpack caps thrown in and with U52, 33S29, 33S30, KT66... Wa! The female vocal is so toxic 'piu ha piu ha' beating my Klangfilm 502 Looks like another round of 12.1 Vs HF25 is unavoidable! |
F2ayeung![]() 202.xxx.xxx.227 |
2005-05-30 16:15 |
[#5938] Leak Club for Leakies or Leak user Wa! The female vocal is so toxic 'piu ha piu ha' beating my Klangfilm 502 -------------------------------------------- Perhaps Wa! The female vocal is so toxic 'piu ha piu ha' beating my LS3/5A. John |
Gingers![]() 221.xxx.xxx.67 |
2005-05-30 18:29 |
[#5939] Leak Club for Leakies or Leak user Looks like another round of 12.1 Vs HF25 is unavoidable! --------------------------------------------- Please arrange it at your full speed ah : ) |
Gingers![]() 221.xxx.xxx.67 |
2005-05-30 18:30 |
[#5940] Leak Club for Leakies or Leak user I was looking at some Leak TL10.1 but eventually gave up on buying as the output was not wound in 4 sections as in 12.1 and the coke was ommitted, i.e. it is a 'compromised in cost' product from 12.1 However, I think KT61 or EL33 have good potential. So I have a wild idea to build a 'clone' TL10.1 when my restoration of 12.1 is finished. There will be 3 changes. First is on the output to use some old Germany C-core material and wound in 4 sections. Second is to add a choke (gotta find some old UK oil chokes at around 10H or above). Then a power transformer wound with 4V filament for rectifiers. Then I can use 4V tube rectifiers such as U18/20, RGNs etc...Hope this dream can be done this year. |
yukclee![]() 203.xxx.xxx.149 |
2005-05-30 18:32 |
[#5941] Leak Club for Leakies or Leak user yukclee hing, Small Chu has those oil choke available. I think it's either Gardner or Gresham. For the 4V transformer. I tried some local transformer but they sound horrible. The quality of this transformer is very crucial. With a bad transformer, the result is even worse than a dropping resistor. If you want really good 4V transformer you can ask Gingers to introduce 'Tube Saint' to you. He told me he knows someone in Germany who can still wind 4V transformer with no gap core. Exactly the same type he use in his incredible Williamson amp. Gingers, I just discovered the ex-owner put the wrong wiring for the NFB! My God I wonder how good the sound will be with all correct settings. |
F2ayeung![]() 202.xxx.xxx.27 |
2005-05-30 18:49 |
[#5942] Leak Club for Leakies or Leak user Hi brothers, Long time no see! Any brothers know how to take away the platter from the garrard 301? Any special lock? Thanks pang |
m6![]() 218.xxx.xxx.190 |
2005-05-31 21:13 |
[#5943] Leak Club for Leakies or Leak user M6, After I moved transformers to my office/workshop, I need to use the 220V --> 110V transformer that I lent to you. But it is not too urgent . :) |
rcwy![]() 221.xxx.xxx.253 |
2005-05-31 21:54 |
[#5944] Leak Club for Leakies or Leak user Richard, Thanks for your transformer, I can bring it to your place on the coming Sat or Sun. Any good arrangement? Thanks. pang |
m6![]() 218.xxx.xxx.190 |
2005-05-31 21:56 |
[#5945] Leak Club for Leakies or Leak user M6, "I can bring it to your place on the coming Sat or Sun." Can be this or next weekend. No hurry at all. Give me a call tomorrow to fix the time. :) |
rcwy![]() 221.xxx.xxx.253 |
2005-05-31 21:58 |
[#5946] Leak Club for Leakies or Leak user Richard, Thanks! pang |
m6![]() 218.xxx.xxx.190 |
2005-05-31 21:59 |
[#5947] Leak Club for Leakies or Leak user M6, You can take the opportunity to take a tube shield. :) |
rcwy![]() 221.xxx.xxx.253 |
2005-05-31 22:00 |
[#5948] Leak TL10 problems Dear all Do you have experience of wax leaking from the power transformers after prolonged usage (say 8 hours)? I would like to know will this cause safety problem and will this affect the functioning of the amp if the wax keeps running out. Thanks and regards Ringo |
ckw![]() 210.xxx.xxx.38 |
2005-06-01 10:16 |
[#5949] Leak TL10 problems ckw3 Is the 'LEAK' serious. Any photos? John |
Gingers![]() 221.xxx.xxx.163 |
2005-06-01 22:42 |
[#5950] Leak TL10 problems Do you have experience of wax leaking from the power transformers ---------------------------------- ckw Not uncommon to see it if something wrong inside. Were both power trnasformers hot? If too hot, the wax would melt though :-( John |
Gingers![]() 221.xxx.xxx.163 |
2005-06-01 23:07 |
[#5951] Leak TL10 problems First is to see if the power transformer is too hot after running for a while. It's either some component is drawing too much current or part of winding is short. Best is to check the secondary voltages after running for sometime. Also the mira.net web site (http://home.mira.net/~kiewavly/Leak.html) also provides some winding resistance & voltage information for a quick check. |
yukclee![]() 203.xxx.xxx.76 |
2005-06-01 23:17 |
[#5952] Leak Club & Leak users ![]() |
Gingers![]() 221.xxx.xxx.163 |
2005-06-02 00:25 |
[#5953] "Leaking" problem Dear all, I have both 2 units of TL10 experiencing "leaking" of wax after 8 hours use. My question is, any buddies used the amps for such a long time? The transformers run hot as usual, but not too hot as my hands can touch them. The sound seems normal and no hum heard from the transfomrers. Someone told me that the old way of making power transfomers were to use wax to cool it and as damping purpose. What if the wax all goes out then? What voltage tapping are you guys using? My current setting is 215v to 235v. John, i dont know how to post pictures, any email account i can send you the pictures? Regards Ringo |
CKW![]() 221.xxx.xxx.222 |
2005-06-02 07:33 |
[#5954] "Leaking" problem CKW I have several Leak Tube amplifiers and none of them have this kind of problem after 4-5 hours listening. You can send photos to johnkeung@hgcbroadband.com BTW, I did not audition any Leak TL/10 before. As a Leak fan, it is a regret : ) What speaker are you using? Curious to know : ) John |
Gingers![]() 221.xxx.xxx.175 |
2005-06-02 07:40 |
[#5955] "Leaking" problem Ringo, Wax should not be the 'coolent' but the insulator of moist air, etc., and the stabliser for electronic components, e.g. air coils soldered onto a PCB. Check if the was came from the other components instead of from any of the transformers? If the PSTs on your TL/10 can be touched by your bare hands for at least 8 to 10 seconds, it is NOT too hot for such after 8 hours' use. Don't worry. |
rcwy![]() 221.xxx.xxx.253 |
2005-06-02 07:41 |