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[#5993] Simple but good tase. SZman May I have your email to discuss privately? My email address is johnkeung@hotmail.com John |
Gingers 正式會員 221.xxx.xxx.154 |
2005-06-05 10:10 | |
[#5994] Simple but good tase. John: check M. szman |
szman 正式會員 203.xxx.xxx.110 |
2005-06-05 10:19 |
[#5995] Simple but good tase. Alex Please check mails : ) John |
Gingers 正式會員 221.xxx.xxx.154 |
2005-06-05 10:27 |
[#5996] Simple but good tase. Gingers, Snaped a time slot to post you this message. The CD that you want to find is as follows: La Bamba - the 0-zone percussion group KD-77017 Hope this helps! |
rcwy 正式會員 221.xxx.xxx.250 |
2005-06-05 13:40 |
[#5997] Simple but good tase. The final track, "Jazz Variants," from the O-Zone Percussion Group, is taken from Klavier KD 77017 and was, in Trifield, the best demo of impact and transient performance I'd heard in a long while. Every instrument was hard and tight and, when played with force, could be felt. Trifield freed the sounds from the positional constraints of the stereo pair and enhanced the presence of the ensemble to formidable levels. What a kick! http://www.stereophile.com/digitalsourcereviews/201/index16.html ------------------------------------------ Richard I am able to buy this CD at 5.99US. Interested to get one? http://www.classicalenthusiast.com/gordonscds/html/108119.htm# John |
Gingers 正式會員 221.xxx.xxx.23 |
2005-06-05 15:53 |
[#5998] Simple but good tase. "The 葬心 in this CD is very good with my Leak el84 amplifiers. However, I was really shocked that my Leak TL/12 Point One could not control the bass (Some will argue there is bass in LS3/5A sound) efficiently. The bass (may be mid to someone) was 散、散、散、!!!!!!!!!" Ginger, I problem might come from the pre-amp. What pre-amp was used at that time? |
albertino 正式會員 203.xxx.xxx.252 |
2005-06-05 18:50 |
[#5999] Simple but good tase. problem might come from the pre-amp. What pre-amp was used at that time? ----------------------------------------- Albert My EICO ST84. Perhaps I should invite your M7 to come. Any chance to have your M7 ? : ) John |
Gingers 正式會員 221.xxx.xxx.51 |
2005-06-05 21:19 |
[#6000] Marantz 5 & 7 |
Gingers 正式會員 221.xxx.xxx.51 |
2005-06-05 21:26 |
[#6001] Marantz 5 & 7 "The 葬心 in this CD is very good with my Leak el84 amplifiers. However, I was really shocked that my Leak TL/12 Point One could not control the bass (Some will argue there is bass in LS3/5A sound) efficiently. The bass (may be mid to someone) was 散、散、散、!!!!!!!!!" ------------------------------------------- I would guess that the bass of this 葬心 is too much for LS3/5A. Theree was no problem with other songs in this CD : ) |
Gingers 正式會員 221.xxx.xxx.51 |
2005-06-05 21:31 |
[#6002] Marantz 5 & 7 This Stereo will meet 李英愛 in South Korea : ) |
Gingers 正式會員 221.xxx.xxx.51 |
2005-06-05 21:35 |
[#6003] Leak Club & Leak users Laucy/ Waterman POISONED by you and finally I just could not control myself to buy the CDs recommended by all of you : ) John |
Gingers 正式會員 221.xxx.xxx.251 |
2005-06-07 19:55 |
[#6004] Leak Club & Leak users "Any chance to have your M7 ?" Ginger, I will have a surgery on my eyes tomorrow and have to take rest at home for a few days. Therefore, it will not be convenient to bring the M7 to your home within this week. |
albertino 正式會員 219.xxx.xxx.19 |
2005-06-07 22:25 |
[#6005] Leak Club & Leak users Tino No urgency. John |
Gingers 正式會員 221.xxx.xxx.251 |
2005-06-07 22:54 |
[#6006] Leak Club & Leak users dear tino : What's wrong with your eyes? |
lym 正式會員 219.xxx.xxx.2 |
2005-06-07 22:59 |
[#6007] Leak Club & Leak users lym A small surgery. Don't worry!!! John |
Gingers 正式會員 221.xxx.xxx.251 |
2005-06-07 23:03 |
[#6008] Leak Club & Leak users gingers : I see... that's good. Chances are that everyone got one or two surgeries during his life. |
lym 正式會員 219.xxx.xxx.2 |
2005-06-07 23:04 |
[#6009] Leak Club & Leak users Gingers, The CDs are the cheapest item in the HiFi system, I think. I am in my early 30s and I still gots CDs which were bought at my teens, I listen to them for nearly 20 years. The best investment in your life. The major upgrade in my HiFi system is also completed. My listening area changed from 7.5 X 12.5 feets to 12.5 X 15 feets. It is another world. |
laucy 正式會員 222.xxx.xxx.240 |
2005-06-07 23:37 |
[#6010] Teresa Tang : "dum dum yau ching" Tino, I came across the LP in Pacific Places in Admality, I bought it and it is marched with any of the LP mentioned by Lee HC. It has the booklet of pictures and drawings, serial number polydor 2427 377A. I cannot see any numbers angraved in the LP as they all did on the Lee's sample. It is 180 gram, made in Japan. I have not turntable yet and has no chance to listen to it. Is it any good. |
laucy 正式會員 222.xxx.xxx.240 |
2005-06-07 23:45 |
[#6011] Teresa Tang : "dum dum yau ching" It should be " ot marched" |
laucy 正式會員 222.xxx.xxx.240 |
2005-06-07 23:47 |
[#6012] Teresa Tang : "dum dum yau ching" I came across the LP in Pacific Places in Admality, I bought it and it is "NOT" marched with any of the LP mentioned by Lee HC. It has the booklet of pictures and drawings, serial number polydor 2427 377A. I cannot see any numbers angraved in the LP as they all did on the Lee's sample. It is 180 gram, made in Japan. I have not turntable yet and has no chance to listen to it. Is it any good |
laucy 正式會員 222.xxx.xxx.240 |
2005-06-07 23:48 |