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[#5402] Leak Stereo 50 Vs Stereo 60 Yeung Yuen will need your hands to restore his 50. Slight distortion was heard. I advised him not to play long. Yes, it is mine : ) John |
Gingers 正式會員 221.xxx.xxx.230 |
2005-04-07 20:08 | |
[#5403] Leak Stereo 50 Vs Stereo 60 No la! I have to go for a trip tomorrow. Ask him to buy some TCC caps first la. He seems to be quite happy with the sound wor I have told him many times his set of KT77 is the best match with his Guarneri speakers. |
F2aYeung 正式會員 202.xxx.xxx.111 |
2005-04-07 20:20 |
[#5404] Leak Stereo 50 Vs Stereo 60 I have told him many times his set of KT77 is the best match with his Guarneri speakers. -------------------------------------------- I also think EL34 will be the right tube for his Guarneri : ) |
Gingers 正式會員 221.xxx.xxx.230 |
2005-04-07 21:04 |
[#5405] Leak Stereo 50 Vs Stereo 60 I remember the choke of TIM's Stereo 60 is a relative shorter one. This one has a taller choke. |
Gingers 正式會員 210.xxx.xxx.228 |
2005-04-08 08:37 |
[#5406] Leak Stereo 50 Vs Stereo 60 Gingers "I remember the choke of TIM's Stereo 60 is a relative shorter one. This one has a taller choke." Any interest to try have a choke like ST-60 in your ST50 ah?? |
dd845 正式會員 203.xxx.xxx.188 |
2005-04-08 09:38 |
[#5407] Leak Stereo 50 Vs Stereo 60 Could we hold a party and compare KT77s with high metal base EL34s? JL |
johnnywalker 正式會員 203.xxx.xxx.48 |
2005-04-08 09:53 |
[#5408] Leak Stereo 50 Vs Stereo 60 dd, The choke is so small to supply two channels. Its inductance must be quite small. Do you know the inductance and current rating? |
F2ayeung 正式會員 202.xxx.xxx.220 |
2005-04-08 10:06 |
[#5409] Leak Stereo 50 Vs Stereo 60 F2aYeung Noticed that the choke just 0.2H and the current guessed maybe within 300Ma la.. |
dd845 正式會員 203.xxx.xxx.176 |
2005-04-08 10:41 |
[#5410] Leak Stereo 50 Vs Stereo 60 Could we hold a party and compare KT77s with high metal base EL34s? ------------------------------------------------ We had a party comparing the two before (together with metal base TFK EL34, Xf1 EL34, and top-getter GEC KT88) but they both lost by a huge margin to the F2a11 so the difference between them became unimportant. |
timtube 正式會員 210.xxx.xxx.172 |
2005-04-08 11:12 |
[#5411] Leak Stereo 50 Vs Stereo 60 dd, Thank you. 'Fat Keung' has some PYE chokes available but they're expensive. I wonder if they sound good or not in Leak amps. johnnywalker, You can ask Gingers to grab Yuen and bring his set of KT77 and compare with TFK EL34. Those are genuine Genelex (not small GL) although quite old. He treats them like his concubine and would not allow us to plug them into TL25+ coz the plate voltage is quite high. For Stereo 50, the plate voltage is much lower so I guess it is a good amp for shootout. |
F2ayeung 正式會員 202.xxx.xxx.142 |
2005-04-08 11:17 |
[#5412] Leak Stereo 50 Vs Stereo 60 timtube, Were those TFK metal base EL34 which you guys plugged into my small Klangfilm amps the other day? They sound very good to me. Better than the VT75. |
F2ayeung 正式會員 202.xxx.xxx.142 |
2005-04-08 11:21 |
[#5413] Leak Stereo 50 Vs Stereo 60 F2aYeung "'Fat Keung' has some PYE chokes available but they're expensive. I wonder if they sound good or not in Leak amps. " If at reasonable price, I may take a trial.. |
dd845 正式會員 203.xxx.xxx.237 |
2005-04-08 12:05 |
[#5414] Leak Stereo 50 Vs Stereo 60 "We had a party comparing the two before (together with metal base TFK EL34, Xf1 EL34, and top-getter GEC KT88) but they both lost by a huge margin to the F2a11 so the difference between them became unimportant." I was not at that party. Probably F2A11 could be far better than KT66/77/88 tubes, but there are few people who have gear using it. On the other hand, EL34 tubes are widely used and most of us have amps using them. I can't see why we may find out how good high base EL34 and KT77 tubes are. These exotic tubes are far more expensive. Are they worth the money? Is the margin that big? Besides, some may feel doubtful as regards F2A111 tubes are far better. There could be some other factors to determine this, say, listening area, gear, music played, etc and etc. |
johnnywalker 正式會員 219.xxx.xxx.172 |
2005-04-08 12:12 |
[#5415] Leak Stereo 50 Vs Stereo 60 I think it's Dieter's Alan F2a11 is that good, the circuit and trannie..etc. besides the tubes. JL, we heard on Thomas's F2a11 and EL156. The later is obviously sound better to everybody. And both of them doesn't outperform many other good pentode amps, just they're all wonderful. |
diytfy 正式會員 155.xxx.xxx.45 |
2005-04-08 12:29 |
[#5416] Leak Stereo 50 Vs Stereo 60 We had a party comparing the two before (together with metal base TFK EL34, Xf1 EL34, and top-getter GEC KT88) but they both lost by a huge margin to the F2a11 so the difference between them became unimportant. ------------------------------------------------- Tim, Hold on this thought a bit.. On retrospect, the F2a11 did sound wonderful vis-a-vis the EL34 in the same amps (Alan's tweaked AudioMaster 11A). But F2a11 tube needs a low bias (below -10V?) and thus a mild drive would make the tubes sing. EL34/KT66/KT77 needs negative bias at -36V to -40V. I am not sure how best Alan's 11A has been able to cater for these tubes which have very different specifications. I have this doubt after I heard, repeatedly, very different comments from different friends after they listened to F2a11, EL156 and EL34 tubes at different times. |
rcwy 正式會員 221.xxx.xxx.253 |
2005-04-08 13:01 |
[#5417] Leak Stereo 50 Vs Stereo 60 Perhaps, the comparison amongst F2a11, EL156, EL34 should uses different amps (instead of the same amp), each of which is the best for the tube type. |
rcwy 正式會員 221.xxx.xxx.253 |
2005-04-08 13:04 |
[#5418] Leak Stereo 50 Vs Stereo 60 >I think it's Dieter's Alan F2a11 is that good, the circuit and trannie..etc. besides the tubes. I asked Dieter for info on the parts he used. He even has a 4V tranny specially wound in Germany with no air gap (just like those in my Klangfilm amps) just for the 4V rectifier. The other parts are the best available from Germany and England. No wonder they sound damn good la! |
F2ayeung 正式會員 202.xxx.xxx.109 |
2005-04-08 13:57 |
[#5419] Leak Stereo 50 Vs Stereo 60 I was at Thomas's place the other day too. I must admit F2A11 is brilliant in view of my thirty minutes' audition there, as good as EL156. However, without any serious and actual comparison, I dare not say either F2A11 or EL156 is far better than EL34/KT66/KT88. |
johnnywalker 正式會員 203.xxx.xxx.4 |
2005-04-08 22:57 |
[#5420] Leak Stereo 50 Vs Stereo 60 But F2a11 tube needs a low bias (below -10V?) and thus a mild drive would make the tubes sing. EL34/KT66/KT77 needs negative bias at -36V to -40V. I am not sure how best Alan's 11A has been able to cater for these tubes which have very different specifications. ----------------------------------------------- There is a switch inside Alan's Audiomaster 11A for both F2a11 and EL34 to operate at their ideal bias point. And the comparison between F2a11 and KT77/EL34/KT88 was done in Alan's Williamson driving the same speaker with the same source in the same room. Again, there are swtiches in the Williamson to ensure all tubes operat in their ideal bias points. I think Alan gave up buying any more "Tall Feet Seven" after that party. The only tube Alan reported which sounds better than F2a11 (in SE application) is EL156. |
timtube 正式會員 218.xxx.xxx.47 |
2005-04-09 01:03 |
[#5421] Leak Stereo 50 Vs Stereo 60 I see. And I have confidence in work of the "Saint of Tubes". |
rcwy 正式會員 221.xxx.xxx.253 |
2005-04-09 09:53 |