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[#5442] LEAK Club |
Gingers 正式會員 221.xxx.xxx.61 |
2005-04-10 23:00 | |
[#5443] LEAK Club |
Gingers 正式會員 221.xxx.xxx.61 |
2005-04-10 23:01 |
[#5444] LEAK Club 若夫日出而林霏開, 雲歸而巖穴滿A晦明變化者,山間之朝暮也。野芳發而幽香,佳木秀而繁陰,風霜高潔, 水落而石出者,山間之四時也。朝而往,暮而歸,四時之景不同,而樂亦無窮也。..... 蒼顏白髮,頹然乎其間者 ,【洩】翁醉也。 |
Gingers 正式會員 221.xxx.xxx.61 |
2005-04-10 23:04 |
[#5445] LEAK Club thanks for visiting to my home and give me some good advise. hope after the Leak 12.1 run-in about 1 month and can invite people to give him a fair comments. |
m9 正式會員 219.xxx.xxx.9 |
2005-04-10 23:23 |
[#5446] LEAK Club Michael, To get the best out of Leak 12.1, make sure you use VT75 and Cossor 53KU. |
timtube 正式會員 210.xxx.xxx.172 |
2005-04-11 16:15 |
[#5447] LEAK Club sorry what is Cossor 53KU ? |
m9 正式會員 202.xxx.xxx.51 |
2005-04-11 16:59 |
[#5448] LEAK Club Cossor 53KU is an indirectly heated rectifier which can handle higher current and voltage compare to GZ32. Although the TL12.1 specified to use GZ32, it drives the GZ32 very very close to its operating limit without much headroom. 53KU is more suitable for this application. |
timtube 正式會員 210.xxx.xxx.172 |
2005-04-11 17:56 |
[#5449] LEAK Club thanks tim |
m9 正式會員 202.xxx.xxx.51 |
2005-04-12 10:00 |
[#5450] LEAK Club I have one piece 53KU. It sound better than the new CV378 GZ37 with same specs. However, it's far from WE274. I think WE274B can direct plug in on TL12.1. with loss in voltage, improvement in sound. |
diytfy 正式會員 155.xxx.xxx.45 |
2005-04-12 10:32 |
[#5451] LEAK Club I think WE274B can direct plug in on TL12.1. with loss in voltage, improvement in sound. ------------------------------------------------- M9 - You can achieve the SAME result (i.e. nice sounding) with the use of the "250V" option instead of the "230V" option on your LEAL TL/12.1. |
rcwy 正式會員 221.xxx.xxx.253 |
2005-04-12 10:40 |
[#5452] LEAK Club SAME result (i.e. nice sounding) ------------------------------------- But whether it is a better sound depends on personal taste. A slightly lower than the spec. B+ voltage would often mean a sound with slightly softer tone. On the other hand, a slightly higher than the spec. B+ would often mean a slightly more punchy sound. |
rcwy 正式會員 221.xxx.xxx.253 |
2005-04-12 10:48 |
[#5453] LEAK Club WE274 loss in voltage drop in measurement only. It sound more open & punchy than 53KU even with higher voltage output. WE274 is a different animal that can kill mercury vapour tube and RGN2504. |
diytfy 正式會員 155.xxx.xxx.45 |
2005-04-12 11:07 |
[#5454] LEAK Club Eric, You certainly know more than me! My 'tuby' taste started only in 2000. I am a newbie in fact. :) |
rcwy 正式會員 221.xxx.xxx.253 |
2005-04-12 11:30 |
[#5455] LEAK Club WE274 is a different animal that can kill mercury vapour tube and RGN2504. -------------------------------------------------- Not to my ears. Not even engraved base WE274B can do that. In fact, I think the result is just the opposite! Maybe different ears different taste la. |
timtube 正式會員 210.xxx.xxx.172 |
2005-04-12 11:31 |
[#5456] LEAK Club Tim, You'may be right, some people prefer chinese 6L6 over WE350B. I haven't heard engraved WE274B, but WE274A is not so vigour and 'strong' and 'wide' as the 274B. Richard, there is no newbie or old hands, just sharing views so I may not know more than you. BTW, I have a pair WE274A, using a pair UX4 to Octal adaptor can easily try out on TL12.1. If someone can volunteer a pair of WE274B, that will be a fun party. |
diytfy 正式會員 155.xxx.xxx.45 |
2005-04-12 11:58 |
[#5457] LEAK Club You'may be right, some people prefer chinese 6L6 over WE350B. ------------------------------------------------ That is true. But on the rectifier shoot-out party we had before, the vast majority of the people present preferred 4V RGN2504 and R2504 over WE274B. This is a view also shared by Ah Ming of Audiophile. Of course, your taste could be different from us. I didn't know you like Chinese 6L6 over WE350B. |
timtube 正式會員 210.xxx.xxx.172 |
2005-04-12 12:09 |
[#5458] LEAK Club No, I didn't like Chinese 6L6. I like Brimar 6L6G and Hytron 6L6 ceramic base. I also like WE350B over Brimar and Hytron but that're too expensive to own now. I have many pentodes already. VT-75, KT88 top getter and F2a11 and EL156 too. They still at reasonable price. |
diytfy 正式會員 155.xxx.xxx.45 |
2005-04-12 12:14 |
[#5459] LEAK Club Lets have happy sharing, always. :) |
rcwy 正式會員 221.xxx.xxx.253 |
2005-04-12 12:14 |
[#5460] LEAK Club VT-75, KT88 top getter and F2a11 and EL156 too. They still at reasonable price. --------------------------------------------- That is becoming, more and more important, when vintage tubes are getting expensive and more tubes become exortic. |
rcwy 正式會員 221.xxx.xxx.253 |
2005-04-12 12:19 |
[#5461] LEAK Club I also found German AX-50 and British FW4/500 sounds better than RGN2504. Just the 'look' not so sexy in a mesh plate. |
diytfy 正式會員 155.xxx.xxx.45 |
2005-04-12 12:27 |