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[#5642] Leak Club for Leakies or Leak user Hi David It has 6L6GC tubes in at present. i will include a new matched pair of 6L6gc the amp can use 6L6gc,EL34,KT66,5881 nothing to bias just plug them in. El 34 give the most transparency and detail. KT66 the most harmonic richness. 6L6gc and 5881 inbetween the two you can run EL34 on one side and 6L6gc on the other to compare sound. thanks john _____________________________________________ "you can run EL34 on one side and 6L6gc on the other to compare sound" >____< |
dd845 正式會員 203.xxx.xxx.203 |
2005-05-01 12:34 | |
[#5643] Leak Club for Leakies or Leak user "you can run EL34 on one side and 6L6gc on the other to compare sound" ------------------------------------------------- That will not work as our brain are programmed to "mix up" signal we heard from both ears. We can pick up far smaller difference with A/B comparsion compare to left/right comparison. |
timtube 正式會員 218.xxx.xxx.135 |
2005-05-01 13:01 |
[#5644] Leak Club for Leakies or Leak user dd or rcwy Silly question. My RCA input adaptor uses a 120K into sigal (pin 8) and grounded using a 47k (Pin 1). For my high efficient horn this is proven still too high of an input signal. If I want to half the input still, Can I simply put another 47k in parallel with the existing 47k? Chi |
clng2003 正式會員 218.xxx.xxx.91 |
2005-05-01 17:08 |
[#5645] Leak Club for Leakies or Leak user Chi "If I want to half the input still, Can I simply put another 47k in parallel with the existing 47k?" No harm, you can try, but you can't make sure it's half the input wor.. If I were you, I will measure the proper resistance by soldering a temporary 100K volune to the input stage, then measure the resistances from the voulume after the input sensity adjustment by listening, solder back resistors with same measured resistance, ok? call me if you want..^__^ |
dd845 正式會員 203.xxx.xxx.203 |
2005-05-01 20:08 |
[#5646] Leak Club for Leakies or Leak user Chi, DD's advice sounds great! Just a bit adding on. After rethinking the logic behind 120K + 47K = 167K, I really wish to find out the optimal ohmages for a tube power amps. Tube amps usally have very high input impedance and use 500K ohm VRs. In this regard, perhaps your experiment may start with a 500K VR to find out the 'soft point' and measure the two ohmages good for your RCA power. r |
rcwy 正式會員 221.xxx.xxx.253 |
2005-05-01 20:35 |
[#5647] Leak Club for Leakies or Leak user Thanks for your help. |
clng2003 正式會員 218.xxx.xxx.91 |
2005-05-01 20:50 |
[#5648] Leak Club for Leakies or Leak user rcwy "DD's advice sounds great! " I am just 班門弄斧..^__^ "Tube amps usally have very high input impedance and use 500K ohm VRs" 100% agreed.. |
dd845 正式會員 203.xxx.xxx.203 |
2005-05-01 21:02 |
[#5649] Leak Club for Leakies or Leak user "DD's advice sounds great! " I am just 班門弄斧..^__^ ------------------------------------ 兩名【長今】國手的對話 ^___^ |
Gingers 正式會員 221.xxx.xxx.72 |
2005-05-01 21:23 |
[#5650] Leak Club for Leakies or Leak user "兩名【長今】國手的對話 ^___^" 皇上自說自話..^++++^ |
dd845 正式會員 203.xxx.xxx.203 |
2005-05-01 21:39 |
[#5651] Leak Club for Leakies or Leak user 皇上自說自話..^++++^ ------------------------------- 九龍皇帝??? |
Gingers 正式會員 221.xxx.xxx.72 |
2005-05-01 22:09 |
[#5652] Leak Club for Leakies or Leak user In fact Chi is a true 大國手 in my eyes. He knows where is the approximate problem area and what he may try. Salute! :) |
rcwy 正式會員 221.xxx.xxx.253 |
2005-05-01 22:51 |
[#5653] Leak Club for Leakies or Leak user 4eye6 is being a 國手 .. he knows what he should do immediately when he hears noise but no music. :) |
rcwy 正式會員 221.xxx.xxx.253 |
2005-05-01 22:52 |
[#5654] Leak Club for Leakies or Leak user Gingers is in fact the other 國手. The best results he has been achieving are to demonstrate what great sound he can achieve by his shoebox speakers driven by LEAK amps. The results are.. as you can see from so many poisoned LEAK fans. But he is a really responsible man - he would perform after-poison services voluntarily, not for rewards but for more friends. Salute! :) |
rcwy 正式會員 221.xxx.xxx.253 |
2005-05-01 22:55 |
[#5655] Leak Club for Leakies or Leak user At least two more guys need mentioning - Chim (our Old Pal) and UO. They have helped making many of our hifi parties possible by his transport service. Salute! |
rcwy 正式會員 221.xxx.xxx.253 |
2005-05-01 23:00 |
[#5656] Leak Club for Leakies or Leak user Chi大國手 4eye6國手 Gingers大毒手and國手 Chim (our Old Pal) and UO ______________________________________________ 小的向您們Salute! ^+++++++^ |
dd845 正式會員 203.xxx.xxx.203 |
2005-05-02 00:31 |
[#5657] Leak Club for Leakies or Leak user |
Gingers 正式會員 221.xxx.xxx.72 |
2005-05-02 00:36 |
[#5658] Leak Club for Leakies or Leak user "The results are.. as you can see from so many poisoned LEAK fans. But he is a really responsible man - he would perform after-poison services voluntarily, not for rewards but for more friends. " I am one of the happiness victims..^O^ |
dd845 正式會員 203.xxx.xxx.203 |
2005-05-02 00:39 |
[#5659] Leak Club for Leakies or Leak user Gingers 乜passing out著成咁架咩?? ^+++^ |
dd845 正式會員 203.xxx.xxx.203 |
2005-05-02 00:48 |
[#5660] Leak Club for Leakies or Leak user Tubes with brown base : ) |
Gingers 正式會員 221.xxx.xxx.205 |
2005-05-02 08:40 |
[#5661] Leak Club for Leakies or Leak user |
Gingers 正式會員 221.xxx.xxx.205 |
2005-05-02 10:20 |