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[#1] Linn Majik DS 接駁問題 各位師兄,小弟有個問題想請教大家,本身用開舊款Accphase DP80+DC80, 但因為有成10年冇用過,DP80讀唔到碟,但又因為懶同麻煩,冇攞到去維修,用Linn Majik DS streamer代替,但如果獨立用Linn,好似冇咁好聲,所以Linn用同軸輸出,接駁去Accuphase DC80解碼,但如果聽Spotify,有時會窒吓窒吓,有時連接唔到,但如果用YouTube就會好啲,但直接用Linn就冇呢個問題。 請問係咪個Accuphase DC80解碼問題?定係我個陳年router 問題?因為有成十年冇接觸hifi,已經脫晒節,所以想請教吓各位師兄?? |
FW8 新會員 218.xxx.xxx.205 |
2024-11-05 15:39 | |
[#2] Linn Majik DS 接駁問題 Test playback of 44.1kHz FLAC file from (free) MinimServer on computer or NAS. |
wklie 正式會員 218.xxx.xxx.94 |
2024-11-07 12:55 |
[#3] Linn Majik DS 接駁問題 多謝wklie 師兄解答,因為我對串流係零認識,我主要係用手機AirPlay連接Linn,請問可以點樣喺網上攞到你所講嗰種File,跟住係咪可以繼續用AirPlay播放?不好意思,真的零認識 |
Fw8 新會員 218.xxx.xxx.205 |
2024-11-08 10:57 |
[#4] Linn Majik DS 接駁問題 The objective is to determine whether your streamer output to DAC is correctly working or not without depending on the internet. Prepare a music file - if you cannot find a free FLAC file or purchase one, use a mp3 file. Setup MinimServer Use Linn or Lumin app. Not AirPlay. I was assuming you were using Spotify Connect, but since you mentioned AirPlay, you need to find out whether you were having problems with Spotify AirPlay, or Spotify Connect instead. Note that Spotify Connect is better. |
wklie 正式會員 218.xxx.xxx.94 |
2024-11-08 14:34 |
[#5] Linn Majik DS 接駁問題 師兄,你意思係指用Linn App可以直接連接Spotify,不用經Airplay定係可以吾經手機,Linn可以直接連接Spotify? 如果Linn唔駁落去Accuphase 解碼,就完全正常,唔會出現連接唔到或者窒機嘅問題,我亦都試過,將部手機擺喺房,反而有時連接到,如果擺喺廳,近嘅話反而連接唔到,所以我都一頭霧水? 但都應該同個解碼有關係,因為個解碼會顯示operating 着燈,就係連接成功,唔着燈就冇聲,唔該晒師兄解答?? |
Fw8 新會員 218.xxx.xxx.205 |
2024-11-08 15:08 |
[#6] Linn Majik DS 接駁問題 Make sure your streamer can ouput 16bit/44.1kHz spdif digital signal for Accuphase |
LaLaLam 會員 42.xxx.xxx.5 |
2024-11-08 15:28 |
[#7] Linn Majik DS 接駁問題 Linn App 可以直接上 Spotify , 唔駛經 airplay |
Mc225 正式會員 103.xxx.xxx.188 |
2024-11-09 21:02 |
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