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影音天地主旨 ﹝請按主旨作出回應﹞ 下頁 尾頁 | 寄件者 | 傳送日期 |
[#28] Acoustic Research AR 友 90 年代推出的TSW-210, 真係差過70年代的AR-18好多. |
SimonW 正式會員 221.xxx.xxx.154 |
2006-02-24 21:56 | |
[#29] Acoustic Research AR 友 Very interesting AR Fans club: http://www.classicspeakerpages.net/ |
SimonW 正式會員 221.xxx.xxx.154 |
2006-02-24 21:57 |
[#30] Acoustic Research AR 友 I am very happy, there are few AR fans in Hong Kong. I like AR and JBL speakers. I remember that my AR 98LS purchased from Ming Fat Central show room from 1995. This is a display item and special selling. AR 98ls and AR9ls announced from mid 1980's. 10 years later, I am willing to paid HK$5000. My collection including crown SA-2 and DC300A series 2. I placed the sponge from AR 98ls tweeter area (Twin drive). It improved the overall sound quality from my AR. To be continue..... |
jblfriends 正式會員 203.xxx.xxx.124 |
2006-02-24 22:30 |
[#31] Acoustic Research AR 友 I owned a pair of AR98LS before. Some infomation shows that there is a +3dB peak in its midrange so that it sounds too bright at times. I compared the 98LS with my AR 11. The result is that the bass of 98LS is not as deep as the AR11 and the overall response is not as smooth. Therefore, I sold the 98LS. There are some information in the internet about how to modify the crossover of 98LS, in order to smooth out the midrange peak. |
SimonW 正式會員 221.xxx.xxx.154 |
2006-02-24 22:38 |
[#32] Acoustic Research AR 友 A closer look AR 98ls loudsepaker. Does anybody else like Rowen? A swiss made loudspeaker. Rowen become a member from NAD electronic Group since 90's. I like the earlier Rowen speaker. AR US supplied drivers unit to Rowen. Especially AR 3a mid-range and tweeter. The cabinet from Rowen is very good. Excellent craftmenship and polishing. Rowen is very expensive from 1990. |
jblfriends 正式會員 203.xxx.xxx.124 |
2006-02-24 22:39 |
[#33] Acoustic Research AR 友 有冇人知.........明發行點解會關門大吉?? 因為有av amp既出現?經營不善?? |
永不磨損 正式會員 218.xxx.xxx.39 |
2006-02-25 00:22 |
[#34] Acoustic Research AR 友 我相信有以下原因: (1) NAD因為被香港金山實業收購, 另明發行失去其代理權. (2) AR喇叭漸被市場淘汰. 八十年代開始, 市場流行英國小型揚聲器, 重點講求人聲甜美, 音場定位清楚. AR追不上此潮流之同時, 其產品亦失去其傳統的傻點. 例如, 最早期的AR是講求中高音的寬闊擴散度, 因而設計出半球形中高音.在90年代, 他們竟用上6吋錐形單元來作中音!! 與其傳統徹底地背道而馳. 此外, 聲箱用料也越來越差, 令其低音也不及早期產品般從容深沉. 總之就人唔似人, 鬼唔似鬼, 全靠食老本. 我相信此時, AR的銷量已大不如前. 沒有了NAD及AR之後, 明發行似乎再沒有代理什麼大熱牌子, 分店的數量及位置也每況愈下. |
SimonW 正式會員 221.xxx.xxx.154 |
2006-02-25 09:45 |
[#35] Acoustic Research AR 友 我擁有過的AR: 大型: AR11, AR48B, AR98LS 全部是近五年內二手買回來的. 較後期的48B及98LS的製作及聲音明顯不及早期的AR11. 48B及98LS的箱板密度比AR11低得多. 48B用4吋錐形中音, 聲音失去活潑動感. 買98LS時, 因其體積較大, 我原本預期其低音會更佳, 怎料到原來還及不上AR11!! 而且其中音有過份彭漲之問題. 98LS的箱板的密度過低, 似乎未能支持其六十多磅的體重, 日久箱子的底部會變形! 小型: AR8LS, AR7, AR18, AR18BXi, AR20C, ARM1, AR Classic 5 所有小型AR中, 我最喜愛AR18. 其聲底熱情活潑, 令人投入. 後期的所謂改良型AR18BXi, 聲音呆板, 悶死人, 無一樣野係好過其祖先AR18, 令人嘆息. 今天, 我只剩下AR11. 另外有用一隻AR-4xa作中置, 兩隻AR powered partner作後置. 5.1效果相當不錯, 毋須超低音.比很多很多所謂家庭影院喇叭好很多. |
SimonW 正式會員 221.xxx.xxx.154 |
2006-02-25 10:03 |
[#36] Acoustic Research AR 友 謝謝SimonW兄的詳細報告!! |
永不磨損 正式會員 218.xxx.xxx.156 |
2006-02-26 01:13 |
[#37] Acoustic Research AR 友 How about this one ? http://cgi.ebay.com/AR-Acoustic-Research-LST-Speakers-Very-Good-Condition_W0QQitemZ5871569146QQcategoryZ14993QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem |
ahkeung 正式會員 218.xxx.xxx.230 |
2006-02-26 01:57 |
[#38] Acoustic Research AR 友 在二手店見過有人買AR11.他說以有對AR11但賣了.念念不忘要買番.服未? |
金眼妖童 正式會員 61.xxx.xxx.149 |
2006-02-26 14:48 |
[#39] Acoustic Research AR 友 有冇AR-11既相片望望呀?? 呢隻SPEAKER係咩價位呢? 同今日既同價位既B&W、KEF比又如何呢?? |
永不磨損 正式會員 219.xxx.xxx.249 |
2006-02-26 15:00 |
[#40] Acoustic Research AR 友 AR11相上面咪有咯.二手店大約4千幾.唔係週時有.看過書AR10曾與真鼓比較. |
金眼妖童 正式會員 61.xxx.xxx.198 |
2006-02-26 15:22 |
[#41] Acoustic Research AR 友 嘩............二手都要4千幾....... 新既咪要近住皮皮聲.......... 其實, AR呢類美國喇叭,D聲底係咪與同期既BOSE差唔多呢? |
永不磨損 正式會員 219.xxx.xxx.249 |
2006-02-26 15:47 |
[#42] Acoustic Research AR 友 My AR11: |
SimonW 正式會員 221.xxx.xxx.154 |
2006-02-26 18:15 |
[#43] Acoustic Research AR 友 同JBL..........個款差唔多喎....... |
永不磨損 正式會員 218.xxx.xxx.125 |
2006-02-26 23:39 |
[#44] Acoustic Research AR 友 I had a pair of AR bookshelf speakers which has been used for over 12 years as I forgot the model nos. so is that anyone can tell me?It is tiny in size with a very small 高音U元 below.Thanks. |
frfr 正式會員 218.xxx.xxx.238 |
2006-02-27 14:23 |
[#45] Acoustic Research AR 友 I had an pair of M3 before, is also around 12-3 years ago. |
Timate 正式會員 202.xxx.xxx.158 |
2006-02-27 17:06 |
[#46] Acoustic Research AR 友 AR91 |
hifibb 正式會員 203.xxx.xxx.196 |
2006-02-27 19:41 |
[#47] Acoustic Research AR 友 AR12 |
hifibb 正式會員 203.xxx.xxx.196 |
2006-02-27 19:41 |