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[#1] Linn LP12 Fans    
Hope all LP12 folks are well!

I treasure the analog time with my LP12 since purchased this 'interesting' belt-drive classic British turntable last year. Recokon it is a TT can really sing, perharps with reasonable tuning and upgrades.....

Current attached: lousy Fid.Research tone-arm + Denon103R Cart.

Your input and thoughts of LP12 more than welcome here.
個人訊息 正式會員
2007-04-25 11:55
[#2] Linn LP12 Fans    
The Linn LP12 is an excellent turntable but needs fine tuning to perform at its best, especially the suspension. What is the model of your Fidelity Research tonearm you are using? Their tonearms are among the best and always regarded highly by audiophiles in the world as collector’s items. They are superb partner for the Denon 103R cartridge but are far too heavy for suspended turntables like the Linn and best suited to high mass turntables, such as those from Micro Seiki and others. Most people prefer using Linn’s own arms, for example, Ittok and Ekos which are more compatible in terms of sound quality and synergy. Alternative arms in the medium mass range would match the Linn better and you may consider one from SME, Rega, Audio Technica, Helius and Zeta etc. which in some cases only available second hand at eBay and Audiogon if you are not able to obtain it new. You can also upgrade its power supply, if it is a Vahalla, to a Lingo or Hercules if your budget is tight.

Best regards
個人訊息 正式會員
2007-05-06 16:16
[#3] Linn LP12 Fans    
Dear uat506,

Remove the baseboard, put 2" wooden cubes under your LP12 will give you immediate and significant enhancement. Be warned, don't touch the power supply board under the plinth, high voltage.

Have you tightened your arm and cartridge screws yets?

Last but not least, level your LP12 on a light and rigid turntable stand such as the old 80s Target or Sound Organization stand. With proper suspension tuning and new belt and black oil, your LP12 will blow away plenty of more expensive turntable.

個人訊息 正式會員
2007-05-08 23:55
[#4] Linn LP12 Fans    
Linn Lp12 唱盤彈簧的調校可以查看以下 網址:-
至於它的電源供應部份我比較喜歡 Origin Live 的直流驅動馬達和 我摩改過的Advance speed control box多過 Lingo (Origin Live 的Advance 和 Ultra 基本上線路一樣祗是用料不同但價錢卻相差很遠, Advance 用 IN 4xxx diodes, cheap 電容和穩壓, 而 Ultra 則用 Schottky Barrier Rectifiers, Blackgate standard 電容和一個較大的穩壓).用Origin Live 驅動的 LP12 音色上比較順滑而低頻潛得較深和充沛, 較合我的口味, 當然每個人的音色喜愛取向不同, 因人而異.
個人訊息 正式會員
2007-05-09 23:17
[#5] Linn LP12 Fans    
Dear LP12 friends,

To most Linnies, the Lingo is still considered as the best power supply for its cirkus bearing. The DC motor will change LP12 sound. In my opinion, the best bet is go for all Linn.
個人訊息 正式會員
2007-05-10 01:42
[#6] Linn LP12 Fans    
I assume that some people may regard The Lingo as the best because they have not listened to all the options available yet, for instance, The Armageddon from Naim, the DC motor from Origin Live, The Hercules, The Heed ORBIT 1 and Heed ORBIT 2 power supplies and finally The Funk Firm LP12 Vector Link which claimed to be the ultimate solution for all the Linn upgrades. In fact, some Linn owners still prefer the older Valhalla as they think the Lingo changes the traditional Linn sound. I do not want any altercations here as we can dispute all day long but without an agreeable conclusion. I just like to express my own humble opinion that we are free to experiment all the different choices but we’ll have to prepare for the sonic shock as a consequence. We only live once so if we don’t try, we will never know.
個人訊息 正式會員
2007-05-10 07:51
[#7] Linn LP12 Fans    
also the Naim Aro(Unipivot) tonearm beats the hell out of Ekos. I started with Ekos when I purchased the LP12 but once the Aro was installed and I heard the vivacity of the sound it gives, I put an ad to sell the Ekos. Ekos is a 'boring' arm.
個人訊息 正式會員
2007-05-10 09:38
[#8] Linn LP12 Fans    
Hifi is fun because you can mix and match to achieve different sound that suits you the most......

LP12 is an interesting TT cos it has lots of after market accessories like PS, arm.....etc, it would a waste not to try them

Just curious, anyone tried and ordered or even using a keel or ekos se now?

個人訊息 正式會員
2007-05-10 15:20
[#9] Linn LP12 Fans    
Suprised and excited to see the comments and input about LP12 TT. :-)
個人訊息 正式會員
2007-05-10 22:55
[#10] Linn LP12 Fans    
KCC123, Yes Dennon 103R+FR tone is too heavy for LP12 indeed. I am keen to find the replacement, would be excited if LP12 folks would consider to let go Ittok and Ekos, or a bit further down - SME, Rega, Audio Technica, Helius and Zeta. Thanks.
個人訊息 正式會員
2007-05-10 22:59
[#11] Linn LP12 Fans    
"Remove the baseboard, put 2" wooden cubes under your LP12" sounds interesting and no harm to try, 'll keep u in touch once return home in a 2 weeks (out of town a the moment).
Any idea of the 2nd hand market price of Lingo?
個人訊息 正式會員
2007-05-10 23:07
[#12] Linn LP12 Fans    
we have the same intial IP: 202.xxx. are we in the same city?
個人訊息 正式會員
2007-05-10 23:10
[#13] Linn LP12 Fans    
I am newee in LP12, shame that have never had so different top stuff as per mentioned.......:-(
Hope one day would achieve them (tone arms, power supply....) one by one.
個人訊息 正式會員
2007-05-10 23:15
[#14] Linn LP12 Fans    
When you do the comparison between Valhalla and Origin live DC motor, properly your Valhalla had been used for around 20 years without any restoration. The three electrolytic capacitors lack of energy to drive your motor. The consequences are obvious. I like to do the blind test with our own ears. However, theoretical is equaled important. If you agree the speed accuracy is crucial to the playback of music, crystal oscillator is essential to achieve that accuracy. DC motor using voltage to control the speed by simply applies an IC chip 7809 together with a variable potentiometer.
Imagine when you play radio control motor car, when you press the button harder, and its speed getting faster.
Lingo, this is a very smart design, but not worth that much. Theoretically, a more advance op amp is being use to enhance the output waveform driving the motor,
The latter version which applied surface mounts technology, no doubt the noise would be much lower. I can say it is much better the earlier long box version.
If people say the earlier version Valhalla is better, I hope people make that statement would provide some fact to support it.

個人訊息 正式會員
2007-05-10 23:24
[#15] Linn LP12 Fans    
hello, I'm a LP12 user too.. may I ask anyone who play with Linto as well? What do you think by using Linto compare to other brand?
個人訊息 正式會員
2007-05-10 23:34
[#16] Linn LP12 Fans    
I actually did the comparisons with the Lingo as well as the Vahalla where the three capacitors had been replaced with new ones on the circuit board prior to the experiment. I had known that the Vahalla would not have been in the same league as either the Lingo or the Origin Live which I also had been sceptical about the ability of its DC motor, but the outcome really astonished me and all my friends who were also taking part in the listening. Recently, I have replaced the Vahalla on one of my turntables with the Hercules and the improvement in sound is worth every cent I spent on it. I am now thinking to house the Vahalla and the Hercules into two separate enclosures so I can use either, as I wish or use the Vahalla for my AR Legend turntable.
As regarding to speed accuracy, which is essential to a good turntable but speed accuracy alone does not guarantee good sound, otherwise all direct drive quartz locked turntables should sound good but unfortunately that is not the case. There are other factors, such as material and its tolerance, electronic & mechanical intergration, resistance to vibrations and interference etc., which can also affect the performance of a turntable.
I would like to point out that I did not say that the Vahalla was better but some people prefer its sound. One man’s meat is another one’s poison.
Best regards
個人訊息 正式會員
2007-05-11 09:30
[#17] Linn LP12 Fans    
The LP12 die hard fan should be relax and enjoy what you like, try to keep an open mind on different opinion, I believe everyone here loves their LP12, just try to share their own experience.

Uat, I am in Hong Kong, same city?

個人訊息 正式會員
2007-05-11 09:42
[#18] Linn LP12 Fans    
Rover, agree with you! Share with your thought and experience of our LP12 enjoyment is what we do, aim to maximize your LP12 perfection in your own preference.

I am in KLCC at the moment (not HK).
個人訊息 正式會員
2007-05-11 10:26
[#19] Linn LP12 Fans    
Linn has announced that a SE version of LP12 will be forthcoming soon.
個人訊息 正式會員
2007-05-11 10:30
[#20] Linn LP12 Fans    
KCC123, Thanks for your information. I ‘d very much appreciate you are making comments based on experiment . I wish I could try that origin live DC motor if I have a chance.
"direct drive quartz locked turntables should sound good but unfortunately that is not"
That is true, due to the motor shaft connected to the platter directly, therefore space between the shaft and bearing is essential to keep it spin smoothly without overheated the motor, but it bring about the vow and flutter problem. However, Technic SP-10 is the direct drive turntable still very popular among die hard LP fans.
I totally agree with you that "electronic & mechanical integrations, resistance to vibrations and interference " is crucial factors affecting the performance of turntable. Dennis told me that the father of designer of LP12 used to work for Rolls and Royce. Therefore, he knows very well how to design the best bearings and platter for LP12.
As to Linto, if you are considering using Linn MC cartridge, this is the best choice. I read an article saying that the Linto was design for Linn MC Cartridges, therefore, the input impedance selector was eliminated. The selection was hard wired inside, the sound path is more direct with less components. We did a test with other phono amp and MC step up transformers. With Linn cartridge, the winner was Linto.
個人訊息 正式會員
2007-05-11 10:49
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