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[#2461] Linn LP12 Fans At the end of the day, we all take something from the discussions and I really appreciate it. |
fotheringay![]() 92.xxx.xxx.24 |
2024-11-23 18:01 | |
[#2460] Linn LP12 Fans Thanks and understood. After different interpretations I think we agree that there are some changes but subject to individual's perception. |
fotheringay![]() 92.xxx.xxx.24 |
2024-11-23 17:08 |
[#2459] Linn LP12 Fans 放不同物件在轉盤當然會改變彈弓壓力,因為不同重量嘛,很普通的常識,我只針對扭動螺絲只會改變整「抽」嘢上升或下降而調整轉盤水平,而「不會」改變彈弓壓力,至於聲音變化.. 沒有意見! |
Kenny6834new![]() 116.xxx.xxx.119 |
2024-11-23 16:25 |
[#2458] Linn LP12 Fans Thanks for the input which is much appreciated. 最後修改時間: 2024-11-22 19:13:45 |
fotheringay![]() 92.xxx.xxx.24 |
2024-11-22 19:12 |
[#2457] Linn LP12 Fans 轉盤下面果3粒螺絲,唯一作用就係調教整個轉盤水平,螺絲扭向上升幾多,轉盤那一點就上升幾多,反之亦然,彈弓壓力不會改變,見到三條彈弓長度不一樣,是因為每點重量(壓力)不一樣! |
Kenny6834new![]() 101.xxx.xxx.121 |
2024-11-22 15:30 |
[#2456] Linn LP12 Fans Sir Cheung, Thanks for the reply and your points are noted. Audiophile perception is a wonderful thing but at time could be such a curse!! I am aware that there have been many discussions about the setting up of the LP12, bouncing is one of them. I know some people would choose different grades/stiffness/length of the springs to set the bounce. Their arguments would set on the different weight distribution among the armbroad, motor and platter as discussed here before. I don't process this kind of experience and knowledge I couldn't comment on it but tweaking to one's desire is one own process. And I agreed with this " 那一大「抽」嘢的重心升高 x mm 後,究竟聲方面會變好、變差、還是不變? - 答案:很簡單,由發燒友自行去體驗、判斷,過發燒癮 ". More often, if not always, self-convincing plays a major factor in how we perceive the changes, then the excitement. I suppose, this is the reason why so many Hi-Fi gears manufacturers could survive and some couldn't. Audiophiles are indeed substance addict(in Hi-Fi terms). Moreover, many are willing to join!!! |
fotheringay![]() 92.xxx.xxx.24 |
2024-11-18 17:50 |
[#2455] Linn LP12 Fans > [#2454] Thanks for your reply. I am afraid that the following saying is a misconception among quite a number of audiophiles: 'By turning the three locking nuts up with the same number of turns (i.e. same upward displacement of the three locking nuts), the three springs will get tighter, and vice versa.' Regarding that common misconception, perhaps you can consider to take a look at the following posts: [#2400] [#2401] [#2403] [#2404] [#2405] [#2406] [#2407] Thanks again. |
kt66cheung![]() 218.xxx.xxx.115 |
2024-11-18 15:51 |
[#2454] Linn LP12 Fans Sir Cheung, That's correct. I just do what we LP12 users would normally do as the Ariston is of similar design. |
fotheringay![]() 92.xxx.xxx.24 |
2024-11-18 14:51 |
[#2453] Linn LP12 Fans > [#2452] "un-turn the nuts on the springs by 3 half turns", as mentioned. Do you mean you "un-turn the nuts on the springs by 3 half turns" so as to decrease the tightness of the three springs to a certain extent? |
kt66cheung![]() 218.xxx.xxx.115 |
2024-11-18 10:13 |
[#2452] Linn LP12 Fans With the SAEC 407/23 arm I thought the sound was a little "tight" and it has to be "loosen" a little bit to allow more "Air" in the music. |
fotheringay![]() 92.xxx.xxx.24 |
2024-11-16 01:26 |
[#2451] Linn LP12 Fans Though I use CD and Digital Files with a cheap Schitt DAC I am still very much a vinyl records enthusiasm so it's time to use two turntables again. 最後修改時間: 2024-11-15 06:46:21 |
fotheringay![]() 92.xxx.xxx.24 |
2024-11-15 06:33 |
[#2450] Linn LP12 Fans Richard, Not a joke at all. There is always something to learn only if we ask. Many bright ideas in history were all starting from silly thoughts. |
fotheringay![]() 92.xxx.xxx.24 |
2024-11-14 22:46 |
[#2449] Linn LP12 Fans Thanks, Chi. I just searched the Vinyl Engine and the sharings about this light-wright tonearm ADC Alt-1 vis-a-vis the heavy-mass MC head Denon DL103R. It seems all point to the fact they are mutually exclusive. What a joke I was making. I just skip this idea. Let the 103R continue to be housed by a Technics tt. :) 最後修改時間: 2024-11-14 21:52:46 |
rcwy![]() 86.xxx.xxx.102 |
2024-11-14 21:51 |
[#2448] Linn LP12 Fans Richard, 最後修改時間: 2024-11-14 21:28:55 |
fotheringay![]() 92.xxx.xxx.24 |
2024-11-14 21:25 |
[#2447] Linn LP12 Fans @uat506 |
fotheringay![]() 92.xxx.xxx.24 |
2024-11-14 21:10 |
[#2446] Linn LP12 Fans "人生何處不相逢" --------------------------- Indeed. I acquired one of a good friend's LP12 sent from the UK 10 years ago. But couple years ago I settled down in the UK but could not bring the Linn LP12. Instead I sold it to a good friend in HK. In the UK lately I bought a 2nd hand Systemdek "2-speed transcription" that uses 3 point suspension as Linn LP12 does. Now I really have to learn the mechanics behind such design. It comes with a ADC Alt-1 lightly-weight tonearm and Ortofon MM head. Without any hurdle, the setup immediately give out beautiful sound. Has anyone had experience with using ADC Alt-1 tonearm? I have a Denon 103R MC head and its matching Denon step-up transfromer. Can ADC Alt-1 accommodate this MC head? ![]() 最後修改時間: 2024-11-14 20:51:13 |
rcwy![]() 86.xxx.xxx.102 |
2024-11-14 20:50 |
[#2445] Linn LP12 Fans Good morning to you Forthingay-兄 人生何處不相逢 - music is always the key to enjoy our quality life no matter where & what. Been there & done that, you have great experience & music collections:-) I have had 5 Linn Sondek LP12 in recent 2-3 decades, you are exceptional luckier and ‘crazier’ than me, good on ya;) Spin more & share more among us - LP12 folks group here. |
uat506![]() 221.xxx.xxx.83 |
2024-11-14 20:01 |
[#2444] Linn LP12 Fans Welcome back :) #2440/1: Nice shot, elegant setup! Thanks for the update & juicy LP12 photos. |
uat506![]() 221.xxx.xxx.83 |
2024-11-14 19:52 |
[#2443] Linn LP12 Fans Now I have changed again and not using Lenco any more. ![]() ![]() ![]() 最後修改時間: 2024-11-14 17:12:39 |
fotheringay![]() 92.xxx.xxx.24 |
2024-11-14 17:06 |
[#2442] Linn LP12 Fans I am so happy to see this thread is being active again. I used to be a LP12 user and owned about 10 LP12 on and off in the last 20 years. However, I sold all my Hi-Fi gears, including my last three LP12, when I was diagnosed I had irrecoverable hearing loss. I am completely deaf on my right ear and wearing hearing on my left ear. It was done out of frustration and soon enough I went back to Hi-i journey due to "itchy fingers". I didn't go back to LP12 since they were getting more and much expensive. I went for Lenco GL75, am idler drive transcription turntable. since I like DIYing and GL75 would provide lots of opportunity and fun to modify. ![]() ![]() 最後修改時間: 2024-11-14 16:49:42 |
fotheringay![]() 92.xxx.xxx.24 |
2024-11-14 16:49 |