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[#2438] Linn LP12 Fans I finally figured out the problem by sticking the supplied strip to the inner side of the outer platter for Lingo 4 to detect the rotation. So bad Linn doesn’t supply any manual / guide to the end user to protect the benefit of the authorised dealers |
jimmy4167 正式會員 112.xxx.xxx.46 |
2023-10-01 18:47 | |
[#2437] Linn LP12 Fans I got it brand new from HK Authorized dealer. Seems that I have to install the black stripe supplied with the box but I dunno where and how to attach it to the machine. Thanks |
jimmy4167 正式會員 124.xxx.xxx.127 |
2023-10-01 17:42 |
[#2436] Linn LP12 Fans A strange story that Lingo 4 has no 45rpm. Isn't it sure that it is a full new Lingo? Lingo 4 is still using AC motor, one press turns it on at 33.3 (red LED), another press gets it up to 45rpm (green LED), hold it to get it to stop. And there are two brightness levels: bright red means the Lingo is reading the sensor, trying to get it to exactly 33.3rpm; dim red means you're locked in. Same with green: bright and it's still finding the right speed, dim and it's locked. |
Nikkor 會員 198.xxx.xxx.45 |
2023-10-01 16:59 |
[#2435] Linn LP12 Fans 師兄們 最後都順利安裝Lingo 4 不過沒 45rpm 張黑色條唔知點裝令佢用到45rpm 已經睇咗好多網上資料 唔該師兄們 |
jimmy4167 正式會員 124.xxx.xxx.127 |
2023-10-01 16:20 |
[#2434] Linn LP12 Fans 不過原廠比果啲鑼絲唔知用邊粒裝motor (及其他),有冇師兄可拔刀相助,先謝過 |
jimmy4167 正式會員 112.xxx.xxx.46 |
2023-09-23 20:13 |
[#2433] Linn LP12 Fans 十分有用,謝謝 依家買咗 Karousel, Lingo 4, Keel, 會買Ekos SE 諗諗下買個Plinth, Top Plate Trampoline 都可以另外砌一部 |
jimmy4167 正式會員 124.xxx.xxx.127 |
2023-09-18 12:09 |
[#2432] Linn LP12 Fans Would this help? https://www.hifiaf.com/installing-lingo-4/ |
Fotheringay 正式會員 92.xxx.xxx.221 |
2023-08-18 00:33 |
[#2431] Linn LP12 Fans 剛入手Linn Lingo 4 請問師兄們有冇installation guide 借我影印/scan/影相比我一用?依家全新買沒有跟 唔該晒 |
jimmy4167 正式會員 119.xxx.xxx.180 |
2023-08-17 23:37 |
[#2430] Linn LP12 Fans 141Hong 師兄,請check PM |
coffeebean 正式會員 119.xxx.xxx.45 |
2022-03-14 20:33 |
[#2429] Linn LP12 Fans 其實買得起全新Linn 已是另一種層次, 好似Burmester機一樣,買左, set 左就唔會心思思成日換。 以入門Linn LP12全新的而言, 支臂係新的, 由clearaudio 出 Bearing是最新upgrade的Karousel. 如果你早5年前買就一定無呢d零件,何況二手都俾唔到個新bearing俾你。 好多香港買到的舊LP12 的零件包括木架都可以好舊,要平衡風險。 最後修改時間: 2022-03-11 14:36:02 |
Photosan 會員 14.xxx.xxx.84 |
2022-03-11 14:35 |
[#2428] Linn LP12 Fans 入門果個都好貴, 所以拾五拾六中 |
141hong 會員 45.xxx.xxx.172 |
2022-03-11 08:28 |
[#2427] Linn LP12 Fans #2426 最近貴左 .今年加左價. |
photosan 會員 220.xxx.xxx.145 |
2022-03-08 10:23 |
[#2426] Linn LP12 Fans C兄們, 我想買個全新的 Majik LP12, 我是新手來的, 我要主意什麼? thank |
141hong 會員 45.xxx.xxx.172 |
2022-03-07 23:13 |
[#2425] Linn LP12 Fans Linn 又有新野出 https://www.fidelity-online.de/linn-klimax-lp12/?fbclid=IwAR0KI76gr8P4YMp2yCKFOD7FUDW0IfNlSl1EEggpMWEMpc60u21kF-2YbF4 1個Radikal , 1 個MC唱頭 最後修改時間: 2021-10-31 08:06:29 |
photosan 會員 58.xxx.xxx.170 |
2021-10-31 08:05 |
[#2424] Linn LP12 Fans Haha I icicic 我都試過有一個唱盤開咗成個禮拜先知道佢仲轉緊 haha thx My fiend visited a UK dealer.. One of the purpose for that Naim demo and shopping for a linn DC motor upgrade etc.. 最後修改時間: 2021-10-28 10:14:52 |
hahayanyan 正式會員 180.xxx.xxx.40 |
2021-10-28 10:14 |
[#2423] Linn LP12 Fans 有人用粒點做33.3 及 45 測速標記 但我的用途是因 DC 摩打 加 控速器太寧靜. Platter 外圈太干淨, 自已開了機不用時也看不出, 有朋友不知不覺轉了二, 三天才發覺. 所以造個標記. |
blue-ray 正式會員 112.xxx.xxx.34 |
2021-10-27 14:39 |
[#2422] Linn LP12 Fans #2421 Nice... 喺個轉盤上面嗰粒嘢? 我見過幾個人有乜用㗎? Haha tbx Haha 最後修改時間: 2021-10-27 11:03:23 |
hahayanyan 正式會員 180.xxx.xxx.108 |
2021-10-27 11:03 |
[#2421] Linn LP12 Fans |
blue-ray 正式會員 112.xxx.xxx.34 |
2021-10-27 09:23 |
[#2420] Linn LP12 Fans Pls check PM |
coffeebean 正式會員 203.xxx.xxx.225 |
2021-10-26 09:55 |
[#2419] Linn LP12 Fans 剛接手二手LP12 ,由於原木板底座太霉舊要更新,我應該用返木板好定金屬好? |
chekinyau 正式會員 218.xxx.xxx.201 |
2021-10-26 01:57 |