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[#1] Esoteric K-1 vs K-01Xs    
有冇師兄同塲比較過 K-1同 K-01Xs播CD時音質相差大嗎? 另外用作解碼比 CAS用時音質分別明顯嗎?

因為K-1同K-01Xs用相同的解碼晶片 (AK-4497) 和相同的transport system(VRDS-NEO VMK-3.5-20S), 如果K-01Xs音質同 K-1非常接近但價錢差距大的話, 是否K-01Xs比較抵玩?
個人訊息 正式會員
2018-04-11 10:02
[#2] Esoteric K-1 vs K-01Xs    
I am using K03xs and have not heard K1 vs K01xs comparing side by side.

Yes they use the same AK4497 and transport but K1 has a new circuit board layout with even higher quality caps and resistors. K1 chassis is also bigger and overall weight is heavier than K01xs at over 70 lb.

Law of diminishing return always applies especially at the high end of the product range. One may pay 50% more $$ and get may be 10% or less improvement.

If budget is not an issue than go for K1 and I believe you won't regret. Just my 2 cents!

Happy listening.

(I am quite happy with my K03x for I have no $$ to upgrade to K1 la! I have used K03 and X05 before K03x and have experienced significant improvements from each generation)
個人訊息 會員
2018-06-03 16:50
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