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[#1] WADIA and USB Asynchronous DAC     
自從早幾年DAC有USB Asynchronous後,本人就接受了用DAC播放電腦檔代替CD,近日本人想換DAC,有CHING大力推薦WADIA,經翻閱WADIA近年產品的簡介單張及操作說明從未提過USB Async
究竟WADIA的DAC有否用上USB Async

同時發現有些品牌如McIntosh的新型號D150及Audiolab M-DAC+都無提及USB Async

是否已有新技術代替了USB Async

個人訊息 正式會員
2017-02-04 21:50
[#2] WADIA and USB Asynchronous DAC     
有冇熟悉WADIA的師兄可回應WADIA是否有用USB Asynch...傳輸訊號。
個人訊息 正式會員
2017-02-06 17:49
[#3] WADIA and USB Asynchronous DAC     
....經翻閱WADIA近年產品的簡介單張及操作說明從未提過USB Async.....

個人訊息 正式會員
2017-02-06 20:02
[#4] WADIA and USB Asynchronous DAC     
From the menu of Wadia 121, it is asynchronous.

fAs in previous versions, the function of ClockLink is to position a master oscillator as near as
possible to the D>A converter chip to reduce transmission-induced jitter. All upstream sources
are then synchronized to the DAC’s oscillator clock signal. With USB Internal ClockLink, instead
of using a clock embedded in the incoming data stream (isochronous audio), a high performance
fixed frequency oscillator located at the point of conversion to analog is used. In the case
of the 121 USB input, the receiver is Asynchronous in function. This means that the 121 is
controlling requests for audio data from your computer. The 121 is managing a buffer and
requesting data from the connected PC as needed to keep the buffer at an optimal level. Our
fixed oscillator located at the DAC is controlling the rate that data is depleted from this buffer
and in effect initiating the requests for additional audio data from the PC. The net result is
that the jitter laden source clock can be ignored and the high performance 121 DAC oscillator
is the only clock used in the conversion to analog process eliminating time related distortions.
個人訊息 正式會員
2017-02-06 20:22
[#5] WADIA and USB Asynchronous DAC     
How about wadia 122 ?
個人訊息 正式會員
2017-02-12 03:53
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