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影音天地主旨 ﹝請按主旨作出回應﹞ 下頁 尾頁 | 寄件者 | 傳送日期 |
[#1] 300B Monoblock 趁假期分享一下最近做的300B monoblock: Features Highlights: -5.5W effective output from each channel -Each block contains an 100W Power transformer, an 10H choke and an 35W output transformer -All of the B+ and filament voltages are regulated by LM317 -Soft start for filament voltages (to prevent inrush current from damaging the filaments) -starts from 1.9V to 5V and 6.3V in 10 seconds -Delayed soft start for B+ (to pre-heat the filaments before supplying B+ for prolonged tube life) -starts from 20V to 376V in 30seconds after 30seconds delay upon power ON -Timer function achieved by 555 IC -Solid state relay for B+ for prolonged life -Zero-crossing detection (achieved by the solid state relay) -Plenty of RC snubber networks used to reduce damping and noise 最後修改時間: 2023-10-03 14:59:50 |
fongshuyuen 會員 113.xxx.xxx.73 |
2023-10-03 14:46 | |
[#2] 300B Monoblock . |
fongshuyuen 會員 113.xxx.xxx.73 |
2023-10-03 14:47 |
[#3] 300B Monoblock . |
fongshuyuen 會員 113.xxx.xxx.73 |
2023-10-03 14:47 |
[#4] 300B Monoblock . |
fongshuyuen 會員 113.xxx.xxx.73 |
2023-10-03 14:48 |
[#5] 300B Monoblock . |
fongshuyuen 會員 113.xxx.xxx.73 |
2023-10-03 14:48 |
[#6] 300B Monoblock . |
fongshuyuen 會員 113.xxx.xxx.73 |
2023-10-03 14:48 |
[#7] 300B Monoblock . |
fongshuyuen 會員 113.xxx.xxx.73 |
2023-10-03 14:49 |
[#8] 300B Monoblock 300B的核心 |
fongshuyuen 會員 113.xxx.xxx.73 |
2023-10-03 14:49 |
[#9] 300B Monoblock 交連電容用Jupiter Condenser Copper Foil Beewax |
fongshuyuen 會員 113.xxx.xxx.73 |
2023-10-03 14:50 |
[#10] 300B Monoblock . 最後修改時間: 2023-10-03 14:53:14 |
fongshuyuen 會員 113.xxx.xxx.73 |
2023-10-03 14:52 |
[#11] 300B Monoblock 所有IC,橋式整流與power resistor通過鋁件與機箱連接,進行被動撒熱 最後修改時間: 2023-10-03 15:01:50 |
fongshuyuen 會員 113.xxx.xxx.73 |
2023-10-03 14:54 |
[#12] 300B Monoblock 由於所有電壓均由LM317穩壓,所以無需調試電壓,開機檢查電壓無誤後即可上膽開聲 |
fongshuyuen 會員 113.xxx.xxx.73 |
2023-10-03 14:57 |
[#13] 300B Monoblock 左起:輸出牛(35W)> 電源牛(100W) > 電感(10H) 最後修改時間: 2023-10-03 14:59:36 |
fongshuyuen 會員 113.xxx.xxx.73 |
2023-10-03 14:58 |
[#14] 300B Monoblock 師兄,何解有動手能力的不以搭掤方式來制作?線路板聲音薄很多,聲音大打折扣。 |
ilovetheboy13 正式會員 49.xxx.xxx.10 |
2023-10-03 20:26 |
[#15] 300B Monoblock 底板同搭棚可以差唔多声 咁大部机仲分体,点解攞5.5 watt咁細?攞佢9Watt都得 另外前端推動胆电阻用大陸D金屬膜电阻可能声音冇保證,可以的話換兩枝靚声D至上策,例如AMRG 最後修改時間: 2023-10-04 01:08:41 |
niceday009 正式會員 218.xxx.xxx.176 |
2023-10-04 01:06 |
[#16] 300B Monoblock 聲音薄唔薄同PCB無關係,我第一部膽機係搭棚,之後全部都係做PCB,唔覺得PCB有何問題。 另外PCB係FR4,唔同厰機用paper PCB。最後係每邊接近200pcs零件,我相信搭棚唔會做到 |
fongshuyuen 會員 113.xxx.xxx.73 |
2023-10-04 08:36 |
[#17] 300B Monoblock 設定工作點輸出5.5W因爲想300B耐用D,而且盡量想多一點2nd order harmonics 現時工作點: Plate: 300V biase: -60V Plate current: 60mA load: 3.5K 最後修改時間: 2023-10-04 08:42:54 |
fongshuyuen 會員 113.xxx.xxx.73 |
2023-10-04 08:41 |
[#18] 300B Monoblock #16 Agree 聲音薄唔薄同PCB無關係 如多零件,搭棚唔會做得好 |
waterman 正式會員 202.xxx.xxx.98 |
2023-10-04 08:57 |
[#19] 300B Monoblock >>盡量想多一點2nd order harmonics 你選的60mA, 3400 ohm, 5.6Watt 係出最少2次諧波,30dB 2nd harmonic 係負数,唔係正数, 如果出30dB 2nd harmonic, 44dB third harmonic 你部机唔使聽咯 如果想功率大D,盡量用大电流,屏对陰有360V 至390V, 如果电源牛唔夠电压,改用固定偏压,枝固定負偏压电阻用返220K, 我試過冇事,唔使跟書本用50K, 保持推動级load住220K高阻抗,咁你先知300B可以幾好力 最後修改時間: 2023-10-04 20:40:34 |
niceday009 正式會員 182.xxx.xxx.251 |
2023-10-04 20:25 |
[#20] 300B Monoblock 其實搭掤還是線路板比較好,應該以同一線路同一同料來作實驗,國內有位朋友就是先買了一份1:1仿AN Kit-1線路板來砌機,個多月又手痕技癢將元件除下改成搭掤,結果說是音場提升30%,溫暖程度提升50%,底噪只增加0.6mv |
ilovetheboy13 正式會員 49.xxx.xxx.109 |
2023-10-05 13:34 |