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[#1] Oppo BDP-105 as USB DAC Anyone tried using Oppo BDP-105 as USB DAC? Any feedback to share? |
timtube 正式會員 112.xxx.xxx.142 |
2012-12-28 23:22 | |
[#2] Oppo BDP-105 as USB DAC Push |
timtube 正式會員 210.xxx.xxx.2 |
2013-01-01 14:37 |
[#3] Oppo BDP-105 as USB DAC Push |
timtube 正式會員 199.xxx.xxx.229 |
2013-01-02 17:51 |
[#4] Oppo BDP-105 as USB DAC 105 都係ESS SABRE 解碼,作USB DAC唔差 DRIVER 已經有,相信直駁SYNOLOGY唔洗另外裝DRIVER PLUG AND PLAY啦 ESS聲底唔差價,無論SACD亦或 24/96 USB 不過USB音場比較平面及高音細節欠奉 呢個係USB設計問題,可用ifi iUSB Power ($1499) 或USB POWER ISOLATOR ($2xx - $4xx) 改善音色 |
alphability 正式會員 119.xxx.xxx.179 |
2013-01-03 03:54 |
[#5] Oppo BDP-105 as USB DAC One more question - can the HDMI input of the BDP-105 decode DSD? |
timtube 正式會員 199.xxx.xxx.229 |
2013-01-03 10:19 |
[#6] Oppo BDP-105 as USB DAC 應該唔得喇,PHILIPS/SONY咁快免費OPEN比您地 HACK完應該有HDMI INPUT 比DSD AUDIO 解碼 :P |
alphability 正式會員 119.xxx.xxx.179 |
2013-01-03 19:38 |
[#7] Oppo BDP-105 as USB DAC I thought many universal disc players, includng those made by Sony, can output DSD from SACD via HDMI. But maybe there is no point for such connection as the 105 can read SACD itself and audiophile-grade SACD transport with HDMI output does not exist. Can the 105 de-code DSD in DFF format via its USB input? |
timtube 正式會員 199.xxx.xxx.237 |
2013-01-04 10:49 |
[#8] Oppo BDP-105 as USB DAC Can oppo105 paly sacd iso? |
g405 正式會員 120.xxx.xxx.245 |
2013-01-23 11:31 |
[#9] Oppo BDP-105 as USB DAC Can FooBar and those PC music file players play 24/192 FLAC with 105 thru LAN as USB DAC? Thanks! :) 最後修改時間: 2013-01-29 18:00:59 |
PhantomGTR 正式會員 42.xxx.xxx.211 |
2013-01-29 17:58 |
[#10] Oppo BDP-105 as USB DAC Can FooBar and those PC music file players play 24/192 FLAC with 105 thru LAN as USB DAC? Thanks! :) Can oppo105 paly sacd iso? 同問,TKS。 |
mralex 正式會員 116.xxx.xxx.139 |
2013-02-04 17:12 |
[#11] Oppo BDP-105 as USB DAC 可否播放大陸藍光碟 |
group421 正式會員 112.xxx.xxx.212 |
2013-03-23 19:13 |
[#12] Oppo BDP-105 as USB DAC Spend $10K on a BD player and to do that? |
breadvan 正式會員 14.xxx.xxx.106 |
2013-03-23 20:22 |
[#13] Oppo BDP-105 as USB DAC I sold my 9700 and just brought 105. I use a 500G 2.5" Buffalo, it sound good for me! I just use it as CD drive and play File music, never try China Blueray, will try tonight. 最後修改時間: 2013-03-23 20:26:25 |
davewong 正式會員 219.xxx.xxx.52 |
2013-03-23 20:25 |
[#14] Oppo BDP-105 as USB DAC It is a Universal Player,you play universal discs ha ha |
group421 正式會員 112.xxx.xxx.212 |
2013-03-23 22:20 |
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