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[#1] QOBUZ Playback Connection failed    
I just found both web and apps connection/login to Qobuz failed this morning. Last night they still work fine. Yet I still can login the store and check my profile and etc. Am I alone on this issue?
個人訊息 正式會員
2021-08-21 10:40
[#2] QOBUZ Playback Connection failed    
Just tested Qobuz login via Lumin app is ok for me.

Set router DNS to, and reboot your whole network starting from the router, including all computers, iPad, Android, and Lumin.
個人訊息 正式會員
2021-08-21 11:05
[#3] QOBUZ Playback Connection failed    
Thanks, Peter sir, you're always kind and helpful. Suddenly it's back to normal automatically.
個人訊息 正式會員
2021-08-21 12:35
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