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[#29] Thorens turntable fan club    
C hing
How many run in hours to be better sound.

Just open TD403 DD. Direct and stress

Also almost my LP' s 1st cut of sound track always make a crackling sounding.

The middle tracks are less.

Please advise

個人訊息 正式會員
2022-08-20 09:29
[#30] Thorens turntable fan club    
I mean the sound is quite dry for me

個人訊息 正式會員
2022-08-20 09:34
[#31] Thorens turntable fan club    

do tell more about your set up, what is the cartridge, phono stage etc..

how's certain about the cartridge is setup correctly and precisely ? do u have any tool to double check the setup

super basic, is the table "level", if it is based on some cheap China small bubble leveler... or u have done 3 direction level by a proper bubble level ?

"crackling sounding." and "sound is quite dry" is quite different

dry or crackling or both ?

"" correct cartridge set up, table is very "level" "" Vs "" misaligned Cartridge and not quite level, the sound is always "Fuller" vs improper setup ""

what phono cable u use ? some high capacitance cable may create a tone which lack of some high frequency, however...it should not be your issue...as it happens to all tracks

however ,your issue is mostly at the first track..., i guess is either Cartridge set up or "level"

u mentioned "The middle tracks are less." means it has less Crackling than first but still some?

why not to post a video , some of us may have more idea to troubleshoot together

enjoyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy , it can be better...

brand new cartridge may need hours to sound nicer...

double check the set up...

have funnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn

最後修改時間: 2022-08-20 13:34:34
個人訊息 正式會員
2022-08-20 13:27
[#32] Thorens turntable fan club    
Dear C Hing,

You are right. I didn't adjust the VTA after replacing a Ortofon MC Blue cartridge .
Without measurement the Height of Tonearm is looking level.
Please advise for next move.

個人訊息 正式會員
2022-08-21 10:27
[#33] Thorens turntable fan club    
In addition.

Anti-skate of TD403 DD is a new design. The maximum of degree is up to 2.
However many cartridges are over 2 grams in setting Anti skating.

It make me confuse.

個人訊息 正式會員
2022-08-21 10:31
[#34] Thorens turntable fan club    
Much better now after several times hands on.
VTA , anti skate and tracking force have been re-tuned.

BTW I bought few LP at Hi FI show , Nxx Century co. Such as Tsui Siu Fung and Ha Siu Sing and Choi Kam old song, those have " crackles" song at the 1st cut. Dont know it is my problem or itssel.

I changed to play western LP and without sush problem.

Share with all

個人訊息 正式會員
2022-08-28 19:14
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