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影音天地主旨 ﹝請按主旨作出回應﹞ 下頁 尾頁 | 寄件者 | 傳送日期
![]() ![]() |
[#14] Thorens turntable fan club ![]() |
老夫子![]() 122.xxx.xxx.33 |
2020-04-12 17:56 | |
[#15] Thorens turntable fan club 正! 搞掂RPM 正常了! 開底蓋有P1 P2 兩個Pot anti clockwise 加返速! 最後修改時間: 2020-04-12 21:20:40 |
Cslo333![]() 182.xxx.xxx.225 |
2020-04-12 21:18 |
[#16] Thorens turntable fan club 你調咗邊個Pot?換哂唱臂4個膠圈及唱針未?否則唔會好聲,只有衰聲! 最後修改時間: 2020-04-12 23:02:00 |
bcagl![]() 14.xxx.xxx.158 |
2020-04-12 22:54 |
[#17] Thorens turntable fan club my vintage TD-124 ![]() |
sooloos88![]() 1.xxx.xxx.103 |
2020-04-12 23:05 |
[#18] Thorens turntable fan club [#16] Thorens turntable fan club 你調咗邊個Pot?換哂唱臂4個膠圈及唱針未?否則唔會好聲,只有衰聲! - 兩個Pot都做左 anti clockwise 加返速,adjust 60/10 minute backward; --》換哂唱臂4個膠圈,啱啱玩,邊到4個膠圈? 位置? Please --》換唱針未?未! 邊隻唱針? Please ThankQ bcagl CHING E家D聲正常,tuning better sound will be later progress.... will do will do STILL HAVE a issue, the MOTOR START UP, 摩打起動"格格。。。。"要手幫它帶一轉,夠力才-可播歌? 有冇CHING,高手,指點問題所在?怎樣解決? 萬謝!!!! 最後修改時間: 2020-04-13 00:02:57 |
Cslo333![]() 116.xxx.xxx.221 |
2020-04-12 23:56 |
[#19] Thorens turntable fan club 係唱臂座有鏍絲上住果4個膠圈,而你個Shure唱頭支舊針要換,加兩滴衣車機油到軸承試下行得順唔順啦 最後修改時間: 2020-04-13 00:31:01 |
bcagl![]() 14.xxx.xxx.158 |
2020-04-13 00:25 |
[#20] Thorens turntable fan club 換咗,呢個,動態好大; 有啲好細,突然好大密聲!!! ^^ bcagl CHING 唱臂座有鏍絲上住果4個膠圈 是否開蓋底的彈臂膠圈? ThankQ! ![]() |
Cslo333![]() 116.xxx.xxx.221 |
2020-04-13 16:55 |
[#21] Thorens turntable fan club I wish I could afford it( my brother could)!! ![]() |
fotheringay![]() 86.xxx.xxx.89 |
2020-04-13 17:29 |
[#22] Thorens turntable fan club 大蛇出來! ^00^ 禾。。。好驚訝?~~~ |
Cslo333![]() 116.xxx.xxx.221 |
2020-04-13 19:06 |
[#23] Thorens turntable fan club #20 我講嘅係唱臂座在表面上實唱盤的4根鏍絲夾住之4個黑色膠圈!係唔使的。你果支是英制SME Series IIIS高柔順度鈦唱臂及Shure V15 Type IV 唱頭,係當年已是十分原音的重現 最後修改時間: 2020-04-14 00:13:07 |
bcagl![]() 14.xxx.xxx.158 |
2020-04-13 23:56 |
[#24] Thorens turntable fan club My TD 124 with EMT 997 ![]() |
hc21924900![]() 218.xxx.xxx.108 |
2020-04-14 16:37 |
[#25] Thorens turntable fan club 厚靚喎! ^^ |
Cslo333![]() 116.xxx.xxx.221 |
2020-04-14 22:52 |
[#26] Thorens turntable fan club Ching 請問氧化左,可以用什麼方法來刷呤個針板邊?^^ |
Cslo333![]() 112.xxx.xxx.173 |
2020-05-09 22:12 |
[#27] Thorens turntable fan club Thorens 126 木座 尺寸,有冇圖紙,想做個新,謝謝各位,希望能幫忙。 |
真正用家![]() 42.xxx.xxx.1 |
2021-01-19 12:16 |
[#28] Thorens turntable fan club #23 原音的重現 —————- 黑膠唱片刻上的「紋」太細,不足以令原來母帶100hz以下容納, 想做一隻可容納有「真低頻」的黑膠片唯有做一隻相若圓枱面大小直徑兩尺或更大的,再將坑紋做闊,然後從母帶抄進黑膠片,如此唱針活動才能重拾原本母帶低頻; 所有Phono RIAA 放大已經將低頻大幅提升類似部份設備有前級Equalizer效果; 試用唱頭直出輸入一部舊式前級並且bypass RIAA(部份前級設有這10倍放大設備的);會發現輸入訊號完全欠「低頻」;這才是聽到「黑膠唱片原音」 RIAA實際上是會完全將「原音扭曲」;而好聲與否屬個人感受而矣。 「膽phono」放大好聲因為能夠再將原音「盡情扭曲」 |
林菲![]() 14.xxx.xxx.30 |
2021-01-19 15:04 |
[#29] Thorens turntable fan club C hing How many run in hours to be better sound. Just open TD403 DD. Direct and stress Also almost my LP' s 1st cut of sound track always make a crackling sounding. The middle tracks are less. Please advise Tony |
tony1796![]() 118.xxx.xxx.154 |
2022-08-20 09:29 |
[#30] Thorens turntable fan club I mean the sound is quite dry for me Tony |
tony1796![]() 118.xxx.xxx.154 |
2022-08-20 09:34 |
[#31] Thorens turntable fan club tony do tell more about your set up, what is the cartridge, phono stage etc.. how's certain about the cartridge is setup correctly and precisely ? do u have any tool to double check the setup super basic, is the table "level", if it is based on some cheap China small bubble leveler... or u have done 3 direction level by a proper bubble level ? "crackling sounding." and "sound is quite dry" is quite different dry or crackling or both ? "" correct cartridge set up, table is very "level" "" Vs "" misaligned Cartridge and not quite level, the sound is always "Fuller" vs improper setup "" what phono cable u use ? some high capacitance cable may create a tone which lack of some high frequency, however...it should not be your issue...as it happens to all tracks however ,your issue is mostly at the first track..., i guess is either Cartridge set up or "level" u mentioned "The middle tracks are less." means it has less Crackling than first but still some? why not to post a video , some of us may have more idea to troubleshoot together enjoyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy , it can be better... brand new cartridge may need hours to sound nicer... double check the set up... have funnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn 最後修改時間: 2022-08-20 13:34:34 |
hahayanyan![]() 182.xxx.xxx.206 |
2022-08-20 13:27 |
[#32] Thorens turntable fan club Dear C Hing, You are right. I didn't adjust the VTA after replacing a Ortofon MC Blue cartridge . Without measurement the Height of Tonearm is looking level. Please advise for next move. thanks tony |
tony1796![]() 118.xxx.xxx.154 |
2022-08-21 10:27 |
[#33] Thorens turntable fan club In addition. Anti-skate of TD403 DD is a new design. The maximum of degree is up to 2. However many cartridges are over 2 grams in setting Anti skating. It make me confuse. tony |
tony1796![]() 118.xxx.xxx.154 |
2022-08-21 10:31 |