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影音天地主旨 ﹝請按主旨作出回應﹞ 下頁 尾頁 | 寄件者 | 傳送日期 |
[#1] Thorens turntable fan club Come and join us! |
klbchan 正式會員 221.xxx.xxx.213 |
2009-01-17 09:30 | |
[#2] Thorens turntable fan club why not! now playing .... by Thorens TD160S |
billeung 正式會員 61.xxx.xxx.100 |
2009-01-17 11:40 |
[#3] Thorens turntable fan club 》》》Thorens TD 321, replaced blet drive - 皮帶 22"半徑,鴨寮街頭TIM KEE對面;不能緊,要啱啱好,少少拉不到1CM的;《《《 |
Cslo333 正式會員 116.xxx.xxx.221 |
2020-04-10 17:09 |
[#4] Thorens turntable fan club Audio Note 300B Conquest Silver, Fisher 80C, Project Tube Box DS, REvOX CDP, Thorens TD321 ^^; Double ON/OFF powerbar. |
Cslo333 正式會員 116.xxx.xxx.221 |
2020-04-10 17:25 |
[#5] Thorens turntable fan club Audio Note 300B Conquest Silver, Fisher 80C, Project Tube Box DS, REvOX CDP, Thorens TD321 ^^; Double ON/OFF powerbar. |
Cslo333 正式會員 116.xxx.xxx.221 |
2020-04-10 17:26 |
[#6] Thorens turntable fan club Thorens TD 321唱盤配了呢支是否英制SME Series III高柔順度鈦唱臂及Shure Type V 唱頭? |
bcagl 正式會員 14.xxx.xxx.158 |
2020-04-11 17:02 |
[#7] Thorens turntable fan club 友人,借我玩下,差唔多有二十多年前,隨著友人的口味搭配的; |
Cslo333 正式會員 116.xxx.xxx.221 |
2020-04-11 17:53 |
[#8] Thorens turntable fan club You need to replace x new stylus and 4rrr rubber o-rings of arm base. |
bcagl 正式會員 14.xxx.xxx.158 |
2020-04-11 18:51 |
[#9] Thorens turntable fan club A less used D-125 Mark II. |
fotheringay 正式會員 81.xxx.xxx.119 |
2020-04-11 18:54 |
[#10] Thorens turntable fan club Any pictures/photo for me? Let me know show how to do more on it ^^ [#8] Thorens turntable fan club You need to replace x new stylus and 4rrr rubber o-rings of arm base. Thorens TD-125 MK2 Nice! I am looking for TD 126MK3 - with pitch control more options allowed. 最後修改時間: 2020-04-11 20:01:14 |
Cslo333 正式會員 116.xxx.xxx.221 |
2020-04-11 19:48 |
[#11] Thorens turntable fan club You need to replace a new Shure stylus and 4 nos. black rubber o-rings at alum. alloy arm base corners and get a anti-static gun. |
bcagl 正式會員 14.xxx.xxx.158 |
2020-04-11 20:04 |
[#12] Thorens turntable fan club 33/1/3 - Little slow - TD321? |
Cslo333 正式會員 116.xxx.xxx.221 |
2020-04-12 11:36 |
[#13] Thorens turntable fan club ANY CHING 提議? 45 - Little slow - TD321? 清潔了,還是有點慢,轉速不準;可以聽沒有太大分別!?! 有沒有什麼辦法換摩打?調底板那裏? 最後修改時間: 2020-04-12 11:40:57 |
Cslo333 正式會員 116.xxx.xxx.221 |
2020-04-12 11:39 |
[#14] Thorens turntable fan club |
老夫子 正式會員 122.xxx.xxx.33 |
2020-04-12 17:56 |
[#15] Thorens turntable fan club 正! 搞掂RPM 正常了! 開底蓋有P1 P2 兩個Pot anti clockwise 加返速! 最後修改時間: 2020-04-12 21:20:40 |
Cslo333 正式會員 182.xxx.xxx.225 |
2020-04-12 21:18 |
[#16] Thorens turntable fan club 你調咗邊個Pot?換哂唱臂4個膠圈及唱針未?否則唔會好聲,只有衰聲! 最後修改時間: 2020-04-12 23:02:00 |
bcagl 正式會員 14.xxx.xxx.158 |
2020-04-12 22:54 |
[#17] Thorens turntable fan club my vintage TD-124 |
sooloos88 會員 1.xxx.xxx.103 |
2020-04-12 23:05 |
[#18] Thorens turntable fan club [#16] Thorens turntable fan club 你調咗邊個Pot?換哂唱臂4個膠圈及唱針未?否則唔會好聲,只有衰聲! - 兩個Pot都做左 anti clockwise 加返速,adjust 60/10 minute backward; --》換哂唱臂4個膠圈,啱啱玩,邊到4個膠圈? 位置? Please --》換唱針未?未! 邊隻唱針? Please ThankQ bcagl CHING E家D聲正常,tuning better sound will be later progress.... will do will do STILL HAVE a issue, the MOTOR START UP, 摩打起動"格格。。。。"要手幫它帶一轉,夠力才-可播歌? 有冇CHING,高手,指點問題所在?怎樣解決? 萬謝!!!! 最後修改時間: 2020-04-13 00:02:57 |
Cslo333 正式會員 116.xxx.xxx.221 |
2020-04-12 23:56 |
[#19] Thorens turntable fan club 係唱臂座有鏍絲上住果4個膠圈,而你個Shure唱頭支舊針要換,加兩滴衣車機油到軸承試下行得順唔順啦 最後修改時間: 2020-04-13 00:31:01 |
bcagl 正式會員 14.xxx.xxx.158 |
2020-04-13 00:25 |
[#20] Thorens turntable fan club 換咗,呢個,動態好大; 有啲好細,突然好大密聲!!! ^^ bcagl CHING 唱臂座有鏍絲上住果4個膠圈 是否開蓋底的彈臂膠圈? ThankQ! |
Cslo333 正式會員 116.xxx.xxx.221 |
2020-04-13 16:55 |