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[#1] The influence of carpet - how much difference can it make assuming all things constant?    
I am listening to one guy's hifi system in the UK and his hifi is very cheap cheap. But I have to say hthe sound has a particular softness timbre in it. The speakers is even put at the ground without stands. One vertical, one horizontal. He is a conductor, and he is satisfied with the sound. The walls are all traditional British bricks. Speakers are heco psm 600, a pair of german vintage speakers.

Would the ground fully installed with carpet greatly improve sound? If so, what frequencies, any possible bad effects?

個人訊息 正式會員
2008-09-28 02:02
[#2] The influence of carpet - how much difference can it make assuming all things constant?    
btw, I would like to hear real experience - before and after installation of carpets. i know the theories at a general level already ...
個人訊息 正式會員
2008-09-28 02:04
[#3] The influence of carpet - how much difference can it make assuming all things constant?    
My old flat was fully-carpeted wall-to-wall (because I used to live in the UK & prefer carpeted floor) & the ascoustics was more dampened & seduced, the background noise is low & I could hear a lot of details from my system even when not played too loud. Now my flat has wooden floor like most in HK & there acoustics is inevitably more lively, there is more background noise & I have to listen louder to get the same level of details. Assuming all things equal I'd prefer a carpeted listening environment any day. But my wife hates carpet because of HK's humidity & difficult to keep clean. If I have my dedicated listening room in future it will definitely be carpeted, but the underneath rubber must not be too thick otherwise it will absord too much bass energy.
個人訊息 正式會員
2008-09-28 08:30
[#4] The influence of carpet - how much difference can it make assuming all things constant?    
I see 嚦嚦二世 hing ... so the alternative now is like using thick carpets just in front of the speakers ... it's a shame.
個人訊息 正式會員
2008-09-29 02:37
[#5] The influence of carpet - how much difference can it make assuming all things constant?    
If your room is too bright, adding carpet can certainly improve the sound since it mainly absorb mid to high frequencies.
But, how about ceiling? side wall? rear wall? Is there large glazing area? Adding sound absorption materials to these area can also improve.
But too much absorption will make your room too dead. You may also consider sound diffusion.
There are also some other issues in room acoustic, interferance in low frequencies, room size, shape, etc.
Below is a good article:
個人訊息 正式會員
2008-09-29 10:40
[#6] The influence of carpet - how much difference can it make assuming all things constant?    
This is a great article. Thanks moonv hing!
I wonder if Ikea kind of wool carpet can do some absorption on the ground?
個人訊息 正式會員
2008-09-29 16:26
[#7] The influence of carpet - how much difference can it make assuming all things constant?    
BTW, is British bricks produce softer sound than HK kind of concrete walls? Are the difference so great?
個人訊息 正式會員
2008-09-29 17:07
[#8] The influence of carpet - how much difference can it make assuming all things constant?    
I think the difference in floors is bigger; HK flats have solid concrete floor, whereas most UK houses have suspended wooden plank flooring.
個人訊息 正式會員
2008-09-29 20:34
[#9] The influence of carpet - how much differe    
嚦嚦二世 hing. Sorry just got back from the UK. I am still interested in buying a carpet for trial. But you know, I dislike buying something with no result. :(

So I just wonder merely adding a wool carpet would have noticeable improvement in Hong Kong kind of building - as you said, the HK concrete floor may overide the influence of the carpet. I am not sure if adding a carpet would do satisfactory improvment.

I saw some 100% wool carpet in Ikea. Prices vary. Of course I need to look for good looking one as well :). (and of course I know what good looking means differnet things to different people - but I am less inlcined to use Persian-type of pattern yet ...). Any thing that I must note if I buy those carpets in Ikea? Just dun wanna throw it away right after I buy one ...
個人訊息 正式會員
2008-10-02 10:42
[#10] The influence of carpet - how much differe    
I guess its not just about "carpet"

its more about "in the UK "

in fact its because of the slient background.

you hardly get any real 'slient' in HK , espeically if you live in an apartment which most of us do, even if you get slient background, your air con give u lots of noise half of the year around.

When i visited someone in Sydney, I was impressed by his system very much, music played by DVD player and the intergrated speakers on his old 36" tv set !"

i ask myself why and the anwers i think it os beucase of the living room is about 300 sq ft. (not sure) but ear to TV at least 15 sq ft.

and its abosultely slient at night in that room.

what can be achieved with a real set of hi fi there? i wonder.

個人訊息 正式會員
2008-10-02 14:10
[#11] The influence of carpet - how much differe    
My experience tells me that German speakers give soft sound in general, and they match well wth German amplifiers.
Carpet wil absorb high frequencies, hence gives soft sound in a room.
UK rooms usually have wooden floors, plaster walls, carpets, soft sofas and padded chairs, curtains..........hence give softer sounds of less high frequency energy.
個人訊息 正式會員
2008-10-08 07:59
[#12] The influence of carpet - how much differe    
Modern Hing, yes, the Heco speakers may contribute a part to the softness.

seanbeer also reminds me a point I neglected - the background noise level. Yes, it's so quite during the day in that conductor's house - it's just like the mid-night in Hong Kong.

But practically, I just need to solve the problems. Any recommended materials for drapes?
個人訊息 正式會員
2008-10-10 16:12
[#13] The influence of carpet - how much difference can it make assuming all things constant?    
Background noise is the most annoying issue in playing HIFI in HK!
個人訊息 會員
2018-05-14 12:23
[#14] The influence of carpet - how much difference can it make assuming all things constant?    
個人訊息 正式會員
2018-05-14 12:59
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