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[#1] 請問8呎半距離用80吋幕會否太大? 請問8呎半(由眼到幕)距離用80吋幕會否太大? Thanks! |
9394 正式會員 219.xxx.xxx.1 |
2009-05-17 02:34 | |
[#2] 請問8呎半距離用80吋幕會否太大? not if you like to look at pixels instead of enjoying movies different people will have different preferences. what is yours? |
cpu8088 正式會員 115.xxx.xxx.214 |
2009-05-17 08:01 |
[#3] 請問8呎半距離用80吋幕會否太大? 10呎好多人都係80寸到,,,,,,8呎半我唸70寸都夠啦~~ 樓主睇中邊部projector我都想玩投影~! |
siuwing 正式會員 218.xxx.xxx.88 |
2009-05-17 10:22 |
[#4] 請問8呎半距離用80吋幕會否太大? Not large at all, you may even feel a bit small when watching 2.35:1 movies. But you need to check whether the projector can project 80" within 8' distance bcos some cannot. |
m40 正式會員 113.xxx.xxx.39 |
2009-05-17 11:07 |
[#5] 請問8呎半距離用80吋幕會否太大? Agree with m40. I am using 80" and distant from screen is probably less than 8.5'. For 2.35:1 movies, I don't feel any 'pressure' nor 'too large'. If possible, feel it yourself. |
ich 正式會員 119.xxx.xxx.7 |
2009-05-17 11:40 |
[#6] 請問8呎半距離用80吋幕會否太大? 現在出咗好多短距 |
stephenchow2k 正式會員 219.xxx.xxx.50 |
2009-05-17 11:47 |
[#7] 請問8呎半距離用80吋幕會否太大? Use the following calcuator to find the max. screen size you can use. Just enter projector model and viewing distance, you can find max. screen size http://www.projectorcentral.com/projection-calculator-pro.cfm |
m40 正式會員 113.xxx.xxx.155 |
2009-05-17 12:04 |
[#8] 請問8呎半距離用80吋幕會否太大? 70寸好啦,以前我10尺玩80都有大左少少感覺。 |
ahpoohmo 正式會員 203.xxx.xxx.64 |
2009-05-17 12:04 |
[#9] 請問8呎半距離用80吋幕會否太大? 下~~乜10呎用80寸都大架~~!! 咁玩80寸又使唔使玩到咁高MODEL呀?? 本人睇中左部black wing one~~! |
siuwing 正式會員 218.xxx.xxx.88 |
2009-05-17 13:21 |
[#10] 請問8呎半距離用80吋幕會否太大? Thanks all, 真係各有各意見. m40 兄, 你比呢條link 真係好有用. Thanks 其實小弟係用緊4:3既DELL 平價投影機, 用機本身可選擇轉換的16:9format投影. 咁可以買16:9既幕用嗎 ? 而家用緊cheap cheap 1:1幕, 貼牆掛. 因已有由曲紋, 所以想換幕順便移前1呎响TV前面落. 唔駛擔高頭睇. 而家約65吋係9呎半就唔覺大, 只怕移前之後用大D幕會唔慣. 希望各網友比比意見. |
9394 正式會員 219.xxx.xxx.11 |
2009-05-17 16:34 |
[#11] 請問8呎半距離用80吋幕會否太大? I use 73" on 10 feets distance, feels not enough bigger so 80" is good enough |
resort 正式會員 218.xxx.xxx.19 |
2009-05-17 17:31 |
[#12] 請問8呎半距離用80吋幕會否太大? check this link for a user using 84" screen at a very short distant: http://www.avbuzz.com/bbs/av/av-thread-98311.html I have visited this c hing's place and did not feel the screen is too big. Anyway, small or big is personal. My wife always says that any TV bigger than 29" (viewing distant 9-10') is TOOOOOOOOOOO big!! |
ich 正式會員 119.xxx.xxx.105 |
2009-05-17 18:38 |
[#13] 請問8呎半距離用80吋幕會否太大? AE700,15尺距離,80寸幕剛剛好 可以距離少於15尺,但耍高檔機,否則起粒 |
cominox 正式會員 218.xxx.xxx.87 |
2009-05-17 20:12 |
[#14] 請問8呎半距離用80吋幕會否太大? 請問用緊4:3既投影機, 用機本身可選擇轉換的16:9format投影. 應該買4:3定16:9既幕 ? |
9394 正式會員 219.xxx.xxx.181 |
2009-05-19 01:14 |
[#15] 請問8呎半距離用80吋幕會否太大? Sorry bring up this old link. 想問8尺距離,多數用Magic box睇電視,系咪要用4:3screen,而72吋太大 ma? Thx a lot! |
syuencb 會員 113.xxx.xxx.222 |
2016-01-16 19:12 |
[#16] 請問8呎半距離用80吋幕會否太大? 4:3 同埋 72"幕都唔係現在普及的比例和尺寸! 用16:9,80" 幕喇! |
Ming Sir 正式會員 1.xxx.xxx.119 |
2016-01-16 23:29 |
[#17] 請問8呎半距離用80吋幕會否太大? 玩投影梗係越大越正啦,唔同睇電視機薄屏! 如果畫面大,就要夾返聲音量感! 唔好畫大聲細 或者 聲大畫細⋯⋯ 另外⋯⋯不如放棄前面部電視機啦,投影個旦2千令蚊,睇電視都用埋投影啦 最後修改時間: 2016-01-17 13:01:47 |
ctscts888 正式會員 14.xxx.xxx.188 |
2016-01-17 12:59 |
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