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[#59298] ETSC & ETRC & ESAC Members (44)早晨 溫馨提示 ^_^ |
老友 正式會員 61.xxx.xxx.66 |
2018-08-23 19:42 | |
[#59299] ETSC & ETRC & ESAC Members (44)早晨 早晨 ^_^ |
老友 正式會員 49.xxx.xxx.194 |
2018-08-24 07:39 |
[#59300] ETSC & ETRC & ESAC Members (44)早晨 早晨 ^_^ |
老友 正式會員 45.xxx.xxx.205 |
2018-08-25 07:51 |
[#59301] ETSC & ETRC & ESAC Members (44)早晨 早晨 ^_^ 看官 猜字 |
老友 正式會員 49.xxx.xxx.18 |
2018-08-26 09:44 |
[#59302] ETSC & ETRC & ESAC Members (44)早晨 早晨 ^_^ |
老友 正式會員 49.xxx.xxx.18 |
2018-08-26 09:46 |
[#59303] ETSC & ETRC & ESAC Members (44)早晨 *1. Kamasutra says : If you suck one nipple, the women herself offers the other one. And that was the origin of "buy one get one free"!* *2. Did you ever notice: everything on a woman's upper body starts with a "B". Blouse, Bra, Bikini, Boobs and lower body with a "P" Peticoat, panties, pussy... That's origin of "BP"!* *3. Before sex, you help each other get naked. After sex, you dress only yourself. Moral: In life no one helps you once you're fucked.* *4. Success is like pregnancy. Everybody congratulates you but nobody knows how many times you got fucked to achieve it.* *5. What is the difference between frustration and satisfaction? What the Fuck! and What a Fuck!* *6. 3 people having sex is a threesome, 2 is a twosome. So next time someone calls you 'HANDSOME', don't take it as a compliment!* *7. Life is like a dick, sometimes it becomes hard for no reason.* *8. Practical thought: A husband is supposed to make his wife's panties wet, not her eyes. A wife is supposed to make her husband's dick hard, not his life..!* *9. When a lady is pregnant, all her friends touch her stomach and say "Congrats!". But none of them come and touch the man's Penis and say "Well done!".* *Moral: Hard work is never appreciated: Only result matters.* *Dont delete it unless forward it to a grp of naughty Friends* |
老友 正式會員 45.xxx.xxx.9 |
2018-08-26 20:46 |
[#59304] ETSC & ETRC & ESAC Members (44)早晨 我英文麻麻地, 唔該老友用中文解釋吓!謝謝! |
chanchunming 會員 203.xxx.xxx.214 |
2018-08-26 22:12 |
[#59305] ETSC & ETRC & ESAC Members (44)早晨 早晨 ^_^ 老板 揾唔到好嘅翻譯軟件 麻煩呀lym譯譯 :-) |
老友 正式會員 45.xxx.xxx.71 |
2018-08-27 07:33 |
[#59306] ETSC & ETRC & ESAC Members (44)早晨 道歉啟事 |
老友 正式會員 45.xxx.xxx.20 |
2018-08-27 16:17 |
[#59307] ETSC & ETRC & ESAC Members (44)早晨 早晨 ^_^ |
老友 正式會員 45.xxx.xxx.56 |
2018-08-28 07:38 |
[#59308] ETSC & ETRC & ESAC Members (44)早晨 :-D |
老友 正式會員 45.xxx.xxx.191 |
2018-08-28 12:16 |
[#59309] ETSC & ETRC & ESAC Members (44)早晨 早晨 ^_^ |
老友 正式會員 49.xxx.xxx.97 |
2018-08-29 11:10 |
[#59310] ETSC & ETRC & ESAC Members (44)早晨 求答案? |
老友 正式會員 61.xxx.xxx.66 |
2018-08-29 15:01 |
[#59311] ETSC & ETRC & ESAC Members (44)早晨 早晨 ^_^ 又係西洋笑話。 Wife to her Accountant husband: what is inflation? Husband: Earlier you were 36-24-36. But now you are 48-40-48. Though you have everything bigger than before, your value has become less than before. This is INFLATION . Economics is not that difficult if we have the right examples. Interviewer: What is Recession? Candidate: When "Wine & Women" get replaced by "Water & Wife", that critical phase of life is called Recession!! Accountancy fact: What is the difference between Liability & Asset? A drunk friend is liability. But, A drunk Girlfriend is an Asset. An Economist beautifully explained two reasons for having 2 wives. A- Monopoly should be broken. B- Competition improves the quality of service. If u have 1 wife, She fights with u! If u have 2 wives, They will fight for you!! ------------------------- When you are in love, Wonders happen. But once you get married, You wonder, what happened. ------------------------- Philosophy of marriage : At the beginning, every wife treats her husband as GOD.. Later, somehow don't know why.. alphabets get reversed.. ------------------------- Secret formula for married couples... "Love One Another" And if it doesn't work, bring the last word in the middle.!!!! |
老友 正式會員 45.xxx.xxx.65 |
2018-08-30 10:04 |
[#59312] ETSC & ETRC & ESAC Members (44)早晨 早晨 趣聞共享 ^_^ |
老友 正式會員 45.xxx.xxx.92 |
2018-08-31 07:37 |
[#59313] ETSC & ETRC & ESAC Members (44)早晨 ^_^ |
老友 正式會員 61.xxx.xxx.66 |
2018-08-31 17:51 |
[#59314] ETSC & ETRC & ESAC Members (44)早晨 語言偽術 ^_^ |
老友 正式會員 45.xxx.xxx.4 |
2018-09-01 13:59 |
[#59315] ETSC & ETRC & ESAC Members (44)早晨 早晨 :-) |
老友 正式會員 45.xxx.xxx.53 |
2018-09-03 07:53 |
[#59316] ETSC & ETRC & ESAC Members (44)早晨 早晨 ^_^ |
老友 正式會員 45.xxx.xxx.72 |
2018-09-05 09:23 |
[#59317] ETSC & ETRC & ESAC Members (44)早晨 早晨 ^_^ |
老友 正式會員 49.xxx.xxx.73 |
2018-09-06 07:40 |