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[#1] Harbeth同好會    


最重要的當然是喇叭…自己用了十多年的Bose501完全不配合新Amp。因地方有限,於是預算3到6千元更換書架喇叭,首要條件是分析力高,人聲甜,而高低音不太誇張。原本打算在Dynaaudio 或 NHT之間作選擇。

將近拍版之際,有路人甲提議我不妨聽下旁邊一隻外表平凡的喇叭(當時我連這個牌子也未聽過)。唉!一聽就中毒,分析力高,人聲甜而高低音不太誇張,全部有齊,唯一缺點就是out budget,8千大洋買一對鞋盒大細的喇叭, spec. 只有75—20khz+/-3db,自覺有些不值。


個人訊息 正式會員
2006-08-16 16:32
[#2] Harbeth同好會    
Photos from Harbeth offical website

個人訊息 正式會員
2006-08-16 16:38
[#3] Harbeth同好會    
I suggest while we will dicuss how good Harbeth is, we can also discuss the problem of Harbeth so our discussion is more informative and useful o members in R33. ^^
個人訊息 正式會員
2006-08-16 16:40
[#4] Harbeth同好會    
Hi Ken,
You can find the advantage and problem in my home tomorrow. And I just got some new stuff to play.

One of the problem in Harbeth is the outlook so common.
個人訊息 正式會員
2006-08-16 17:01
[#5] Harbeth同好會    
Do you know where is the cheapest place to buy Harbeth speaker in HK?
個人訊息 正式會員
2006-08-16 17:06
[#6] Harbeth同好會    
Good speakers!
個人訊息 正式會員
2006-08-16 17:09
[#7] Harbeth同好會    
Here is my story:

About 2 years ago, I started to feel my floorstand speaker cannot satisfied me (I’m not going to mention the brand but the brand is quite popular and well received). I have already spent over 5 years on that spks and was able to tune them closer but not quite to my desired tone. I thought perhaps it was time to move on.

During the search for replacement (not necessary upgrade but just looking for a tonal switch), I mainly targeted on current and evergreen design (avoid used, discontinued and frequent change model) that can fulfill my musical taste (90% classical, 10% jazz). My requirement is straight forward: one is able to reproduce tonally correct string, piano and vocal (of course to my ears only). Tonal balance is always my utmost priority while soundstage, bass impact and resolution are less important but nice to have. I know I can’t have everything no matter how much I am willing to spend, I have to trade off some for other priorities.

After several showroom and shop visits, I found not many showroom/shop setups fulfill my straight forward requirements except perhaps Westlake. But surprisingly there were two CD shops that always able to make me want listen more (one in Central, one in Festival Walk). They stocked Roger LS5/9A and Harbeth C7 respectively.

At the end, I short-listed Harbeth, Spendor, PMC, ATC and Westlake for more in-depth study.

…..To be continued.
個人訊息 正式會員
2006-08-16 17:18
[#8] Harbeth同好會    
Waiting for M40 hings story.... particular comparsion between Harbeth and Westlake
個人訊息 正式會員
2006-08-16 17:29
[#9] Harbeth同好會    
I chose Harbeth over other short-listed brands based on the following considerations:
1.Relax and open sound. I prefer more relax sound but others may prefer more excited sound
2.Affordable price
3.Less demanding on driving electronics (although I found out later that’s is not necessary the case, esp monitor 40)
4.I found BBC’s and Harbeth’s philosophy aligns with my usually listen style, like low volume and prolong listen, un-amplified vocal should sound relax rather than excited, etc.

For Westlake comparison, if you are willing to invest on high range Westlake (like big BBSM or Tower model), Westlake can give better dynamic, bigger sound while tonal balance is superb. But for low range Westlake vs Harbeth, I opt for Harbeth because its midrange still sound more open (esp. C7 and SHL5).
個人訊息 正式會員
2006-08-16 18:14
[#10] Harbeth同好會    
Hi frankie2612,
Would you mind share your problem with your harbeth?
個人訊息 正式會員
2006-08-16 18:21
[#11] Harbeth同好會    
Hi M40 Hing,

個人訊息 正式會員
2006-08-16 18:48
[#12] Harbeth同好會    
i quite like the little harbeth p3es. i almost bought a pair a few years ago! still want to buy a used pair as backup for my 3/5a :-)
個人訊息 正式會員
2006-08-16 23:46
[#13] Harbeth同好會    
我都買蠪3 ,但在" 友X "買,HKD9000.
用Rogue audio 90 後級,和 Metis 前級。
個人訊息 正式會員
2006-08-17 00:23
[#14] Harbeth同好會    
Harbeth P3ES2的缺點, 我有以下的意見


開聲 (run in) 時間比較長,新喇叭最初十幾小時,聲音可以用差來形容。所以各位要有耐性,起碼聽三日才好進行調較


個人訊息 正式會員
2006-08-17 01:04
[#15] Harbeth同好會    
Why don’t we share a bit our experience on setting up our Harbeth. Let’s start with the most important part in my opinion: speaker stand.

If you believe in BBC philosophy, speaker stand should be low mass such that energy storage is low and can be quickly dissipated to ground. Some foreign Harbeth users insisted wood stand because they argue metal stand may potentially sound ring. However, if you look at studio photo or old Spendor or Roger brochure, all stands are metal design. So I have reason to believe metal stand should be as fine.

Ok, back to real life experience. Since it is hard to get ‘low mass metal stand’ locally, my first attempt for my M40 was a solid wood stand. The stand is quite heavy (IMO too heavy) and stable. But after a year of usage, I found wood stand tends to sound warm (welcome) but a bit blur and slow, the bass may lack last bit of resolution and speed. That’s exactly people general impression towards British box: midrange only speaker.

So I start to check for replacement. I found a UK hand-made metal stand called Something Solid XF sounds quite well-received among Spendor and Harbeth users. And the price is reasonable too, although the look requires some time to accept. So I placed order (with minor cosmetic change from standard) and waited for two months for delivery.

Once installed the new stand, bass resolution and speed are back. I would say the mid sounds as warm as my old wood stand, just with more details. Dynamic is also improved. Overall I think it is a wise move.

I don’t think Harbeth users must order the same stand from UK. But I suggest when you shop for or custom make your stand, some key points worth to note:

-The height must be right, it should bring tweeter to your ear level.
-Top size should fit your speaker size for stability and sonic reason
-Metal stand usually sound more dynamic while wood stand sound soft.
-Big speaker can use light weight stand to improve bass speed while small speaker can use heavy stand to boost up bass energy.
-Speaker-to-stand and spike-to-floor interface are equally important. Never apply a single formula for all speaker, you have to try it yourself. (many people just use bluetak and linn sheet floor protect formula, both don’t work for my case)
個人訊息 正式會員
2006-08-17 12:19
[#16] Harbeth同好會    
Thanks M40 for detail and open sharing
個人訊息 正式會員
2006-08-17 12:24
[#17] Harbeth同好會    
Setting up the P3 is less difficult, according to Harbeth website, the minimum distance from the speaker to wall is only 0.3M. That fits perfectly with the small rooms in HK. My experience is 2 feet away from the wall is perfect but less than that only have very small difference. Also, since it is designed as a drop in replacement for LS3/5A, all speaker stands fits the LS3 can fit the P3. That's it is very suitable for beginners in Harbeth.
個人訊息 正式會員
2006-08-17 12:33
[#18] Harbeth同好會    
Major drawback of Harbeth P3ES2 and Compact 7:

The SEAS tweeter, which at times, tend to draw attention to itself and not very detail, as compared with Spendor's ScanSpeak tweeters. The SEAS tweeter often present itself as ZZZZZZ!

個人訊息 正式會員
2006-08-17 14:23
[#19] Harbeth同好會    
What is the major difference in sound between Harbeth LS-3/5A and Harbeth P3 ??
個人訊息 正式會員
2006-08-17 14:44
[#20] Harbeth同好會    
Hi M40 Hing,

I find my M40 too powerful in midrange, And the image seem to fat, Can you recommend what speaker cable you think fit for M40? Or what's the problem in my setup?
個人訊息 正式會員
2006-08-18 14:08
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