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![]() ![]() |
[#1] 是否每一位發燒友的心聲呢?嘻嘻 To audiophiles out there. You understand. http://9gag.com/gag/a44rX4A ![]() |
parcolee![]() 58.xxx.xxx.55 |
2014-04-23 02:24 | |
[#2] 是否每一位發燒友的心聲呢?嘻嘻 那是笑話,不會是真的。 我死後,那些器材都不可能賣們,不論成本。 她必定經常開機,見機如見人嘛~ |
spyder![]() 223.xxx.xxx.75 |
2014-04-23 06:02 |
[#3] 是否每一位發燒友的心聲呢?嘻嘻 If you fear, then tell her the actual price, by then, you want to die instead!! |
254mm![]() 219.xxx.xxx.28 |
2014-04-23 06:59 |
[#4] 是否每一位發燒友的心聲呢?嘻嘻 我將先人的兩套hifi轉贈給他人,換來的是金錢不能買到的關懷!! 最後修改時間: 2014-04-23 09:31:28 |
mr-chan![]() 113.xxx.xxx.84 |
2014-04-23 09:26 |
[#5] 是否每一位發燒友的心聲呢?嘻嘻 我老婆話,每晚我回來,她開給我聽啊! |
highbias![]() 120.xxx.xxx.108 |
2014-04-23 09:29 |
[#6] 是否每一位發燒友的心聲呢?嘻嘻 #5 咁猛?! |
parcolee![]() 58.xxx.xxx.55 |
2014-04-24 01:09 |
[#7] 是否每一位發燒友的心聲呢?嘻嘻 聰明做法: 臨死前対老婆說,這套嘢現在升了值好多, 因非常罕有,但我買時很平宜。 知無 |
niceman![]() 219.xxx.xxx.128 |
2014-04-24 01:28 |
[#8] 是否每一位發燒友的心聲呢?嘻嘻 My biggest happiness would be ..... to be the one buying your whole hifi set from your wife. However, my biggest fear would be .... you won't easily let me go even when you are in heaven ....... Well done ParcoLee C Hing, I'm not only admiring your system, but also admiring how you managed to convince your wife how " little " it cost. |
ll77hk![]() 210.xxx.xxx.70 |
2014-04-24 09:27 |
[#9] 是否每一位發燒友的心聲呢?嘻嘻 佢話:放心一路好走吧, 你套野會半賣半送俾收買佬, 要左你層樓已經乜都夠皮啦! |
mcc_2001![]() 165.xxx.xxx.150 |
2014-04-24 09:44 |
[#10] 是否每一位發燒友的心聲呢?嘻嘻 想你死好內,好心幫你抹吓對喇叭又話會整花鋼琴面,行近d套機又話唔得,開呢聽又話會整壞,阿之阿咗,現在舒服晒^^ |
tmcc2006![]() 14.xxx.xxx.199 |
2014-04-24 13:15 |
[#11] 是否每一位發燒友的心聲呢?嘻嘻 早知賣到咁多錢, 呀, 你早走早著, 話之你!!咁就死不眼閉啦 |
254mm![]() 219.xxx.xxx.28 |
2014-04-24 13:21 |
[#12] 是否每一位發燒友的心聲呢?嘻嘻 你老婆發現咁貴,佢可能都不知幾開心!套現買返十個八個名牌手袋啦! |
albertmoto![]() 123.xxx.xxx.135 |
2014-04-24 13:29 |
[#13] 是否每一位發燒友的心聲呢?嘻嘻 女人心, 海底針 |
254mm![]() 219.xxx.xxx.28 |
2014-04-24 13:31 |
[#14] 是否每一位發燒友的心聲呢?嘻嘻 #2 你真係可以咁老定? hehehe |
parcolee![]() 58.xxx.xxx.55 |
2014-04-24 14:01 |
[#15] 是否每一位發燒友的心聲呢?嘻嘻 #8 haha, that's definitely not my own system and I have no wifes, this is just I copied from one 9gag post. |
parcolee![]() 58.xxx.xxx.55 |
2014-04-24 14:06 |
[#16] 是否每一位發燒友的心聲呢?嘻嘻 當然可以! |
spyder![]() 120.xxx.xxx.176 |
2014-04-24 19:32 |
[#17] 是否每一位發燒友的心聲呢?嘻嘻 Parco, you are luckier than I thought, no wife(s) to look over your shoulder? ...yet ! You can do whatever you want ...... ? |
ll77hk![]() 210.xxx.xxx.70 |
2014-04-25 09:13 |
[#18] 是否每一位發燒友的心聲呢?嘻嘻 hehe, luckily my girlfriend doesn't mind so much about I buy any audio things. And we all both open mind and keep freedom space to each other. We agree that we will not marrie and we both don't want any kids. So we both don't have to worry about any limitations restrained by each other. We are just the couple too wanna cohabit together only. Feel free to tell me if you are interested to know more about my actual system. |
parcolee![]() 58.xxx.xxx.55 |
2014-04-25 17:24 |
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