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[#1145] Pass Labs 同好會 唔該晒 |
wahmaylok![]() 183.xxx.xxx.104 |
2021-10-12 10:33 | |
[#1146] Pass Labs 同好會 請問xp12係咪唔使關機?因為前面冇開關掣,所以唔知點樣䦕關 |
wahmaylok![]() 45.xxx.xxx.127 |
2021-12-31 13:38 |
[#1147] Pass Labs 同好會 #1146 All Pass labs Preamp does not have power switch, it is not required to switch off....... the only way to POWER OFF the Preamp is removing teh power cable from the unit. |
blackspin![]() 218.xxx.xxx.149 |
2021-12-31 15:07 |
[#1148] Pass Labs 同好會 咁師兄,係咪可以當Mute係䦕關制? |
wahmaylok![]() 183.xxx.xxx.104 |
2022-01-01 13:18 |
[#1149] Pass Labs 同好會 xp12後面電源線隔離有開關 |
lion97![]() 42.xxx.xxx.170 |
2022-01-01 16:05 |
[#1150] Pass Labs 同好會 photo ![]() |
lion97![]() 42.xxx.xxx.170 |
2022-01-01 16:08 |
[#1151] Pass Labs 同好會 Quote from the manual: https://www.passlabs.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/XP-12_om.pdf Leave it on or turn it off: The XP-12 is designed to be left on all the time. The exception to this might be a case where the preamp will not be used for an extended time - in that case it can be turn off. |
blackspin![]() 218.xxx.xxx.149 |
2022-01-01 17:59 |
[#1152] Pass Labs 同好會 Total power off 重開丶可能要兩日 ~ 一是期才靚聲 禾 JR 不只長on, 也不停比signal 長煲 |
phil.ng![]() 223.xxx.xxx.187 |
2022-01-01 18:51 |
[#1153] Pass Labs 同好會 咁請問咁多位師兄,如果長開部機,唔聽過陣時,應該按Mute 定係扭volume到0好對部機好啲呢? |
wahmaylok![]() 45.xxx.xxx.245 |
2022-01-04 11:27 |
[#1154] Pass Labs 同好會 for me.. Mute. when you press mute, volume auto turn to zero. |
ET![]() 165.xxx.xxx.18 |
2022-01-04 13:18 |
[#1155] Pass Labs 同好會 唔該晒,咁多位師兄 |
wahmaylok![]() 183.xxx.xxx.104 |
2022-01-04 16:20 |
[#1156] Pass Labs 同好會 請教咁多位師兄,X12個搖控pass thru 係有咩用途?唔該 |
wahmaylok![]() 183.xxx.xxx.104 |
2022-02-12 12:12 |
[#1157] Pass Labs 同好會 #1156 It is for using with AV Amplifier, when you connect your AV Amp to the XP12 pass thru input, when you press the button, the volume of XP12 will be set to max. the front channel volume will be adjusted by the AV Amp to your desire level rather than by your XP12 |
blackspin![]() 218.xxx.xxx.149 |
2022-02-12 15:56 |
[#1158] Pass Labs 同好會 “Input 5 is unique in that it is linked with the Home Theater (Unity Gain) function. (The HOME THEATRE FUNCTION is discussed at length later in this manual.) The two select arrows logically control selections of the various inputs to the preamplifier. Before selecting the theatre pass through (pass thru) option, it is imperative that the input device on input number 5 has its gain set to minimum. Failure to follow this precaution could result in a volume level intolerable to both ears and speakers. (The standard 2 volt source component, with the pre-amp set to 0 dB, will drive most power amps to full rated output.) As an added precaution when “pass thru” is selected the volume ramps upto 89. This is to prevent nasty surprises when “pass thru” is selected accidentally. The ramp up sequence can be stopped at any time by hitting any button on the remote. The theater pass through function bears special attention, this function is only available as direct access through the hand held remote control. This function is associated only with input number 5 and has two positions selected with the “pass thru” button on the remote; those two positions, on and off. This function is useful in that it allows the preamplifier to function as a unity buffer (0dB gain at volume step 89) for use with components that best function with their own volume controls, such as surround processors. When the right-front and left-front outputs of the processor are routed through input 5 of the XP-12 (with the gain of the XP-12 set for Unity), the volume will be under full control of the processor and the XP-12’s action will be totally transparent. When the user chooses this setting the software sets the XP-12’s gain to the unity gain setting, regardless of how it was previously configured. When at Unity both left and right level controls on the XP-12 will have a displayed value of 89 (0 dB), You may also set any input to unity (0 dB) by selecting low gain and setting the volume at step 89.” |
phil.ng![]() 223.xxx.xxx.187 |
2022-02-12 16:33 |
[#1159] Pass Labs 同好會 書仔 https://www.passlabs.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/XP-12_om.pdf |
phil.ng![]() 223.xxx.xxx.187 |
2022-02-12 16:34 |
[#1160] Pass Labs 同好會 師兄師姐好,想請教一下我前級係XP12. 後級係X350.5. 喇叭係focal書架,用咩牌子XLR較好,宜家用緊Audioquset. 覺得唔係咁夾,平時聽開人聲,廣東歌最多,可以介紹一下嗎?唔該?????? |
wahmaylok![]() 45.xxx.xxx.33 |
2022-11-09 12:52 |
[#1161] Pass Labs 同好會 [#1160] TRY VDH XLR |
sam2020![]() 123.xxx.xxx.254 |
2022-11-09 15:41 |
[#1162] Pass Labs 同好會 師兄,你好Xp12 駁350效果如何 我用Xp12 駁260.8保持清晰度太強,係咪用錯線呢! |
Kinson1002![]() 49.xxx.xxx.118 |
2022-11-09 16:16 |
[#1163] Pass Labs 同好會 #1160 You may try Cardas Clear Reflection |
Cityu![]() 125.xxx.xxx.71 |
2022-11-09 16:49 |
[#1164] Pass Labs 同好會 now i'm using Oyaide XLR, cheap price and SQ so far OK. |
ET![]() 119.xxx.xxx.45 |
2022-11-09 18:32 |