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影音天地主旨 ﹝請按主旨作出回應﹞ 下頁 尾頁 | 寄件者 | 傳送日期
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[#1] Pass Labs 同好會 I am newcomer of Pass Labs amplifier. I hope ex-user / current user can share your experience My current gears are as follows: 1) Pre-amplifier : Pass Labs X1 2) Power amplifer : Pass Labs X250.5 3) CDP : Esoteric DV-50 4) DAC : Harmonix DAP-777 6) Powercord - Powersnakes Helix Python VX - Pass Labs X1 - Powersnakes Pyton Alpha - Pass Labs X250.5 - Gutwire Powerclef square - DV50 - Synergistic Research Reference A/C Master Coupler X2 - Harmonix DAP-777 7) Interconnect cable Audio note sogon ( DV50 -> X1) Harmonix GP101 SUS (Hamonix DAP-777 ->X1) Cardas Golden Reference (X1 -> X250.5) 8) Speaker Focus Audio FA6888 + TACO HST60 + Audio SPZ jumper 9) Speaker cable Hamonix HS101 10) Power conditioner -CSE E100 MK2 x 2 one for DV50 and Harmonix DAP-777 one for X1 - Foundation III for X250.5 My upgrade plan for future : Speaker - Verify audio ovation monitor Speaker cable - HS101 SLC Conditioner - Hydra 8 or lightspeed CDP - no ideal, may be Gryphon or metronome |
af238897![]() 203.xxx.xxx.52 |
2006-09-12 14:39 | |
[#2] Pass Labs 同好會 My Current set up are: Pass Lab X250.5 Power Amp Pass Lab X1 Pre Amp Metronome T1i Signature CD Player Clearaudio Solution Turnable with tangent arm and Dynavector XX2 MKII Head Trichord Phono amp JM Lab Micro Utopia Be Foundation Design II Spaeker Stand TAOC PTS-F Audioquest Volcano 8ft DBS 72V Speaker Cable Audioquest Cheetah DBS 72V XLR (Power amp to Pre amp) Siltech SQ88 MKII XLR (CDP to Pre) Clearaudio Silver line RCA to phono amp Siltech SQ28 MKII RCA (Phono to Pre amp) Orignal Power Cord to (Power Amp, Pre Amp and CD Player) Power Supply using Isotek Titan with GII orion |
Sunnytang![]() 218.xxx.xxx.4 |
2006-09-12 16:05 |
[#3] Pass Labs 同好會 借問聲,X1用GAIN ON or OFF 唔該! |
woho![]() 219.xxx.xxx.35 |
2006-09-15 16:16 |
[#4] Pass Labs 同好會 X1 個gain袛可用low or hi,無得on or off |
豬肚肚![]() 203.xxx.xxx.145 |
2006-09-15 17:40 |
[#5] Pass Labs 同好會 豬肚肚, Oh!我攪錯左...咁你用low or high? |
woho![]() 219.xxx.xxx.35 |
2006-09-15 17:46 |
[#6] Pass Labs 同好會 low |
豬肚肚![]() 203.xxx.xxx.145 |
2006-09-15 18:10 |
[#7] Pass Labs 同好會 X1 Set low gain! 豬肚肚, 部X1ok嗎? |
Sunnytang![]() 59.xxx.xxx.183 |
2006-09-16 00:02 |
[#8] Pass Labs 同好會 Sunnytang X1 幾好................. 不過都係唔夠 Gryphon prelude咁好,由期係人聲,X1人聲無咁潤,尾音仲有小小"拆"都唔知點解?唔知係唔係條喇叭線引起? Sunnytang 係呢,你條AQ volcano 係乜聲底? 挾唔挾我? 衰佬yeung man條kimber又未放!!!你幾時得閒?等yeung man屋企無人就..... |
豬肚肚![]() 219.xxx.xxx.244 |
2006-09-16 13:48 |
[#9] Pass Labs 同好會 豬肚兄,你講呢個問題我都有,我想唔係線材問題,或者可唔可以用特性來形容! |
73928![]() 218.xxx.xxx.124 |
2006-09-16 14:59 |
[#10] Pass Labs 同好會 就係囉!!!!! 自從由Gryphon prelude換讂1後讔n變驉A俾隻 "" 哦鰲X日,話點解齯H把聲"鞋拾拾"鵅H無以前咁好聽鵅H又話我唔適聽洁I越聽越差............... |
豬肚肚![]() 219.xxx.xxx.188 |
2006-09-16 16:09 |
[#11] Pass Labs 同好會 豬肚肚兄, 咁你老細隻耳都幾 OK 仔喎 ,而你就每絮V下bor...........^^ |
笨喵喵![]() 219.xxx.xxx.188 |
2006-09-16 16:37 |
[#12] Pass Labs 同好會 豬肚肚兄,我都是用x1前級,但我不覺有你的問題,是不是cd機的輸出太強而有影,我的cd機是cary 303/300 |
data![]() 202.xxx.xxx.100 |
2006-09-16 21:01 |
[#13] Pass Labs 同好會 豬肚肚兄, AQ volcano 質感強烈, 中性, 沒有突出某個頻段, 我唔知條AQ volcano 夾唔夾你對802, 你之前用 Gryphon prelude聲比較濃厚, 但係我用X1人聲係無咁濃, 可能你聽唔慣, 我覺得聲好滑沒有粗, 你說尾音仲有小小"拆"都唔知點解?唔知係唔係條喇叭線引起? 你條喇叭線咁雞, 好心買條好d喇! ^^ |
Sunnytang![]() 59.xxx.xxx.202 |
2006-09-16 22:21 |
[#14] Pass Labs 同好會 豬肚肚, Young Man成套野過檔俾你, 他之前用緊X1沒有人把聲"鞋拾拾喎, 係咪你條喇叭線, CD機作怪呀? ^^ |
Sunnytang![]() 59.xxx.xxx.202 |
2006-09-16 22:24 |
[#15] Pass Labs 同好會 sunnytang kimber KS3033 speaker cable有乜評價呀,有人放喎...... |
豬肚肚![]() 203.xxx.xxx.60 |
2006-09-17 01:42 |
[#16] Pass Labs 同好會 豬肚肚兄, kimber KS3033 speaker cable我未用過唔知乜個性, 如果你唸kimber, 不如唸下Taralab Vector1 speaker Cable 多d分析力, 我問過人q夾 B&W 喇叭! |
Sunnytang![]() 59.xxx.xxx.171 |
2006-09-17 21:12 |
[#17] Pass Labs 同好會 我都係用X1,開始時都覺得D樂器好大,過幾天後,聲音有改善,早前將 Wadia 及 X1換左條AET PC 之後,聲音濃厚,口型更細,更3D,等換多條 Silvercom XLR,哈哈哈哈........... |
heman123![]() 202.xxx.xxx.132 |
2006-09-19 18:13 |
[#18] Pass Labs 同好會 herman123,我等緊你部X1! |
73928![]() 218.xxx.xxx.124 |
2006-09-19 18:56 |
[#19] Pass Labs 同好會 豬肚肚兄 咁依家D 聲點?老世收唔收貨? |
heman123![]() 219.xxx.xxx.53 |
2006-09-19 21:07 |
[#20] Pass Labs 同好會 豬肚肚兄 D聲仲係鬆郁朦? |
Sunnytang![]() 59.xxx.xxx.223 |
2006-09-19 21:15 |