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[#441] Kenwood Turntable Fans Each of the ic... U can check the high and low of some pin... And luckily all of the ic are avaiable.... Just take time... Haha a lot of time... As more than 10 ic for that motor circuit... If u have luck... Only one ic having issue.. As if one of the gate is on.. It may read 6v..Bd other gate is off.. It may read 0.5V... So if it has that high and low wrong.. Then that ic fail or the transistor attached to it is bad.. Etc... Not difficult.. Just time... Good table indeed 最後修改時間: 2021-01-27 11:41:56 |
hahayanyan 正式會員 49.xxx.xxx.189 |
2021-01-27 11:40 | |
[#442] Kenwood Turntable Fans 我話我係自修,小學雞一名,不是專門修理員,所以撞彩,逐粒換,有次撞中第一粒,有次第六粒 |
Cominox 正式會員 124.xxx.xxx.22 |
2021-01-27 12:26 |
[#443] Kenwood Turntable Fans 我都是自修的, 但如果我搞唔掂有電子工程師幫我執手尾haha lucky 一點 你都算好彩呀可以第一粒中, 亦沒有其他 古怪嘅問題 而我最大嘅問題係 soldering 手工時好時差 sometime very bad... Haha 成日搞甩咗啲pcb銅膜.. 要飛線 Haha 最後修改時間: 2021-01-27 13:24:07 |
hahayanyan 正式會員 49.xxx.xxx.189 |
2021-01-27 13:22 |
[#444] Kenwood Turntable Fans 係,,哩塊板厚,甩ic有點難度,我用愚蠢法先cut斷ic腳,這方法希望幫到自修師兄弟 |
Cominox 正式會員 124.xxx.xxx.22 |
2021-01-27 14:34 |
[#445] Kenwood Turntable Fans 這個手段都是好多老師傅採用的 |
hahayanyan 正式會員 49.xxx.xxx.189 |
2021-01-27 16:40 |
[#446] Kenwood Turntable Fans 我又剛整好一部KP-7070即日本版KD-650, 雖然有 service manual 但D字又細又濛, 我都費事跟, 索性將全部舊RCA IC換哂佢搏一搏結果又得, 十幾蚊已經可以係淘寶搵到哂同型號, 因為底板係雙面, 所以我都係要用師兄方法將舊IC腳剪斷來做 |
28923 正式會員 110.xxx.xxx.164 |
2021-01-27 22:01 |
[#447] Kenwood Turntable Fans 剛收到件L-07D,十分新淨 |
studiogrey 正式會員 42.xxx.xxx.229 |
2021-10-05 08:24 |
[#448] Kenwood Turntable Fans #447 So nice... Some said.. It will ve even better if add some shielding #446 咁好彩 Haha 最後修改時間: 2021-10-05 09:02:27 |
hahayanyan 正式會員 113.xxx.xxx.244 |
2021-10-05 09:02 |
[#449] Kenwood Turntable Fans kd-500 蓋個 臂 壞左 唔 知有冇 得整? |
m1 正式會員 210.xxx.xxx.146 |
2024-05-21 15:52 |