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影音天地主旨 ﹝請按主旨作出回應﹞ 下頁 尾頁 | 寄件者 | 傳送日期 |
[#1] 換高音問題 請問各位師兄大大因為有一邊高音無咗聲,想拆出來攞去整旦係唔知點拆,係咪要撕咗塊野先拆到?唔該曬 |
appleseed 正式會員 123.xxx.xxx.232 |
2022-11-25 20:24 | |
[#2] 換高音問題 Re |
appleseed 正式會員 123.xxx.xxx.232 |
2022-11-25 20:30 |
[#3] 換高音問題 起阻面塊野應該就見到螺絲,如果怕自己手勢唔好俾人整好d |
kx14cp1 正式會員 61.xxx.xxx.222 |
2022-11-25 22:53 |
[#4] 換高音問題 唔該曬師兄! |
appleseed 正式會員 123.xxx.xxx.232 |
2022-11-26 06:24 |
[#5] 換高音問題 見你都拆咗低音螺絲、先檢查分音器、度下高音有冇short咗 |
Ck2007 正式會員 110.xxx.xxx.193 |
2022-11-26 08:22 |
[#6] 換高音問題 師兄應該點樣度?我試度過高音正負不通,中音就通 |
appleseed 正式會員 14.xxx.xxx.127 |
2022-11-26 09:12 |
[#7] 換高音問題 我都係識皮毛、喇叭單元甩線度唔通即燒咗要換 |
Ck2007 正式會員 182.xxx.xxx.55 |
2022-11-26 09:32 |
[#8] 換高音問題 唔該曬師兄!不過塊絨布貼得好實好難攪 |
appleseed 正式會員 14.xxx.xxx.127 |
2022-11-26 11:20 |
[#9] 換高音問題 有茅背面+-接線插座相片看? |
CS168 正式會員 1.xxx.xxx.56 |
2022-11-26 11:57 |
[#10] 換高音問題 re |
appleseed 正式會員 14.xxx.xxx.127 |
2022-11-26 13:41 |
[#11] 換高音問題 呢啲手藝嘢睇似簡單做落要好精細,又無原廠布,不如考慮返原廠整啦! 最後修改時間: 2022-11-26 17:14:51 |
V.C 正式會員 58.xxx.xxx.22 |
2022-11-26 17:12 |
[#12] 換高音問題 step 1) apply heat..and gently peel that off..partially or completely step 2 ) measure the thickness for that material step 3) remove glue it may take u 3 mins or less to peel that off...........and 10 mins to remove those old glue... step 4) ....good luck for putting it back .... why step 2....... as it may fail and super ugly as we know the thickness now.. go to taobao ...buy similar material , laser cut them also taobao........according to your drawing...with some luck,...those material may have self adhesive too suppose it shall change the high frequency responds if the material are very different oversize the edges... trim it or...excat................... u may also ale to get those "cut " of that from the Marker too......... , they may send u free toooooo 最後修改時間: 2022-11-26 17:31:02 |
hahayanyan 正式會員 121.xxx.xxx.251 |
2022-11-26 17:20 |
[#13] 換高音問題 I would suggest you ask sole agent how much it cost to repair first. Handicraft has a learning curve and most importantly, factory may send the driver and spare mat for replacement. |
BenYC 正式會員 219.xxx.xxx.159 |
2022-11-26 17:41 |
[#14] 換高音問題 唔該曬師兄!已問代理等緊覆 |
appleseed 正式會員 123.xxx.xxx.232 |
2022-11-26 19:55 |
[#15] 換高音問題 如果拆開咗低音,可以用塊鏡申入箱裡面,睇下高音後邊是怎樣安裝的,唔知會唔會係扣,一扭就開。 最後修改時間: 2022-11-26 21:50:31 |
bao19922002 會員 218.xxx.xxx.232 |
2022-11-26 21:49 |
[#16] 換高音問題 我睇下得唔得先唔該師兄 |
appleseed 正式會員 123.xxx.xxx.232 |
2022-11-26 22:09 |
[#17] 換高音問題 背後低音槽 " 反射孔 " 都可以照到高音,結構, 部份低音膠槽管道,係可以小心取出。 |
CS168 正式會員 1.xxx.xxx.56 |
2022-11-26 22:59 |
[#18] 換高音問題 攪唔店甩唔到都係要等代理覆。 |
appleseed 正式會員 123.xxx.xxx.232 |
2022-11-27 17:18 |
[#19] 換高音問題 可以從背後脫出高音, and get it out from the woofer hole, 以及不需要移除這塊布 機會很低很低 Dealer 的維修手工 for glue 塊面 不見得會畀任何人出色 If the maker happy to sell u A few pcs of that..first may mostly ugly, however 2nd or 3rd attempt may ending up nice.. So it is quite essential to get a few pcs from maker or cut ourself Cannot see 我們任何一個人會做得比較差, or 比較好, is about luck and the learning from the first attempt Good luck Such a nice speaker.. And good looking speaker.. 最後修改時間: 2022-11-27 17:25:40 |
hahayanyan 正式會員 121.xxx.xxx.65 |
2022-11-27 17:25 |
[#20] 換高音問題 I think the front panel diffusion sticker is just like my speaker, but the Verity Audio one is more rigid and hard to remove.......... mine is more easily to replace My driver unit screw can be seen after remove the diffusion sticker, I think the Verity Audio should be the same |
blackspin 正式會員 203.xxx.xxx.172 |
2022-11-27 17:31 |